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meatlover 28-09-2009 06:57 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by BtmMan (Post 4148912)

You no need make, I see your face I steam liao :o

Lidat must upgrade the bintangs to blue label liao. :D

BtmMan 28-09-2009 07:01 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by meatlover (Post 4148908)

And frankly speaking, I haven't seen this type of quality in Batam for a few years liao, even the chances of seeing is very very seldom. Now gal standard in Batam have dropped drastically. This type of quality like is kinda untouchable. Meaning, already being kept or not selling type. Unless you got 10-20juta to burn per month to sponsor her, then maybe she'll consider. But you'll not have exclusiveness with her. :D

NBzzz dun know what fuck photo you posted, can only see 2 frogs there.
But I guess you are talking about that sexy babe grade, so call Vic 1 's sayang?
KNN this grade 10-20 juta a month you think she'll let you keep?
Try consider per week with that budget lah, otherwise she'll tell you to go keep that 2 frogs...

skyfree 28-09-2009 08:27 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by BtmMan (Post 4148718)
If Batam really have nice indo Chinese WL, then those clubs don't have to bring in the PRC liao.
It's the same logic, try looking for a good and nice nasi padang restaurant when you are in China?
You may find one, but it'll be sub standard + over priced!

Bro, you seems to be a nice guy, see when you going to Batam again and if I'm around I'll bring you go eat nice nasi padang ;)

ya...that is why when robert bring that indo cina who can speak hokkien and i see her is really indo cina..white skin...that quality, i still accept cos i seen some standard of indo cina there and this one still acceptable...

dont know whether can still contact her anot cos robert delete her phone number liao...if can, can make her my part time gf in batam,....

me seems to be a nice guy to you, how you know?

i MAY only go back in decemeber, depend on the quantity of indo cina...or even best, if i can make that one my part time gf...

uncle victory1, u know what i means anot???

skyfree 28-09-2009 08:31 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by victory1 (Post 4148798)
Wah all the bros attacking....

Let me say something for the last time...

I still stress that I am not OKT...and gain nothing for all the posting, recommendation and tips on batam cheonging ground...Since bros fazer6s already point finger that I am a great con artist, then I will STOP immediately...I am trying to make this forum a much more lively place...

All I can say is I own Bros Skyfree an apology...due to the fact he cant get a good service gal...The Balai girl is cantik...but I really dont know and beyond my knowledge that she got so many pattern...i.e. mother coming anf father asking her to go back...etc

As for my abang more introduction from now on...At least Bros skyfree never get conned by the cina gal...and I will send email to those bros to warn them that robert is greedy and use his service at your own risk...

yes, it is ok, did not get a good service gal, i still ok, just that i feel that his stock of indo cina damn lousy.... his idea of indo cina is girl can speak mandarin can liao....i told him is not that....

anyway, spend one night with the bolster in hotel room also quite good mah...

somemore, he told me a secret about your sayang but i dont know whether u know anot....he even pointed the house to me where your sayang lives.....

by the way, bro victory1, if u going this week, can you help me to chase him to get the contact number of the indo cina whom he intro to me and went back to balai?

skyfree 28-09-2009 08:35 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by meatlover (Post 4148908)

And frankly speaking, I haven't seen this type of quality in Batam for a few years liao, even the chances of seeing is very very seldom. Now gal standard in Batam have dropped drastically. This type of quality like is kinda untouchable. Meaning, already being kept or not selling type. Unless you got 10-20juta to burn per month to sponsor her, then maybe she'll consider. But you'll not have exclusiveness with her. :D

well, last year, i went to pacific disco, i think i saw similar...

but again in the dark, what u see may not seem to be what u see....:D

fazer6s 28-09-2009 09:17 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
[QUOTE=BtmMan;4148854]Always remember this, I came in peace! :cool:
I did not at any one time said that you are an OKT, so you must not be angry with me.

Well no prizes for guessing who"s the one who says Vic is somewat an OKT
its the way he profusely and persistently "ADVERTISE" his sidekick was it TONTO the Lone Ranger's sidekick nope! yes i remember now its ROBERT

Yes Its MEeeeeeeeeeeee!

Fret not bro BtmMan I will own up my postings and get tis bros of this thread I will not hide behind my imaginiary Sayangs! oops wrong again that would be VICTORY1

Message Warning from the Surgeon Generals Office - Batam Office

Too much of EURY KUAT can make you hallucinate pretty char bos infinitely

Victory1 -- Heed this Surgeon Generals warning

lancersje 28-09-2009 10:36 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Hi bro Vic saw all the arrow over your back from very far already.

This is what my experience for robert and the gal.

When he told you he can't find me, actually I'm just in front of him and don't wish to let him destroy my image infront of my underlings working in batam.

He's like a comical character with a loud voice which no one will have possibly miss when he enter the lobby.(because you can heard the voice even before the main door open)

I've arrange another meeting with him during my dinner at dragon inn within holiday inn.

Same result he just walk in talking on the phone so loudly with me on the line and i'm still wondering should i own up and finally i ask him to sit down and keep quiet while i enjoy my dinner.

During my dinner his phone keep on ringing (a girl in his taxi kept on calling him) and keep on using words like fuck, open and sex when everyone is looking i finally ask him to shut up and wait till i'm done with my dinner.

After that we went to his taxi and a women 24 yrs old alight and under the orange light she look perfect tall ,slim and sweet looking. So we went on with the pricing, consider from the women expression i think she may be intersted in me because when robert stated the price at 600,000 i reject and she's willing to go down to 500,000 and at the end i paid 500,000 per night for 2 night.exclude taxi fare and condom.

when we reach the room i discover that there's a slight error in the lighting as the room light is white. Overall still consider above average but not to that initial standard when viewing in orange light.

