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Sexrider 20-01-2010 12:42 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by S.B.Y (Post 4489073)
Now comes my next task for you .

You will have to inspect personally the next batch of Bencongs to get them trained in customer service and boob jobs so that we can shift them to the neighbouring little red dot country to satisfy their fellow cheongsters .

Mr President, all the while maybe you are so faraway in your merderkha palace you didn't notice that I already secretly exported some good premium transformers working secretly in top secret places in sillypore making money at the same time gathering some spy information for our great garuda land! Luckily you didn't visit Chang* and Deska* Rd in Sg during your visit to your beloved neighbour, if not, my secret trade will be exposed in no time. That cannot be blamed, cause all people the same would like to hide the good things away from others. You should blame Pak Lie family for doing so. So, now you are informed. Please keep quiet, if not, I will expose your hanky panky with Mega! :D (ps: in the previous erection, if you didn't made her legs so shaky, don't think you can win that easily! )

S.B.Y 20-01-2010 01:31 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Yes My MOS

True I maybe far but I'm eyeing you from afar.

Good work that you sent Bumblebee and friends to to some covert operations.
Obviously we cannot expose your 007 mission to LHL(sgp Pm) men.

As for exposing me hahaha i NEVER step Batam before so I NO peluh man:D

Train up all the Bencongs at your O.T.O.T. There' s no need to hurry .:confused:
Enjoy them all you can. You have MY Presidency Excuse.'

TO fellow Batam Thread Mas please be informed that Mas Pumpking Sexrider will be on 'OFFICIAL' with Bencongs duties till further notice.;)

MistressVamp 20-01-2010 01:58 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
it seem kinda weird or wrong to post here.......

anyway, i'm going batam for spa session (clean of cos), n wanna head for some seafood dinner after that.
Any recommend other than the golden prawn seafood?



BintanBeer 20-01-2010 04:16 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread


Halo Mas BintanBeer

Apa khabar

baik2 aja...;)

BintanBeer 20-01-2010 04:40 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

MistressVamp;4491168]it seem kinda weird or wrong to post here.......

anyway, i'm going batam for spa session (clean of cos), n wanna head for some seafood dinner after that.
Any recommend other than the golden prawn seafood?


Halo MV,

Golden Prawn is expensive for seafood compare to so many other foodcourt seafood....

few food courts have good quality food, eg Pacific FC, Windsor, Nagoya FC, and they are much cheaper by approx. 30% from Golden Prawn bill....

These stalls can be found in the few FCs, stall no. 138 (deep fried baby sotong - juicy inside crispy outside), 999 (curry prawn), brothers (pig kuckles), 888 (golden pork ribs), Podok Ikan Bakar at Batam Centre (BBQ fish & seafood - ask for more green sambal with petai/ikan bilis - in my opinion - 1st class), etc. prices are reasonable.:)

That's all for now..

enjoy your trip;)

S.B.Y 20-01-2010 05:02 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by MistressVamp (Post 4491168)
n wanna head for some seafood dinner after that.
Any recommend other than the golden prawn seafood?

Halo Mas MistressVamp

Really nice Avatar.Are you of the cousin of another Mas Pocong. Heheheh
Btw Golden Prawn you must also bring your Golder Wallet

wala 20-01-2010 05:19 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by MistressVamp (Post 4491168)
it seem kinda weird or wrong to post here.......

anyway, i'm going batam for spa session (clean of cos), n wanna head for some seafood dinner after that.
Any recommend other than the golden prawn seafood?



MV, no need so fuzzy abt the food lah. Just go the various Foodcourts and pick ur "resonable" fresh dead <>< from their ice box. If you die die want see "live" seafood then eat, Batu Merah maybe abit..just abit cheaper than those 2 at benkong laut..aka golden prawn. Another location is somewhere near the 2nd or 3rd bridge at balerang. But kinda far and ulu. I know of another 1 after mukakuning, dun know the name, but DUN ever go, KNS and chop like nobody business. Any bros know which place I talking abt so as to warn others here?

But if this round U going SPA with bak kut MM (U know my preference) I can be their "guide" :D

Sexrider 20-01-2010 11:32 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by S.B.Y (Post 4489828)
Train up all the Bencongs at your O.T.O.T. There' s no need to hurry .:confused:
Enjoy them all you can. You have MY Presidency Excuse.'

