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DO_YOU_BJ 22-02-2009 12:34 AM

Re: Student Pass for a PRC

Originally Posted by QQBoy (Post 3500952)
Do you think there is such a thing as free lunches when come to dealing with PRC girl? Fat hope!

the answer is YES
Prob is whether you're in the category to get free lunches or always lunch for others.
Listen, if she really wants to study, as in someone who is really keen, she shud have done her research online.
But since you proclaim to be some hero, the by all means, you're a very nice guy.
You're our ambassador so ya pls do bring our bilateral relations to the next level!

For one to who knows how to comment that no free lunches wif a PRC and says want to be a frenly sillyporean, jesus, she sure found good help....she would have found real super help is she contacted bro Cables & Wires in the 1st place

HCKing 22-02-2009 01:41 AM

Re: Student Pass for a PRC

Originally Posted by QQBoy (Post 3500927)
If she really come here, and we are still in touch, then I will post an update here to tell the brothers here if she is who she is.

Gosh, lucky she didn't approach you for help, otherwise, I could predict her future in Singapore.

She choose to come to Singapore doesn't mean that she is here to be a FL. Chinese FL is all over Asia ... Jakarta, KL, Hongkong, Tokyo, Seoul, etc. Again you are just being stereotype.

think u kanna KC over video chat liao bro, the talking pt here isnt abt her origin but CHEAPEST COURSE. did she tell u wat course she wants to study here? No? as long as cheapest can liao? will u do the same if u were to go overseas study?:rolleyes:

cablesnwires 22-02-2009 02:50 AM

Re: Student Pass for a PRC

Originally Posted by QQBoy (Post 3500927)
If she really come here, and we are still in touch, then I will post an update here to tell the brothers here if she is who she is.

I just hope it is not another FR claiming a gem had been found.


Originally Posted by QQBoy (Post 3500927)
Gosh, lucky she didn't approach you for help, otherwise, I could predict her future in Singapore.

You couldn't predict her future in Singapore, because I would strongly advise her not to come to Singapore.


Originally Posted by QQBoy (Post 3500927)
She choose to come to Singapore doesn't mean that she is here to be a FL. Chinese FL is all over Asia ... Jakarta, KL, Hongkong, Tokyo, Seoul, etc. Again you are just being stereotype.

I'm sorry, but who is stereotyping? I did not even mention anything about overseas at all. She could have used that money to study locally in China. There are many good schools, much better schools than those here that needs agent's help. And the cost of studies cum expenses are so much cheaper there than here.

I'm not trying to hit you with a low blow, but somewhere along the line you would be thinking "Wow, if she looks cute/pretty/gorgeous/beautiful/sexy/pleasant/wonderful in reel life. Now is the chance to see her in real life man!"

cablesnwires 22-02-2009 02:57 AM

Re: Student Pass for a PRC

Originally Posted by DO_YOU_BJ (Post 3501305)
....she would have found real super help is she contacted bro Cables & Wires in the 1st place

Sorry to disappoint you, bro DYBJ. I wouldn't be much help, cos I would ask her to stay behind in China to continue her studies. She can go Beijing, Shanghai, and some top class schools in ChongQing. The money should be enough for the whole course in China.

And I would also disappoint all the bros here cos we might be missing a real potential gem here. Of course, if budget and time permits, I would love to fly up there, just to "check" if she is doing alright in her studies. Maybe give her some "tuition" as well. :D

DO_YOU_BJ 22-02-2009 03:38 AM

Re: Student Pass for a PRC

Originally Posted by cablesnwires (Post 3501630)
if budget and time permits, I would love to fly up there, just to "check" if she is doing alright in her studies. Maybe give her some "tuition" as well. :D

That's wat i meant in the 1st place hehehehe:D

HCKing 22-02-2009 03:47 AM

Re: Student Pass for a PRC

Originally Posted by cablesnwires (Post 3501630)
And I would also disappoint all the bros here cos we might be missing a real potential gem here. Of course, if budget and time permits, I would love to fly up there, just to "check" if she is doing alright in her studies. Maybe give her some "tuition" as well. :D

NB u so fast hand fast leg bro :D i also want fly there 'help' her leh, teach her lessons on intercourse, FOC!!:p

DO_YOU_BJ 22-02-2009 04:23 AM

Re: Student Pass for a PRC

Originally Posted by HCKing (Post 3501667)
NB u so fast hand fast leg bro :D i also want fly there 'help' her leh, teach her lessons on intercourse, FOC!!:p

Bro, that is very noble you know.
Help to the doorstep...where to find ya:p

HCKing 22-02-2009 12:22 PM

Re: Student Pass for a PRC

Originally Posted by DO_YOU_BJ (Post 3501684)
Bro, that is very noble you know.
Help to the doorstep...where to find ya:p

Bro cant like that say, TS friendly singaporean so helpful to PRC MM woh i also fellow citizen must learn frm him mah. my idol. wahahaha.

mike1304k 22-02-2009 01:31 PM

Re: Student Pass for a PRC
Sori ah.... I am not so intellect or intellectual... So help PRC can get free lunch?? Waaaahhhhhhh...

