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peter388 30-05-2012 02:21 PM

Re: MF tried raw on VIVI

Originally Posted by Kalv (Post 7273262)
To all Geylang OKTs/Samsters: Raw/Rumours on Raw/STDs are bad for Geylang business. RAW endangers the lives of everyone!! Most customers will play safe and switch to Fls/MPs/HCs/Petain/JB. Hopefully this is not sabo/trouble created by OKTs for FLs who have been hit by bad business because of the under-age WL with 48 charged - many customers have switched to Geylang.

Recommendations to all Geylang OKTs :

1) Inform all WLs to sound alarm/complain to OKTs.
2) OKT to detain him (do not injure) call Police and file a Police Report. AV will act on report and send him for HIV/STDs tests. His friends/family will be aware. Can even call the press hotlines!!
3) Remember to take his photo with HP. Post it on Sammyboyfor to warn/blacklist him.
4) All OKTs should co-operate to prevent further occurences - your ricebowls.
5) Also highly recommends all Samsters/OKTs to zap Samsters who do raw(including their friends) /spread rumours about raw/STDs.

Wishing all a nice day. :) Cheers.

P/S - Please stick to FRs and own experiences. Sammyboyfor/Moderators will zap for wasting bandwith. Every post will be zapped -6pts with "sam" as nick.

Hi bros, I would like to talk about the criminal aspect of forcing a wl to do raw.

A wl has the right of private defence if a customer tries to perform a non-sensensual raw or unprotected sex on her. She could resist the attempt of the culprit with reasonable force.

She should also alert the OKT who could make a citizen arrest of that curlprit and call in the police and hand that person to police for investigation. If the police finds sufficient ground for prosecution under Penal Code (Chapter 224), the case will be referred to the Attorney General for review and action. The possible charges could be 1. voluntarily causing grievous hurt 2. rape.

If the culprit is convicted by the court, penalty could be severe : caning and a jail sentence. There will be a lot of bad and adverse publicity for the fellow. There are known overseas convictions. I am not sure if there is such a conviction in Singapore. Be mindful, bros.

DISCLAIMERS: this is a simplified layman's view and the writer makes no representations and accepts no responsibility or liability to its completeness and accuracy. You are advised to seek advice from a qualified Singapore lawyer if you need clarification or legal opinion.

omnia 30-05-2012 04:07 PM

The World According To Alejandro88 aka Royal.Chimp aka Green Lantern
my dear Alejandro88 aka Royal.Chimp aka Green Lantern

oh my oh my, now Royal.Chimp is suppose to be my clone?!...this one really takes the cake...guess it is indeed time for me to call it an end since u now appear to be a drowning man clutching at straws! is noteworthy tat u now take 3posts to reply to my 1...if this is not mentally obessed i really do not know wat is?!...but wait, i think yr earlier posts which i hv pasted below clearly demonstrate that "this is a true blue behaviour of a person who has gone berserk, became(sic) irrational and who is obsessed"...

i hv deliberately exposed yr character for wat u really r becuz to me this time u hv crossed the red line...u wanna attack me r other samsters r OKTs go ahead...we hv the option to deal wif u...however when it cums to mms, this is a totally different thing altogether...idle gossip n chatter is one thing...but when it cums to potentially breaking an mm's rice bowl than i think tat is totally is unjust n unfair to the mms as they hv no way of presenting their own case...u talk so big abt factual evidence and concrete proof but when it cums to yr unfounded unwarranted nasty malicious attack agst the mm it was purely based on conjecture, guesswork, speculation n hearsay nothing else...

now as for the clones issue...u r clearly out of yr depth on this one by now hving to allege tat i am Royal.Chimp...look i hv said before in a post abv tat i hv upped Alejandro88 n Royal.Chimp, heck i think i may hv even upped Green Lantern before...quite ironic i sld say! i guess tat makes me u right?!...more imptly, my position wrt Cuntking/Tommy/1612(formerly 1637) goes bk many yrs way way before 2010 when u appeared to cum on the scene in i said previously there is alot of history behind my position viz Cuntking/Tommy/1612(formerly 1637)...the records in Cuntking's Party thread will irrefutably demonstrate tat i hv never resorted to clones while i hv made my position known loud, clear n consistently...i call it like i c it...i call a spade a spade...n i dont need to hide behind clones to express my povs...i hv nothing to hide...saying that, i maintain tat wat u hv done by dragging innocent parties into this present matter, using their names in vain to lamely try n save yr skin is unfair to them...

finally if anyone has closely followed yr posts, in particular Royal.Chimp n Alejandro88, whenever both their cage n chain has been rattled n yanked respectively, it is self evident tat Royal.Chimp n Alejandro88 r indeed one n the same person...sadly n unfortunately for u, u cannot mask yr true personality...

as always i shall leave it to all the other samsters to draw their own conclusions...perhaps the following posts can further assist...follow the dots...

btw looks like Alejandro88 aka Royal.Chimp aka Green Lantern has an axe to grind wif alot of OKTs...wif a "friend" like him who needs enemies eh?!...

