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Drazor 05-12-2020 10:01 PM

Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie
Visited Ling Ling Jie a few years back when she was starting out and now her place looks like proper massage spa. Decided to get my tool checked by the master and was serviced by Xiao Yu. They were professional and explaining to me the blockages and what needs to be done to unblock it. I went for the prostate treatment and it was really painful sia. Just need to tahan 2 mins then system clear already. Ling Jie pressed around my tool and now no pain liao.

I can feel my tool has been revitalised. Will def return to them for maintenance.

ken6890 06-12-2020 07:35 AM

Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie

Originally Posted by Drazor (Post 20359033)
Visited Ling Ling Jie a few years back when she was starting out and now her place looks like proper massage spa. Decided to get my tool checked by the master and was serviced by Xiao Yu. They were professional and explaining to me the blockages and what needs to be done to unblock it. I went for the prostate treatment and it was really painful sia. Just need to tahan 2 mins then system clear already. Ling Jie pressed around my tool and now no pain liao.

I can feel my tool has been revitalised. Will def return to them for maintenance.

Nice one , up you +44 , cheer

Arlong 07-12-2020 07:10 AM

Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie
Intro to bro’s a very rare lady for massage and juagen , she is highly recommended by her RTM customer for her skillful massage . 玲玲姐 is famous while she operate in changi v massage palour a few years back , Alot of bro’s go for her superb juagen service. Juagen can help problem like early ejaculation ,prolong ejaculation and prostate theraphy, her professional massage will really relieve ur muscle tension and bodyache. Call her to engage her service now!!

Contact : 97823801

Location: Central

Age: 30+yrs
Looks: NA
Boobs: NA

Service Provided

Head/Neck/Shoulder Massage [头,颈,肩部按摩] 100% Satisfaction

Full Body Chinese Medical Oil Massage [中医经络推油法] 100% Satisfaction

Authentic Chinese Acupressure/Shiatsu Massage [正宗中式按摩和指压] 100% Satisfaction

Back Kneeling [跪背] 100% Satisfaction

Health & Body Care Therapy [肾部理疗和保健] 100% Satisfaction

Juagen[抓根] 100% Satisfaction

What She Don’t Do:

Fuck Job & Other Services Not Listed Above

Damage for Massage:

$100/One Massage Package With 1 Juagen/60 Min

$100/1次按摩和抓根服务/60 分钟


Originally Posted by FatPaPa (Post 16893855)
Prostate Care Treatment : 前列线保养 ★★★★★

This treatment will be done and perform by Ling Ling Jie The Master.

What Are the Benefits of Prostate Massage Therapy?

Prostate massage therapy
Prostate massage therapy is the practice of massaging the male prostate either for medical or therapeutic reasons. The use of prostate massage therapy is anecdotally supported for a range of conditions. These conditions include erectile dysfunction and chronic prostatitis.

What are the benefits of prostate massage therapy?
Prostatic massage is thought to help clear the prostatic duct. This duct, or pipeline, runs between your prostate and the rest of your reproductive and urinary system. Massaging may produce a spontaneous secretion of fluid. This secretion may help clear this duct of any fluids. This could help eliminate any symptoms you’re experiencing.

Summary of the above statement.

1. This therapy may clear your prostatic duct.
2. Clearing excess fluid may reduce or relieve your symptoms.

What conditions can prostate massage therapy help?
Most studies that have looked at the use of prostate massage have been very small and not decisive. For that reason, some doctors may not support the use of prostate massage.

However, certain groups of men may benefit from prostate massage. Men with the following conditions may find symptomatic relief when they use prostate massage:

Painful ejaculation

Massage therapy may ease fluid blockages in your reproductive system. These kinks may cause you to experience discomfort or pain while ejaculating. Massage might eliminate them.

Erectile dysfunction

Before today’s more modern treatment options, men used massage therapy and prostate stimulation to treat erectile dysfunction (ED). Some men still use it today along with other ED treatments or alone. More mainstream ED treatments include medications, pumps, and implants.

Urine flow

The prostate surrounds your urethra. As swelling and inflammation in the prostate increase, the prostate may begin to interfere with or even cut off your flow of urine. If prostate massage therapy helps eliminate some of that swelling, your urine flow may improve.


