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demarco 30-09-2009 02:05 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by skyfree (Post 4146402)
Hi Bro demarco,

i don't know that you are also coming to batam on this day...if not i definitely will arrange to meet up with you...ya, on friday night, robert bring me to windsor food court eat seafood...i treat him dinner and beer....

i think the indo cina he bring u is short, dark colour, hair not touching shoulder right? he told me that one is indo cina cos can speak mandarin...i think no lah...he dont know what is indo cina also...

the 1.7m rupiah lady, i think is the one i took this afternoon, but u see my post, she went off after her dad call her from tanjung balai cos she only work tomorrow, y today go back batam...she dont want go back..then her dad says if not come back today, forever dont come back...then she cry...i let her go...she even ask for 200,000 from robert.....i also never touch her at me, i think that one considered still ok, not the very cantik one in batam...

another thing to mention, i think he is asking for 100,000 per day cos maybe bro victory1 is there, he dont dare to misbehave...i here, i each day give him 100,000 he no cow father cow mother...if not sure got something ...

Ya...the short dark colour, hair not touching shoulder cina scare my friend away. The 1.7m cina lady, i do see swee cewek better than her and cost lesser.

blursam 30-09-2009 10:27 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by demarco (Post 4153160)
He ask me to go sekupang coz he said he had friend with custom so any problem he could help. On the way, he pointed his house which is nearby so presume it is to his convenient.
It is stated by Victor he will company you base on the number of pax and not where we go. Even you divide out 1 person to and fro, 2 person will made 2 trip to and fro.
Our agree time is 8pm, we change to 7:30pm and inform him at 7pm. He reply no problem and will reach hotel within 5mins. We were in the lobby at 7:15pm and wait till 7:45pm. Call him and he tell us tyre puncture and need 2 min to repair tyre. Then we go dinner at nearby coffee shop. Well if you were me, what do you do? Plus during the mention time, are you with him?
I could tell you more, on the day when we are here. He ask us to pay 200000 after sent us to hotel. I said no and he tell me tons of story, so i pay him half. On second day, after sending me back he ask for money again. On third day, asking again. He got commission from those gal i got from KTV/fishtank, total 4. He do offer change currency, i see he took some commission from the money changer. I buy him dinner and beer on sat night, well i consider myself a good customer. I treat him nice and with respect, i do not know what he told you. As i had mention trust him at your own risk. I rest my case.

My question is what is Robert's value if you go to KTV/fishtank? For me, Robert may be of value if he can bring us non fishtank/working girls. kTV/fishtank we can go our own.

blursam 30-09-2009 10:53 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Came to BTM yesterday to relax and am staying in I-Hotel. To me, it is one of the better hotel here, new and room is big, clean and nice. But its more expensive than the rest.

queens was closed yesterday (did not bother me as I not into fishtank). So bros looking to good house to pickup, better check first if the ones you visiting is open. Dinasty KTV was open but not many ceweks and quality low. Looks like ceweks here still not back in full force from holidays.

I ended up drinking in pubs and there are a couple of not too bad ones along the stretch of pubs behind Steps, for example - Twins, The Pub, etc. A no of ceweks working there are not bad. I spoke to some of them and they are willing to go with me. The only problem is that they can only do so when they finish work at about 2 in the morning. Too late for me @ 9pm, esp when I had more than10 bottles of Bintang and 4 shots of Gin.

Proceeded to Pacific disco @ 10pm. FLs started to come in at about 11pm. Picked up a young SYT 22yrs old. She is sweet, innocent looking, petite, not into obat, just drinks. Brought back to hotel after 2 hours of rabba rabba in disco. Had 5 rounds (unbelieveable........did not know I can still do it!). Just sent her back, damage 500000 rups. May sound a little expensive but its all worth it.

Going to check out soon to be back in Singapore. Hope I can find time to be back in BTM soon.

hendri 30-09-2009 02:07 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
5 shots for 500k is worth it....ah pek here can only do 1 shot for 300k...
think of the good old days..ah pek could also do bros here cheong hard before it is too late...cheong lah....attack!! batam here i come!!!!