Toodles & Good day to U

Originally Posted by Alejandro88
One fellow tried to shut my mouth from exposing the dirty laundry of L2062 and L1651 by zapping me. This is really very dirty. Let me tell you, even if you zap me to moderation, I will still be around. Wakakakaka!! No use lah!!! The more you zap me, the more you have "something" to hide!! Wakakakakak!!!!

Originally Posted by Royal.Chimp
This murtherfuger must be the OKT Ka Han or his brother!!! Hey, why u so free? No business arh? No need to serve tea to your customers arh? Must be no business, thats why so free to post at SBF. I dun see any fuckshop owners so free like you! You must be most of the time swapping houseflies at your L1431, tio boh? Wakakakakakakaka!! I pity your Mei Ting, Wang Fei, Coco, etc. Joined a house with lousy okts!!! Pui!!! Wakakakakakakakaka!!!!!

Originally Posted by Royal.Chimp
All the wl in 1431 is fully aware of this nakasimilanjiao misdeed and they will be wary of her. All the wl feel awkward serving this nakasmilanjiao but this fucking thick skin nakasimilanjiao come to book the wls. So the wls told him not to look for them anymore as they won't serve him wholeheartely and they also feel awkward as Wang Fei is their good buddies! The wls know this nakasimilanjiao is the bloody son-the-bitch who made things difficult for Wang Fei as well as their boss. So this fucking nakasimilanjiao feel embarassed and shameful and will not know find the wl anymore. All these from the horse mouth. Those brothers who patronize 1431 wl recently can tactfully check with the wl about this. My buddies and I checked already. This is the best proves against nalasimilanjiao. What this nakasimilanjiao said is only one sided story and Wang Fei is not around anymore to voice up now! Maybe snr brother M-Priest can say something since he has recently upped Coco and I am sure Snr Brother M-Priest know something

Originally Posted by Alejandro88
Mr Hypocrite aka Virtual Whore Hero wanabe (but a coward in real life whilst cheonging in GL) aka Omnia! Trying to redeem yourself and trying to make yourself feel better after your defamation attacks on Snr bruddar Cuntking & OKT Tommy? Too bad, what was done cannot be undone! Of course the posts of yours are very very relevant! I have to illustrate your past defamation and degrading posts against these 2 above-mentioned gentlemen to show to the SBF community what kind of person you are and to prove that I did not make baseless accusation that you are a hypocrite and an obsessed person per se!

Originally Posted by Alejandro88
Yes bruddah, Chimpy is like the cyborg in the movie, The Terminator .......... "I'll be back!". LOL! My observation for the past one year on Chimpy is this persona was created and programmed to attack certain group of samsters when provoked, be it in this forum or in GL arena. If you observe carefully, there are certain group of samsters here he treated with respect. I do not need to list up who as you can see it with your own eyes.

If one is not guilty and if our conscience is clear, why should we be bothered by what he posted? Why do we need to continue to get into a cyber confrontation with him knowing that he would never stop attacking if you continue to be defensive just like the Nakamitchi chap?? The worse is, don't ever enter a cyber sparring with him if the matter in question is none of your business (referring to Nato). This will add alot of unnecessary & unpleasant flaming in this forum. Nato even insulted his mother which I think is uncalled for!

Come on guys, we are already stressed up with the drudgery of our careers/workloads. Therefore, do not bog down with this mundane matter. This forum is supposed to help us to ease our stress. Chimpy may be provocative and irritating at times, however he can be a colourful persona here as there were many things he posted which are quite true & enlightening. I am sure I am not the only one who agreed on this aspect.

Peace to all bruddahs!!!


Originally Posted by Royal.Chimp View Post
Exactly!! He either got FOC fuck on OKT Tommy's WLs or a cut on Tommy's WL earnings or he is a minor share holder of L1612. That is why relentlessly promoting and supporting the Lan Jiao fuck shop - L1612!!