As for the bed exercise nothing much to mention 1 shot than i read my document she have her dinner i let her sleep a while than 1 more shot to end the day.
Hand servicing not that good, position quite flexible, mouth job not really skilled and look a bit stone while doing it.

In the late night actually i wanted another shot but when i saw her using the bath tup as a toilet i lose all the interest and the next moring i ask robert to fetch her back and gave about 300,000 tip. And call robert in the afternoon that i'll be leaving for japan tonight although it's tomoow night flight and ask him don bother to send the girl down tonight. I think some of the hotel staff which i tip them quite well overheard the conversation and ask me to get refund back from robert for the 2nd night and i'm quite surprised that he actually come all the way to refund me 350,000 although not the full 500,000.

Overall i could only say that he's like a OKT but no matter what as long he can get the girl you need to release the loads for example stress out who care is he or is he not a OKT.After all you pay get a women than forget about it and we could choose do we want to take a not but all my experience happen in holiday inn where even he want to force a deal he would also have to consider about the guards.

May Bro Vic recover from all the wound.

Sexrider 28-09-2009 11:14 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by lancersje (Post 4149548)
May Bro Vic recover from all the wound.

Bro, as this is an open forum, therefore would like to say out my POV:

As in the beginning of this SAGA, been asking few lao jiao , their opinions regarding this saga loh. Can sense the fishy smells. Well, those chionging Batam often will know whether is it truth or liars. That is why I kept mum is better during that time. Let's face the truth and keep looking for desired girls in this ground!

Forget about that saga.
what I am going to say is that, bros, let's face the truth. After all, Batam is not like last time those good old days (standard drops quite a lot), let's keep our fingers (not KKJ) crossed, hope for better shipment after the lebaran (hari raya)!

The life still goes on........ ;)

Sexrider 28-09-2009 11:31 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by BtmMan (Post 4148928)
Try consider per week with that budget lah, otherwise she'll tell you to go keep that 2 frogs...


Originally Posted by fazer6s (Post 4149296)
Victory1 -- Heed this Surgeon Generals warning

Thanks all the bros who exposed the Vic thing.
Hopefully this thread can back to normal.
Bro BtmMan (up your points, maybe not enough power)
Bro Fazer, want to up your points also but must distribute to other people 1st before doing so.
Agreed! I should expose vic since from the beginning just that afraid might wrong the "nice" fellow. :D and alone will not have the "power".

Well, the more I read this thread backward a few pages, the more I find it ridiculous. Has been away from this thread just because of vic's saga thing.

All the laojiaos have been here, camping, battling here, sure know better. How come we don't know got such good lobangs? Then suddenly so many chiobus swee swee coming out from no where, where possible?

Well, enough of talking cock from me, let's hope for better chics after the hari raya thing. But just letting know, some gals will be in kampong 2 months or more. But contradictory (spelling), some good one will come after 2 weeks time! :p

Sexrider 28-09-2009 11:35 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by BtmMan (Post 4148509)
Then 1 month later he posted this sexy babe as his sayang



Bro, maybe that one is Extreme Makeover Batam Version? :confused::D

Previously I was hooked by the "Amanda" gal, but come think of it (not using my dick), realize where got such gal during my stays here? Then realize.

fazer6s 29-09-2009 12:20 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by skyfree (Post 4149212)
well, last year, i went to pacific disco, i think i saw similar...

but again in the dark, what u see may not seem to be what u see....:D

bro skyfree tip for u whenever in Pacific disco ALL gals look like Ms Universe,
Ms World inside best to see them outside under bright lights just to confirm
Heads up bro skyfee maybe coming december U can get your "desired" gal. consolation note is that we too had our share of gals headache n not you alone.given the animal instinct in us we cheong again time after time where by time and obviously $ permits.

fazer6s 29-09-2009 01:09 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by No-go (Post 4146399)
usually most of the so call okt/drivers are very good at first..but once u get too friendly with them their service will drop or will start to ask for more money. this is based on my experience.

Touche bro definitely a very good pointer for all newbies on taxi drivers down sides.had a torrid time too wif taxi drivers n nowadays i just take the ojek from HB to Pacific hail one down the street n bargain from there to where you going to and pay up -done deal no pressure at all.
feel free to browse up my postings

newyorker88 29-09-2009 09:32 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by BtmMan (Post 4148718)
If Batam really have nice indo Chinese WL, then those clubs don't have to bring in the PRC liao.
It's the same logic, try looking for a good and nice nasi padang restaurant

Hehehehe, you are rite. But china ones got attitude problem and less willing to please. You can always see the $$ sign in their eyes.

Most local Chinese are doing some form of business of their own. Those who are lazy got bao by rich people liao. Also, the older ones want to be hooked up by old men from singapore.

blursam 29-09-2009 10:10 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by BtmMan (Post 4148718)
If Batam really have nice indo Chinese WL, then those clubs don't have to bring in the PRC liao.
It's the same logic, try looking for a good and nice nasi padang restaurant when you are in China?
You may find one, but it'll be sub standard + over priced!

Bro, you seems to be a nice guy, see when you going to Batam again and if I'm around I'll bring you go eat nice nasi padang ;)

Wah.....BtmMan, apa kabar ? How about buying me nasi padang also ? ;)

blursam 29-09-2009 10:11 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by BtmMan (Post 4148638)
Actually comparing this 2 cewek is like when you are pissed drunk or high in the disco and saw her looking like the 1st one, she asked for BMW you just said OK.
Then next morning wake up suddenly she looks like the 2nd one, but what to do? Still kena pay BMW for driving a Toyota :D

Actually the Toyota look not too bad leh....can introduce or not har ? :p

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