Xdecepticon 30-09-2009 08:42 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by demarco (Post 4153233)
To be fair we know the risk when we are in foreign land. I have no doubt in Victory1 integrity, it is each contribution to made cheonging more fun and worthy. Even after 1 person input, it take others to add on so the rest could avoid the pit fall. Victory1, no hard continue the contribution afterall it is all about sharing.

Yup! So far only 2 Frs. Should need another couple more. Then we more or less could figure out whether FLs from Vic's abang worth booking. Juz 1 negative Fr (and also not entirely the fault of Vic) and we start pulling the trigger? Remember Vic's also kenna shortchanged by his abang too. He did warn us on his greed! So, give tat man (Vic's) benefit of doubt ya.

Btw Vic's, do continue ur postings from those joints too lah...:D

fazer6s 01-10-2009 12:05 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
we start pulling the trigger? Remember Vic's also kenna shortchanged by his abang too. He did warn us on his greed!

Bro Xdecepticon i dun mean anything but pls enlighten me as to which permalink did Vic got "shortchanged"by his faithful sidekick - Robert.yes he dis warn us after a bro highlighted Roberts greed and many thanks to that bro
Pls understand my views,i'm not saying Vic wasn't entertaining its just tat the way he "CRAFTED" his plots into getting fellow bros here into an unnessary spending (sorry no names to be highligted here-dun want to shame unfortunate bros here) when stating that he has taxi abang-Robert to intro factory,banks n indocina,non fishtanks gals and slowly but surely inputting Roberts serivces all the yadda abt robert not asking more,not bringing bros to f/tanks and not receiving commisions (links 265 onwards)n worse Vics unashaming illusionary Sayang which me and fellow bros put up a challenge to show but not just tell but sofar bro vic is doing an Obama or still high on his EuryKuat or Tongkat aliXP and still ILLUSI.must be the coktail of both.
Fellow bros carefully read and understand Vics posts/Plots to understand where i"m goin.Starts from link 3115 pg 208 and to make it fair do read mine too.Mine is more just to get a reality check so tat fellow bros will not get into the same shit as me.As stated earlier no puns intended to you bro Xdecepticon

fazer6s 01-10-2009 12:31 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
We're no angels here being in this forum but the very thought of a "Certain Person" trying to sucker fellow bros here really gets me PISSED BigTime .As any seasoned batam cheongters will know NEVER EVER TRUST any SUPIR in batam.either our Vic is a so called boaster cock with his posts trying to impress newbies with his kmowledge of baam thru fr and fotos or he is just building up his MOTIVES and getting into some naive newbies.To me Vic seems to Kong2 Ling Kong wif Robert.On tat notion any bros who had met up or cheong wif Vic before do reply in order to proof me wrong here.tell us your whole experinece and also for those who id cheong without vicI.'m up to shame or otherwise but up to this junction no bros have put up there experiences wif is also a chance for Vic to proof his INTREGRITY.

fazer6s 01-10-2009 01:31 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
somemore, he(Robert) told me a secret about your (Victor1) sayang but i dont know whether u know anot....he even pointed the House to me where your sayang lives.....

Wah so touching .so Vic did you get your IMAGINIARY SAYANG" a beatitiful house with white picket fences and a big lawn. I DON'T TINK SO cos its only in your DREAMS or ILUSI only.
Vic "udah bau tanah tak sadar diri" semestinya kamu ke terjunaza ke jembatan baLeran9 biar Aman. faham en69ak Vic jan9an sok tau don6 tentang batam kamu tuh cm seujun9 ku2 6we.ha3 ini pelajaran kamu.Buatlah byk amalan baik sblm AJAL menjemput mu.Do get your side kick or your "Sayang " to translate to you you DickHead .As for your sidekick tell him his NEXT since he's in batam easier for me to get Polisi to get Engage his "SERVICES" at 100K RP pre person rite.his taxi no 1380 WATERFRONT side thanks for your valuable tipoff.yr "Operation Modus" is to come to batam to Jamin yr sidekick.U didnt think OR expect a backlash did you.
SO long Suckerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr -VICTORY1
This is a personal message meant for Victory or DICKHEAD.
Please cheong batam with your head unlike VICTORY1 using his DICKHEAD

TD.king 01-10-2009 01:53 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Xdecepticon (Post 4155554)
Yup! So far only 2 Frs. Should need another couple more. Then we more or less could figure out whether FLs from Vic's abang worth booking. Juz 1 negative Fr (and also not entirely the fault of Vic) and we start pulling the trigger? Remember Vic's also kenna shortchanged by his abang too. He did warn us on his greed! So, give tat man (Vic's) benefit of doubt ya.