Alejandro88 30-05-2012 04:53 PM

It looks like U are mentally ill!!
Mr Hypocrite aka Virtual Whore Hero Wannabe (but a coward at large in reality) aka Omnia the mentally ill samster!

Wahahahahaha!!! Clap Clap Clap once again for your hard work! Muahahahaha!!

You call it concrete and factual proof? Can you be smarter?? OMFG!! By pasting the posts from RC and mine here can be considered solid evidence? Where is the corelation between RC's posts and my posts?? C'mom, give me a break lah, Mr Hypocrite, I guess you are really mentally ill! Sometime I do not know whether I should pity you or laugh at you for being silly and simple minded! You are one poor clone catcher!

Anyway, I am not going to waste my time entertaining you anymore as this is my last post to you on this subject unless you can provide us with more solid and concrete evidence!

Good luck and continue to be your virtual whore hero here!!!! No one is going to stop you! Muahahahahaha!!!!!!


Originally Posted by omnia (Post 7278188)
my dear Alejandro88 aka Royal.Chimp aka Green Lantern

oh my oh my, now Royal.Chimp is suppose to be my clone?!...this one really takes the cake...guess it is indeed time for me to call it an end since u now appear to be a drowning man clutching at straws! is noteworthy tat u now take 3posts to reply to my 1...if this is not mentally obessed i really do not know wat is?!...but wait, i think yr earlier posts which i hv pasted below clearly demonstrate that "this is a true blue behaviour of a person who has gone berserk, became(sic) irrational and who is obsessed"...

i hv deliberately exposed yr character for wat u really r becuz to me this time u hv crossed the red line...u wanna attack me r other samsters r OKTs go ahead...we hv the option to deal wif u...however when it cums to mms, this is a totally different thing altogether...idle gossip n chatter is one thing...but when it cums to potentially breaking an mm's rice bowl than i think tat is totally is unjust n unfair to the mms as they hv no way of presenting their own case...u talk so big abt factual evidence and concrete proof but when it cums to yr unfounded unwarranted nasty malicious attack agst the mm it was purely based on conjecture, guesswork, speculation n hearsay nothing else...

now as for the clones issue...u r clearly out of yr depth on this one by now hving to allege tat i am Royal.Chimp...look i hv said before in a post abv tat i hv upped Alejandro88 n Royal.Chimp, heck i think i may hv even upped Green Lantern before...quite ironic i sld say! i guess tat makes me u right?!...more imptly, my position wrt Cuntking/Tommy/1612(formerly 1637) goes bk many yrs way way before 2010 when u appeared to cum on the scene in i said previously there is alot of history behind my position viz Cuntking/Tommy/1612(formerly 1637)...the records in Cuntking's Party thread will irrefutably demonstrate tat i hv never resorted to clones while i hv made my position known loud, clear n consistently...i call it like i c it...i call a spade a spade...n i dont need to hide behind clones to express my povs...i hv nothing to hide...saying that, i maintain tat wat u hv done by dragging innocent parties into this present matter, using their names in vain to lamely try n save yr skin is unfair to them...

finally if anyone has closely followed yr posts, in particular Royal.Chimp n Alejandro88, whenever both their cage n chain has been rattled n yanked respectively, it is self evident tat Royal.Chimp n Alejandro88 r indeed one n the same person...sadly n unfortunately for u, u cannot mask yr true personality...

as always i shall leave it to all the other samsters to draw their own conclusions...perhaps the following posts can further assist...follow the dots...

btw looks like Alejandro88 aka Royal.Chimp aka Green Lantern has an axe to grind wif alot of OKTs...wif a "friend" like him who needs enemies eh?!...

Toodles & Good day to U

Kalv 30-05-2012 06:24 PM

MF tried raw on VIVI

Originally Posted by peter388 (Post 7277742)
.. criminal aspect .. forcing a wl to..raw.

A wl .. right of private defence...non-sensensual raw or unprotected sex on her. ... resist the attempt .. with reasonable force.

... OKT ...make a citizen arrest .. call .. police ... prosecution under Penal Code (Chapter 224),.. possible charges could be 1) voluntarily causing grievous hurt 2) rape.

If ... convicted .. caning and a jail .. a lot of bad and adverse publicity ...