Don kenna con oledi damn happy liao... U know hor... if you go to Bangkok last time, when they were still using Don Muang, almost every time I went in, there would be some new person, both young and old who would ask me if I could speak Mandarin and when I said I could, they would say that their family got problem and they have to fly home immediately. Then they have to transfer thru HK and don have enough money, so if I could lend them and if I gave them my passport number and address, they would send the money back..... Yea right!!!

Not trying to make sweeping statements lah.... but lets be careful lah...

colins 22-02-2009 02:06 PM

Re: Student Pass for a PRC

Originally Posted by mike1304k (Post 3502554)

Don kenna con oledi damn happy liao... U know hor... if you go to Bangkok last time, when they were still using Don Muang, almost every time I went in, there would be some new person, both young and old who would ask me if I could speak Mandarin and when I said I could, they would say that their family got problem and they have to fly home immediately. Then they have to transfer thru HK and don have enough money, so if I could lend them and if I gave them my passport number and address, they would send the money back..... Yea right!!!

Not trying to make sweeping statements lah.... but lets be careful lah...

I got that in pudong, beijing and macau airport. Apparently they target travellers who are alone. First time it happened, I said I've 200rmb if they want. This lady got a little tongue tied (not skillful enough uh) then ask for 1000rmb. Will transfer to me when she reach beijing or whatever. Dress very well, pushing a whole cart of luggage and speak both mandarin and english quite well. Again it all about the appearance and their 'story'. You can almost sit there and pay them to tell their story, I dun mind even if they charge per incense. haha...

mike1304k 22-02-2009 02:17 PM

Re: Student Pass for a PRC
Sori butI am more mean lah.. Imagine, if she accepted 200 from 10 people, that already 2k rmb. Its not much for us, but together, thats a heck of a lot of money!! Dats y I wud say don bother to even try to get something from them, In my experience, they will only give you if its to their advantage.

colins 22-02-2009 02:36 PM

Re: Student Pass for a PRC
For all the entertainment given, yeah. That was my first experience in meeting richly clad conmen. The trouble with such stories, later learnt, are that they are very flimsy. They work on what you believe therefore you may feel that they make sense, but to everyone else around you, especially those who subscribe to different belief, they can be easily seen thru. That's why I said what I said at the start of this thread.

QQBoy 22-02-2009 07:28 PM

Re: Student Pass for a PRC

Originally Posted by DO_YOU_BJ (Post 3501305)
the answer is YES
Prob is whether you're in the category to get free lunches or always lunch for others.
Listen, if she really wants to study, as in someone who is really keen, she shud have done her research online.
But since you proclaim to be some hero, the by all means, you're a very nice guy.
You're our ambassador so ya pls do bring our bilateral relations to the next level!

For one to who knows how to comment that no free lunches wif a PRC and says want to be a frenly sillyporean, jesus, she sure found good help....she would have found real super help is she contacted bro Cables & Wires in the 1st place

I don't proclaim that I am in the catergory to get free lunches, therefore I am not expecting any free lunches here. I also don't consider myself a hero. I'm just helping her with information. I'm sure if she were to approach any brothers here, she will still get what she wants.

QQBoy 22-02-2009 07:37 PM

Re: Student Pass for a PRC

Originally Posted by cablesnwires (Post 3501622)
I just hope it is not another FR claiming a gem had been found.

Maybe, maybe not. Keep reading this thread faithfully.


Originally Posted by cablesnwires (Post 3501622)
You couldn't predict her future in Singapore, because I would strongly advise her not to come to Singapore.

Congrats! Your big head rules over your small head.


Originally Posted by cablesnwires (Post 3501622)
I'm sorry, but who is stereotyping? I did not even mention anything about overseas at all. She could have used that money to study locally in China.

She said she wants to experience living in Singapore. Could she get that experience if she were to study locally?

cablesnwires 22-02-2009 07:58 PM

Re: Student Pass for a PRC

Originally Posted by QQBoy (Post 3503450)
She said she wants to experience living in Singapore. Could she get that experience if she were to study locally?

Something just doesn't add up. Which is more important?

[1] To experience the Singapore way of living?
[2] To study and get a certificate/diploma/degree?

If it is [1], she wants to experience living in Singapore for 6 months/1 year/2 years? During this time, how is she going to support herself? Her family? Her relatives? You? There are other alternatives besides being a student in Singapore. One to apply a work permit to work in Singapore. Mind you, I am talking about genuine jobs. Jobs at petrol stations (doing shift work, 7am to 3pm, 3pm to 11pm) which can earn her about more than S$1K per month, and more if she's willing to do OT). Another alternative is getting a tourist visa, perhaps maybe 30+30 days, The options are left to her to decide.

If it is [2], then Singapore should not be the choice. She could have gone to Canada, England, US, Australia etc for her studies. If it is about language problems, then she could remain in China. The courses offered are definitely more useful then the courses (those that need agents intervention) over here.

After analyzing the situation, I'm not sure if this is case of small head winning over the big head.

Bro QQBoy, I am not doubting your sincerity in helping her. It is the way in which help is being rendered that I find it suspicious.

Well, end of the day, this is just between you and her, and has nothing to do with me. But if her intention is to earn fast bucks, do let me know, I'll like to be the first in line to try her. I promise to write a FR after my experience. :)

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