TO fellow Batam Thread Mas please be informed that Mas Pumpking Sexrider will be on 'OFFICIAL' with Bencongs duties till further notice.;)

Roger that, boss! Actually without your permission, I already train up a few 003 to 007 and deploy them at Simpang Kude and Bkt Senyum in Batam. Thanks for the empowerment, no wonder they never get caught! :D I plan to deploy more in Pacific and Planet to get some top secret from Ah Pek who works in sg in Ministry of Defence! :p

Sexrider 20-01-2010 11:43 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by S.B.Y (Post 4482792)
As for SYT that's called illusion see very big in f/tank but once inside room open like siew mai cause Push Up Bra. Works wonders for small titties or maybe
f/tank glass is magnified hmmmm get me thinking

Mr President, can't you hold a Parliament meeting to Ban Push Up Bra in Indo? Cause we, people of Garuda Land should be honest, isn't it? Didn't you teach all your children, grandchildren, god son daughters to be honest to people, especially from Lion City? :confused: Some of them do not how to use these bras properly, they even use the bras as masks, helmet and even a papayas/melons/watermelons carrier! :eek: Indo is lucky not in war, if not, can be used as missile launcher some more!

Sexrider 20-01-2010 11:47 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by MistressVamp (Post 4491168)
it seem kinda weird or wrong to post here.......

anyway, i'm going batam for spa session (clean of cos), n wanna head for some seafood dinner after that.
Any recommend other than the golden prawn seafood?



Golden prawn IMO, is for tourists. Also a side note for new chiongster, I just recall this massage centre, is good, but also more for tourists, Indo Thai. Cause 1 hr cost around Rp 140k. Mostly are tourists. Bros, piece of advice please avoid these places because these places take us a carrot.

I would like to say the Batu Besar's Rezeki is FTW!

Many eating places already suggested by all the Mas here. Why I say "Mas" instead of "Bros"? Must be influent by Mr "P". :D

Sexrider 20-01-2010 11:52 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by wala (Post 4491791)
But if this round U going SPA with bak kut MM (U know my preference) I can be their "guide" :D

Bro, I also like this kind of gals, skinny but with good rack! :D Imagine that, riding cowgal and doggie! really nice....

Last time i saw (few years back) in Atalanta.... now quality drop quite a lot.

But will you say,"肉骨妹, 我来了!" if you ever see one?

(side note: Mean, Bah Kut mei, wo lai le ; learning while training transformers assigned by Mr "P". , hope don't mind. Maybe salary increment,I must say)

S.B.Y 20-01-2010 11:58 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
You are definitely right. Next parliment must enforce all WLs a NO BRA Rule campaign aka Sgp Courtesy campaign.

What you say MOS Sex PumpKing

Ps Halo MOS now only Januari 1st month of the year 2010. What salary increase and its not even year end yet. Wait next 11 months and see what Improvement you bring for Garuda Land then can discuss "Increment of Bencongs".

S.B.Y 21-01-2010 12:05 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Sexrider (Post 4493047)
Roger that, boss! Actually without your permission, I already train up a few 003 to 007 and deploy them at Simpang Kude and Bkt Senyum in Batam. Thanks for the empowerment, no wonder they never get caught! I plan to deploy more in Pacific and Planet to get some top secret from Ah Pek who works in sg in Ministry of Defence!

Huh how come you can have time to post today as I told the Bencong Master to make sure you start from stage one to eighteen as in the 18 "Bronzemen of Shaolin" stages for you to reach enlightenment ;):D

Hmmm got to sms Master Bencong now on my BB Onxy same as Obama :rolleyes:

Anyway good job on Operation Silent The Bitch Operation.

Seen any BG or M#^%#^FAS (read backwards) rank personnel at Planet and Pacific Geleng kepala

Anyway had rewarded you accordingly :)

S.B.Y 21-01-2010 12:10 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Sori double post

MistressVamp 21-01-2010 01:32 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Thanks BintanBeer, S.B.Y, wala n Sexrider for the reply~~~

actually i'm not fussy with food lar....juz dat i seriously dunno go where to makan seafood. I got frenz telling mi to go Pujasera A1 fc also ...but i dun even noe where is it lor...hahahaha

anyway...i be staying at I-hotel lar....near nagoya shopping mall there....
so i dun think i will go too far away lar.....

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