3) Charged with attempted murder if got AIDs and is aware:
Exctract: "A rapist who knew he was infected with HIV, yet still raped a woman, was sent to jail for life after his convictions of attempted murder and rape ... " :) Cheers.

HIV Infection + Rape = Attempted Murder

sams11 30-05-2012 11:55 PM

Re: MF tried raw on VIVI

Originally Posted by peter388 (Post 7277742)
Hi bros, I would like to talk about the criminal aspect of forcing a wl to do raw.

A wl has the right of private defence if a customer tries to perform a non-sensensual raw or unprotected sex on her. She could resist the attempt of the culprit with reasonable force.

She should also alert the OKT who could make a citizen arrest of that curlprit and call in the police and hand that person to police for investigation. If the police finds sufficient ground for prosecution under Penal Code (Chapter 224), the case will be referred to the Attorney General for review and action. The possible charges could be 1. voluntarily causing grievous hurt 2. rape.

If the culprit is convicted by the court, penalty could be severe : caning and a jail sentence. There will be a lot of bad and adverse publicity for the fellow. There are known overseas convictions. I am not sure if there is such a conviction in Singapore. Be mindful, bros.

DISCLAIMERS: this is a simplified layman's view and the writer makes no representations and accepts no responsibility or liability to its completeness and accuracy. You are advised to seek advice from a qualified Singapore lawyer if you need clarification or legal opinion.

Bros, a good warning to reckless fellows who dare to force raw on wls.

sams11 31-05-2012 12:00 AM

Re: It looks like U are mentally ill!!

Originally Posted by Alejandro88 (Post 7278380)
Mr Hypocrite aka Virtual Whore Hero Wannabe (but a coward at large in reality) aka Omnia the mentally ill samster!

Wahahahahaha!!! Clap Clap Clap once again for your hard work! Muahahahaha!!

You call it concrete and factual proof? Can you be smarter?? OMFG!! By pasting the posts from RC and mine here can be considered solid evidence? Where is the corelation between RC's posts and my posts?? C'mom, give me a break lah, Mr Hypocrite, I guess you are really mentally ill! Sometime I do not know whether I should pity you or laugh at you for being silly and simple minded! You are one poor clone catcher!

Anyway, I am not going to waste my time entertaining you anymore as this is my last post to you on this subject unless you can provide us with more solid and concrete evidence!

Good luck and continue to be your virtual whore hero here!!!! No one is going to stop you! Muahahahahaha!!!!!!

Bros of both parties, could we have peace in the forum? We are here to read FRs and enjoy our next calls to wls not be a judge of who is right and who is wrong. Peace please!!!

weeep 31-05-2012 12:10 AM

Re: MF tried raw on VIVI

Originally Posted by Kalv (Post 7278711)
3) Charged with attempted murder if got AIDs and is aware:
Exctract: "A rapist who knew he was infected with HIV, yet still raped a woman, was sent to jail for life after his convictions of attempted murder and rape ... " :) Cheers.

HIV Infection + Rape = Attempted Murder

Hi both bros, you are right! I support you.

Hi bros peter388

m600 31-05-2012 12:46 AM

Re: L16h6 - Vivi

Originally Posted by Kalv (Post 7276428)
PM from m600, his mailbox full - PM reply (below) rejected.

Zapped 2 pts?? This could be the MF/his friends .

Will Upz U in future with +7 (2 months time). Take it easy - Be happy - Upz/Zap is SBF. Please clear your mailbox. All the best. :) Cheers.

P/S -Hope some kind/righteous seniors will help him.

Bro Kalv, i didn't make out story..i was very angry with dat mother fuxker doing dat to WL..before this i got 29point den bcom 12 now zero..v sad dat got zapped by the MF and his friends ...

bonkning 31-05-2012 09:29 AM

Re: L16h6
getting zap is normal, got points no points also lidat. like they say,
'it is not going to give u any fucking discount' :D

Ken88999 31-05-2012 11:21 AM

Re: L16h6 - Vivi

Originally Posted by m600 (Post 7280012)
Bro Kalv, i didn't make out story..i was very angry with dat mother fuxker doing dat to WL..before this i got 29point den bcom 12 now zero..v sad dat got zapped by the MF and his friends ...

For d beginning u start fr agains wat u said ( muther fcuker ) for vivi... Dun u already prepare u'll get zap by them huh!!!! Y dun keep still on yr position n do
More proof to show all here Samsters d truth is... Or just tin tat d fr will helping
U add more point huh! I believe d samster here eyes was bright!!!! If u r on d right side they surely show u supports!!!!!