Before antibiotics and more specialized treatments were available, massage therapy was the primary treatment for prostatitis. Now that doctors understand a bit more about the multitude of disorders that make up the prostatitis diagnosis, treatments have become more specialized.

What to expect during a prostate massage

During a prostate massage, the person performing the massage will insert a gloved, lubricated finger into your rectum. She’ll gently press on, or massage, the prostate for awhile. The massage might be uncomfortable for a few moments, as she is pushing in and thus you will drip out ' dirty fluid '.

More explanations will be done by Ling Ling Jie

Arlong 08-12-2020 07:08 AM

Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie
您了解正宗经络抓跟按摩吗?您爱爱时有心无力吗?生殖器周围有按压性痛感吗?爱爱不能持久吗?弟弟不够坚挺 吗?您小便时需要等待或分叉并伴有尿路疼痛吗?这都是经络损伤或是前列腺问题和尿路不畅通引起的,正宗中医 穴位抓跟疗程可以帮助您治疗这些问题。抓根是保健养生,并不是色情!因为真正的抓根是不可以射精(固本培元 )。通过按、揉、推、拉、提、捏、拨等手法按摩阴茎、睾丸、会阴穴、下腹部、大腿内侧、淋巴等部位疏通输精 管、输尿管与海绵体而且通过特殊手法按摩睾丸还可以使雄性荷尔蒙分泌更加旺盛!打通与唤醒男士生殖系统周围 的经络、穴位 和韧带,提升男士性功能 ,使生殖器周围血液循环更加畅通、打通经络穴位,是真正的治疗与保养!如果按疗程治疗可以增大 增粗 增硬!可缓解阳痿早泄、勃起无力等症状。
**抓根一个钟$100(只收现金)** *前列腺治疗 2分钟$150不好不收费不满意不收费


Arlong 09-12-2020 06:57 AM

Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie

Originally Posted by saltyOman (Post 16366976)
Went for my monthly maintenance and Master Ling ask me to write JGR. Although I feel regular already no need write but I think she deserve a refresh JGR.

Master Ling has groomed 3 new disciples with different strengths. I have tried all their skills. Obviously Master Ling is the ultimate but her disciples are good as well and has improved over time. Linda gives good back massage and JG with a sensual twist. Yanzi has powerful hands for those who wants extra hard back massage and inner thigh massage. Her JG style is versatile depending on how you like it. Then there is Qing jie who also give a hard back massage which I like and slightly more aggressive JG like kuku bird going for gym session.

For guys who are more adventurous, you can try Master Ling prostrate massage for an additional $150 which only Master Ling can execute. I only tried once though and Master Ling say my kuku in good condition so don't need anymore unless IA IA when firing.

Highly recommended for guys who want to keep their tool in tip top war ready condition and like hard back massage!


Originally Posted by aDeCaLs (Post 16319027)
Went for follow-up about a week ago.
Due to error in noting down of bookings, kenna double-bookings.
So ended up 3 people massaged me over the 1 hour.

Yanzi did the back massage.
She is very very strong.
If you can't take hard massage, don't ask for her to tell her to softer a lot.
I'm used to hard massages and I think she's damn hard.

Ling Ling Jie did the initial JG for me.
She was very distracted. Kept messaging on her phone.
As usual, need to top-up to poke ass.
She say my case damn jialut. :(
When paying for top-up, she taught me how to fap properly.
And told me to try and abstain from release.
At least try to limit to once a week. Sianz.

After she poke finish my ass, Qing Jie who massaged me the first time I was there, took over to finish up.

Might go back once in awhile to maintain, but not so often.
Constraint by time and money.


Originally Posted by chibimoyashi (Post 16397342)
My virgin experience with JG. Serviced by one of Ling Ling Jie's disciple (didnt get her name) who told my ducts are pretty rabak like many knots stick tgt. She nvr see before this jialat one, suggested i go for the qian lie xian to fix. I poor boy so tell her i come next time when got money. Good control and strength from her very professional. Halfway through Ling Ling Jie came in to check and she explained to me why my thigh area painful. Then she press press my shaft there fking pain like tearing. After that she press my thigh again no pain liao. Told me cause i pcc wrong method, then taught me how. Also recommended me to go for the prostate massage because my pubic area pain, say injured during sex. Told her will come back when got money.

