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Hugo168 06-09-2006 02:33 AM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings
Huat ah LIVERPOOLFC reporting. so where do i sign up? any door gifts?

Hugo168 06-09-2006 02:35 AM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by Ah Dac
I was there for the boxing day game!!

i was at home watching soccer! :D

Ah Dac 06-09-2006 08:41 AM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings
Like that got saw me in TV bo?




Originally Posted by Hugo168
i was at home watching soccer! :D

Timax 06-09-2006 10:06 AM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings
Liverpool Fans,

1) BigBoy123
2) naemlo
3) onion_rings
4) justhorny
5) wukong68
6) snakehead
7) Xgenre
8) Soul_Reaper
9) Ah Dac
10) AXL
11) dickrick
12) libertyman
13) GL joe
14) Frankiestine
15) Shit8
16) enek
17) mahalosux
18) Hugo168
19) Timax

Lets consolidate a list of Liverpool fans. Please add your nick if I miss out......

Cool bros........long live LIVERPOOL!!

Timax 06-09-2006 10:09 AM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by Hugo168
Huat ah LIVERPOOLFC reporting. so where do i sign up? any door gifts?

Your door gift is at UE Sq. Pls go there and shout 3 times you "I'm a liverpool fan where is my door gift"..... They will give you a Liverpool Jersey Free!!!!:D :p

我回來了 06-09-2006 01:13 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings
Robbie Fowler reporting .... :)

Michael Owen, where are you :D

fb guru 06-09-2006 03:45 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings
Liverpool Fans,

1) BigBoy123
2) naemlo
3) onion_rings
4) justhorny
5) wukong68
6) snakehead
7) Xgenre
8) Soul_Reaper
9) Ah Dac
10) AXL
11) dickrick
12) libertyman
13) GL joe
14) Frankiestine
15) Shit8
16) enek
17) mahalosux
18) Hugo168
19) Timax
20) fb guru

make it 20

Dirk Kuyt 06-09-2006 06:11 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings
1) BigBoy123
2) naemlo
3) onion_rings
4) justhorny
5) wukong68
6) snakehead
7) Xgenre
8) Soul_Reaper
9) Ah Dac
10) AXL
11) dickrick
12) libertyman
13) GL joe
14) Frankiestine
15) Shit8
16) enek
17) mahalosux
18) Hugo168
19) Timax
20) fb guru
21) Dirk Kuyt

powDerful 06-09-2006 08:00 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings
pls add me! Liverpool forever!

_AXL_ 06-09-2006 08:21 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by owen10
d younger ones tis days support who else but d teams who were winning trophies in recent yrs, messrs chelski n manure.

well im impressed by d passion n deep knowledge of Liverpool football by many of our bros here. juz briefly run thru this thread, n i muz say bros AXL n Xgenere r indeed die hard fans who really knw d club history well.

it'll b nice if we Pool fans could meet up 1 day to watch our fav team in action. any guys here regular patron of d Liverpool Football Fan Club in S'pore? any idea how d ambience n cover charges there like?

bro owen10, thanks for yr compliments. the most knowledgeable person i have come across about the history of liverpool is ironically, an everton fan!!!:eek: i have the utmost respect for him. always a pleasure watching or talking about football with him.

but i guess i became a fan in the 70s as the TV was virtually showing only liverpool games on sundays. they were winning virtually everything then, so cannot really blame those new football fans who r supporting chelski or manure now. but what i cant stand are those who jump from 1 team to the other. i know of this guy who was a liverpool fan in the 80s, manure fan in the 90s and recently wears a new adidas chelski jersey and calls it my team. he had the cheek to tell me that he switched teams cos he couldnt stand losing. to me at least, i think he is a biggest loser i would ever meet.

i wish that owen comes through his injury a better player. i think he will benefit a lot from crouch in the england setup. always felt playing rooney is equivalent to playing with 10 men, with his kind of temperament, if any. attitude and temperament is the difference between a good player n a great player.

MIA at UE Square not expensive lah. nice ambience and the crowd there r generally well behaved. been there a few times n i do see supporters of other clubs there as well. should be quite safe:D , like the time when i was supporting liverpool at devils when they were playing each other. cheers.

Hugo168 06-09-2006 09:02 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by Timax
Your door gift is at UE Sq. Pls go there and shout 3 times you "I'm a liverpool fan where is my door gift"..... They will give you a Liverpool Jersey Free!!!!:D :p

wah Timax Bro when you tell me that i know you bluff liao trying to test me right? the most i would get is a bottle of carlsberg free lor!

Cummon 06-09-2006 11:09 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings
I grew up always arguing with my elder brother over almost everything under the sun. I was seven when he 'taught' me how to watch football,then I chose to be a Liverpool fan upon knowing he was a die hard MU fan :D

Fellow Reds,any of you also Koptalk member ? disappointed to know that now one has to pay to be a member :o

owen10 07-09-2006 12:49 AM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by _AXL_
bro owen10, thanks for yr compliments. the most knowledgeable person i have come across about the history of liverpool is ironically, an everton fan!!!:eek: i have the utmost respect for him. always a pleasure watching or talking about football with him.


i wish that owen comes through his injury a better player. i think he will benefit a lot from crouch in the england setup. always felt playing rooney is equivalent to playing with 10 men, with his kind of temperament, if any. attitude and temperament is the difference between a good player n a great player.

MIA at UE Square not expensive lah. nice ambience and the crowd there r generally well behaved. been there a few times n i do see supporters of other clubs there as well. should be quite safe:D , like the time when i was supporting liverpool at devils when they were playing each other. cheers.

hey bro, is that everton fan fr this forum huh? which bro is he? would like to knw him kekeke ...

as for owen .. sigh .. he's 1 dam sad jinxed player. when he returns fr injury i doubt he'll b d same again. speed n reflexes will definitely slow down. i onli fear once he returns n he kena anthr toa zhong injury again he'll quit lor. like gd old marco van basten retired early.

btw MIA = official Liverpool fan club pub izzit? i knw they used to have 1 near tanjong pagar mrt

owen10 07-09-2006 01:13 AM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by onion_rings
Bro owen10 yesterday nite was tinking when u will come & report & ur here liao....

Me supported Liverpool since i was 10yo at 1984 till now(oops dun tell ppl me how old liao).....All Liverpudian will never have to walk alone in SBF & hope this season they can top the table chart after 38 games....:D

thks for thinking of me bro. :D

i was really disappointed when owen left d club. i tot Pool had a gd chance to re-sign him when he returned fr Real but was dam mad when newcastle snapped him instead! haha .. so now its retribution lah .. owen became a white elephant on NC's expensive payroll!

well i guess for now, no way for owen to return bk to Pool liao. dun thk Rafa n d Pool board will want to sign an injury proned player. hope at least my presence in SB will let bros feel a bit of Owen's presence lor hehehehe.

enek 07-09-2006 01:58 AM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings
Correct me if i'm wrong but i thought MIA has already closed down?

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