Btw Vic's, do continue ur postings from those joints too lah...:D

Bro, don't be surprise if u see the 1.6 juta balai girl from robert... hahahahha maybe some friends of yours or mine or even we know her.. :D:D

fazer6s 01-10-2009 01:56 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
to fellow bros who wants to flame me on my post wif Vic DICKHEAD pls do so if you feel i"m unjust its OK but bear in mind I merely doing it for future newbies when we're done and gone fm tis forum. let me be flamed and fade away its alrite but at least future newbies will not be "Conned".we may say that we're adults here but when it comes to lust commonsense in us will lose out .Its just a reality check.As in the movie 'Cobra" Vics THE DISEASES" in tis forum in my opinion.i presume that failure to comprehend me will not only burn a BIG pocket to you but to your MALE SELF ESTEEM.I'm not into anyones goodbooks hereb ut just to extradite crooks wanna be in this thread.
cheers and no puns intended to any bros here.its all by honest actions
Cheers Bros

Rub&Buah 01-10-2009 04:30 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by blursam (Post 4153984)
Proceeded to Pacific disco @ 10pm. FLs started to come in at about 11pm. Picked up a young SYT 22yrs old. She is sweet, innocent looking, petite, not into obat, just drinks. Brought back to hotel after 2 hours of rabba rabba in disco. Had 5 rounds (unbelieveable........did not know I can still do it!). Just sent her back, damage 500000 rups. May sound a little expensive but its all worth it.

Going to check out soon to be back in Singapore. Hope I can find time to be back in BTM soon.

You are really lucky 1st of all to get a nice lady in pacific.majority shake head till u kanna left & rite.For 500000rp 5 shot is super worth thank sometime u pay that amount only get f*ck dup service.also many fl in pacific ask that price but u have to buy drinks,obat,cig,tip etc then after 1 shot all the pattern come out only want to pulang & u sit in the chair all nite.

Best of all 5 shot in 1 nite is really power u bro.i rem i only manage that once with a cewek from berlian cos she swallow cum that makes me high so shoot & shoot lor.:p

NYGiants56 01-10-2009 08:15 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Found this website. 2 Batam girls, Sarah Lia Featured.
Lia Intro Video

NYGiants56 01-10-2009 08:25 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Batam Sarah's video:
Sara Fucking Video

Lia is one horny girl!!! She is sure worth whatever was paid!!!

needsexs 01-10-2009 08:32 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by fazer6s (Post 4156409)
to fellow bros who wants to flame me on my post wif vic dickhead pls do so if you feel i"m unjust its ok but bear in mind i merely doing it for future newbies when we're done and gone fm tis forum. Let me be flamed and fade away its alrite but at least future newbies will not be "conned".we may say that we're adults here but when it comes to lust commonsense in us will lose out .its just a reality in the movie 'cobra" vics the diseases" in tis forum in my opinion.i presume that failure to comprehend me will not only burn a big pocket to you but to your male self esteem.i'm not into anyones goodbooks hereb ut just to extradite crooks wanna be in this thread.
Cheers and no puns intended to any bros here.its all by honest actions
cheers bros

just relax and let go... Boring to see your post...

Naka_Timo 01-10-2009 11:50 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by BtmMan (Post 4150956)
You are right, and I have a few friends, all expats most of them have high expectation on living standard when being with their man (an expats from some MNC), those who can afford to provide it are
During their days with their man, they will dig as much $$$ in as possible, now don't get me wrong that they do not love their man and only their $$$, but they are Chinese and Chinese usually thinkssss.
When they had enough and they feel that time is up (for them not the man), they will try to break up the relationship and have 1 final big bite before cutting lose. The most common big bites are houses or 1 big lump sum of $$$$$.
Cars, most of them will already had the man got them one during their time with them.

Makan Nasi Padang aje yuk.....!!! ;)

Had some bad experience before, totally agreed with u on tis.

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