Tis few day din do any fr i also zap by someone else!!!!!!!
Wat do u tin bro??? Hahaha!!!! No big deal la bro!!!!

baotohk 01-06-2012 03:04 AM

Re: L16h6
One should never force raw unless raw activities is consensual. It applies to the WL also. There are few WL who will insert raw without informing after they are familiar with you. I think we need to have more respect as well.

Can we call the cops too?

For those who are scared, please take all the precautions to minimize your exposure.

You will not be able to tell who is performing it and i don't see why there are so many post to argue about this.

peter388 01-06-2012 11:03 AM

Re: L16h6

Originally Posted by baotohk (Post 7284149)
One should never force raw unless raw activities is consensual. It applies to the WL also. There are few WL who will insert raw without informing after they are familiar with you. I think we need to have more respect as well.

Can we call the cops too?

For those who are scared, please take all the precautions to minimize your exposure.

You will not be able to tell who is performing it and i don't see why there are so many post to argue about this.

Hi bro, you bought up an interesting issue. I had a similar experience in the past. My regular wl and I were involved in a very friendly discussion, heavy petting and frenching in one session. She forgot that she had not put on the CD for me and led my didi to her vagina. I politely stopped her and she immediately apologized and washed my didi clean and helped me to wear the rain coat for the action. We laughed over the matter. I did not mentioned it to the OKT and continued to patronise her.

I would suggest that bros to be discreet in handling the situation. First, tell the wl politely that you don't want raw sex. If she complies, you could let the matter rest. If the wl ignores your instruction and continues with the act, then you should inform the OKT about this unpleasent incident. If he does not take action or becomes unreasonable toward you, your could report it to AV.

AV takes a serious view on this matter and will conduct investigation. A police officer will take your statement and will call in the wl and her OKT for interviews. If it turns to be a bona fida case. The wl may either be suspended for a certain period or sent back to her Chinese kampong. OKT may get a warning or the brothel may be suspended for some time.

I believe if we treat a wl humanely, she would reciprocate.

Kalv 02-06-2012 08:24 AM

WLs' Sweet Hearts (Tiraks, 愛人s)

Originally Posted by peter388 (Post 7284913)
AV ..will conduct investigation. ..police ..take your statement ... interviews. .. bona fida .. wl .. suspended ..or sent back ..OKT ..get..warning .. brothel .. suspended ...

WLs are also human/lonely - wants to be loved. Some (angpais) may offer specials to regulars - they like (young/ handsome/ rich). Never recommended to go into a relationship with a WL - many problems/complications. Most likely, many others (tiraks) too - look at the number of toothbrushes in the toilet!! WL found with sperm during check up will most likely be sent home - OKT/House will also be in trouble.

Will Upz U today when recover power. Wishing all a nice weekend. :) Cheers

Honestkeith 02-06-2012 10:01 AM

Re: The World According To Alejandro88 aka Royal.Chimp aka Green Lantern
Dear Samsters

I am new to this forum, in fact just joined like a week ago, I had been reading a lot of post on most of the interesting topics in the forum way back to approx 2 months ago. I must say i was pleasantly surprised at the unreserved generosity of the members to share the joys and experience sometimes even very vividly with fellow Samsters both newbies and veterans which in real life we can hardly find unless he or she is a real good friend whom you can confide with totally. This i must rate an A for the forum but unfortunately, lately this forum have become a civil war between 2 / 3 camps voicing personal displeasures etc , which is definitely not helping anyone here reading the posts. Thus i would think that the parties involved should refrain and stop further dialogue on the issue and let the matter rest, which i believed all samsters would also wish for as our main aim coming to read the forum is for fr on the WL that all members have visited and possibly go for the good ones recommended here in the forum. It would be up to the members here to believe what was posted and if found not to be true or have a different experience other than that written than its up to them to voice it out or not return to the house and not trust anymore those post, posted by that member which may be deceiving in nature. Thus kindly stop further debate on the matter or i would think the administrator should come in and put a stop to that if necessary. Thank You!

unfit 02-06-2012 11:06 AM

Re: WLs' Sweet Hearts (Tiraks, 愛人s)

Originally Posted by Kalv (Post 7288336)
look at the number of toothbrushes in the toilet!!

well done bro...I love your toothbrush example...:D

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