Overall very professional service, have yet to test the results but feels good and energetic down there. Definitely RTS. Recommend all to give it a try


Originally Posted by oldboi83 (Post 16402148)
My very first sharing bros :o

Made a booking with lingling jie and was served by yanzi jie. I had shoulder, neck, back massage and a juagen. It was really painful and i was sweating out, so was yanzi as she was really putting in alot efforts to loosen my problematic areas. she slowly massage and loosen part by part and gradually less painful and i felt quite comfortable that i had the feeling of wanting to sleep already.

Then moved on to juagen, starting was extremely pain and my legs nearly fly up but she kept working at it and magically felt so good and the pain gradually lessen n slowly disappear too. she said that i pcc too much and its not good for my manhood and shared with some pointers to take note of with regards to pcc. she recommended me to go for prostrate massage next round to further unblock my areas and improve my lower regions health. I was advised not to ejaculate or bath for the next 2 hours after the juagen ended. I was served a cup of warm water before leaving.

Overall, i am really very happy for my first virgin experience of having a massage and juagen and im really pleased with yanzi for her efforts and friendliness. For other bros out there who is like me never try before and wish to go for some authentic massage and manhood treatment, i really recommend trying out lingling jie and yanzi jie. ;)

thanks for support

ken6890 10-12-2020 07:13 AM

Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie
Support and camping for more mrs

spiderguy 10-12-2020 07:34 AM

Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie
I am surprised this thread still active....

KCHA 12-12-2020 09:08 PM

Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie
真的有效。按摩后 比较敏感 做爱更有感觉 同事身体开始排毒

Arlong 13-12-2020 09:40 AM

Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie

Originally Posted by KCHA (Post 20370093)
真的有效。按摩后 比较敏感 做爱更有感觉 同事身体开始排毒

Thanks for support

mailailah 13-12-2020 03:16 PM

Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie
Visited $$$$Shan today and go for coco for full body oil massage, overall experience 9/10
Look : not important as I want a good massage after tireness from work.
Attitude: friendly, easy ice breaker and can chat from earth to heaven.
Massage : Good strength not those will rub till your skin tear and will go to your request which part need more strenght.
Cleanliness: nice place, clean and tidy.
Others: Nvr go for JG maybe next trip will try out.
Overall : will recommend to friend, parking very Convienent.
RTM : yes, will try JG or prostate next trip.

johnrichsg 13-12-2020 07:44 PM

Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie
Reading so much review from all massage and jg lover here, so decide to look for lingling jie to have a prostate and jg service. Overall experience is fantastic after jg my first urine is abit yellowish but feel smoother , will try on my gf if will last longer hahaha! Will return for regular maintenance if effect is good!

ken6890 14-12-2020 07:11 AM

Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie
Support and camping for more mrs

Arlong 15-12-2020 07:09 AM

Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie

Originally Posted by mailailah (Post 20371137)
Visited $$$$Shan today and go for coco for full body oil massage, overall experience 9/10
Look : not important as I want a good massage after tireness from work.
Attitude: friendly, easy ice breaker and can chat from earth to heaven.
Massage : Good strength not those will rub till your skin tear and will go to your request which part need more strenght.
Cleanliness: nice place, clean and tidy.
Others: Nvr go for JG maybe next trip will try out.
Overall : will recommend to friend, parking very Convienent.
RTM : yes, will try JG or prostate next trip.

Thanks for support

cursive99 15-12-2020 02:03 PM

Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie
Does anyone know if this service is legal or if this shop is operating legally? I'm a newbie so sorry if it's a dumb question, just wanted to know what to expect if I visit and if there's a chance I might get into trouble if I go. Thanks :)

Also anyone that has been there can describe what the exterior of the shop looks like? Does it look like a normal TCM place? Thanks.

johnrichsg 15-12-2020 02:09 PM

Re: Best Juagen Master In Amk = Ling Ling Jie

Originally Posted by cursive99 (Post 20374595)
Does anyone know if this service is legal or if this shop is operating legally? I'm a newbie so sorry if it's a dumb question, just wanted to know what to expect if I visit and if there's a chance I might get into trouble if I go. Thanks :)

Bro, its a legal shop as they are a licences spa and they doesn't have any hanky panky stuff.

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