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DO_YOU_BJ 22-02-2009 08:04 PM

Re: Student Pass for a PRC
One plus one MUST equals 2
This equation, whatever formula you use, still cunt get 2.

slider_72 23-02-2009 04:10 PM

Re: Student Pass for a PRC
At least bro shandme is honest enough and telling people upfront that he is an agent. TS, can ask your "friend" to contact him and find out the rates lah. After that we shall await bro cablesnwires' FR. Heehee.

cablesnwires 26-02-2009 03:14 AM

Re: Student Pass for a PRC

Originally Posted by slider_72 (Post 3506042)
At least bro shandme is honest enough and telling people upfront that he is an agent. TS, can ask your "friend" to contact him and find out the rates lah. After that we shall await bro cablesnwires' FR. Heehee.

Yeah man, let me draw first blood.... :D

BKnight 26-02-2009 12:37 PM

Re: Student Pass for a PRC

Originally Posted by Lonelygal (Post 3485730)
End of the day, TS is just asking which course is the cheapest. As stated in my thread ,whether if he is helping the PRC in extending her stay here ornot using this thats another question..the end.

Why you so upset for fark? I dont know how smart are you but your EQ is negative sial...Yes, T.S is asking which cost is cheapest? so which course huh? Since you are so damn smart by calling everyone here stupid, please..please...Tell us leh, although we are seems stupid (pardon my England..oops..English, how to write proper English,,hmm..., stupid or seems stupid,,whats the meaning..hmm...) we also have many SWT PRCs wanting to enrol for the CHEAPEST course in town...Please provide school name, fee, course duration and make sure it is not a fly-by-nite school....

BKnight 26-02-2009 12:52 PM

Re: Student Pass for a PRC

Originally Posted by BS KTV (Post 3489923)
Fucking old man, your intellectual is very good hoh. You know what a student pass is ? Not every single PRC gals on student pass here are working & quite a number of them who study in local polytechnics have rich family background. DO NOT LOOK DOWN ON PEOPLE AS IF YOU ARE FUCKING SMART !!!

Bro KTV, yes, there are many PRC who are real students and real workers making a decent living, with solid background here (just like the student that had sex with the teacher recently or that pretty, big eyes SIM student that I bang her after Zouk on Christmas Eve, but that another topics altogether). The subject of PRC we are talking in this forum is not the above types, come on, relex, ..You cheong KTV, I am sure you know which type we are referring to in this thread. We all know you are not smart, sorry that you being looked down upon...I am sure the bros will not do it anymore....:D

BKnight 26-02-2009 04:12 PM

Re: Student Pass for a PRC
Stupid Zapper 1: Why can't you let fellow brothers penciled their thought in this forum Of course you can choose to carry the balls of some old men is this forum but at the end of the day we have to look at thing objectively

Stupid Zapper 2: People had their right to go for the type of courses they want regardless cheapest or expensive Please do not look down on PRC gals here ..they are still some nice gals around if you got cheated by PRC then blamed yourself been stupid

To the 2 stupid farkers who zapped me points...Please read the thread carefully or if dont understand please go back to your poly to study a few more years...Hahaha please leave your nics when zapping la..I know I should not have bonk your "fellow country gals or classmates" but I love PRC gals, loving bonking them too..Cant help it if they love me and fellow singaporean to bonk them hard la..BTW. How do you know Do_U_BJ, Slider_72 and Colins are old man? Hahahahaha...:D

slider_72 26-02-2009 05:15 PM

Re: Student Pass for a PRC
Bro BKnight, don't sweat the kiddie zappers. I got zapped by them too. Maybe their mummy never give them enough pocket money to fuck PRC girls, that is why they buay song that we everytime get to song song with PRC girls. Hahahaha.

By the way, I love PRC girls. Really love them deep deep. :D

kiko 26-02-2009 05:22 PM

Re: Student Pass for a PRC
Bro slider_72: I also love PRC gal deep, deep. Now my gal ask me how to avoid paying agent fee for applying student pass. I told her, u follow me to ICA, i will show u the way !:rolleyes:

slider_72 26-02-2009 05:50 PM

Re: Student Pass for a PRC

Originally Posted by kiko (Post 3515003)
Bro slider_72: I also love PRC gal deep, deep. Now my gal ask me how to avoid paying agent fee for applying student pass. I told her, u follow me to ICA, i will show u the way !:rolleyes:

Let me guess, you will tell her take the MRT to Lavender station, get out of the MRT station and cross the road at the traffic light, and viola! you are at ICA already!

After going to ICA, where else are you going to bring "your gal" next? Marks & Spencer to buy chocolate? $30 pair of sunglasses? McDonalds?

kiko 26-02-2009 05:54 PM

Re: Student Pass for a PRC
Bro slider_72: I will bring my gal, sit mrt from Paya lebar to Lavendar mrt , then go ICA. After that i will bring her back to B.S downstairs coffee shop eat. Then i go up with my gal to b.s. Then i say 宝贝, 我走了,我爱你。:D

tiewleilowmei 26-02-2009 07:11 PM

Re: Student Pass for a PRC

Originally Posted by kiko (Post 3515111)
Bro slider_72: I will bring my gal, sit mrt from Paya lebar to Lavendar mrt , then go ICA. After that i will bring her back to B.S downstairs coffee shop eat. Then i go up with my gal to b.s. Then i say ±¦±´£¬ ÎÒ×ßÁË£¬ÎÒ°®Äã¡£:D

Dreaming only right???

colins 26-02-2009 08:03 PM

Re: Student Pass for a PRC

Originally Posted by slider_72 (Post 3515095)
Let me guess, you will tell her take the MRT to Lavender station, get out of the MRT station and cross the road at the traffic light, and viola! you are at ICA already!

After going to ICA, where else are you going to bring "your gal" next? Marks & Spencer to buy chocolate? $30 pair of sunglasses? McDonalds?

Bro, you're gonna get special invitation to BS/SG/TH ktv very soon. Maybe with steamboat afterwards too. Won't be surprise if he claims DYBJ and I are already in the attendance list and that we are his regular "cheonging brothers". ;)

DO_YOU_BJ 27-02-2009 02:46 AM

Re: Student Pass for a PRC

Originally Posted by BKnight (Post 3514813)
BTW. How do you know Do_U_BJ, Slider_72 and Colins are old man? Hahahahaha...:D

Correction, think you read that post wrong.
He was targeting at Colins...and calling him an old man and not Bro Slider and me la
Damn, incase you dun already know, bro Slider and me just past puberty only nia....tiobo bro Slider hehehehehe:D

slider_72 27-02-2009 09:39 AM

Re: Student Pass for a PRC

Originally Posted by DO_YOU_BJ (Post 3516293)
Correction, think you read that post wrong.
He was targeting at Colins...and calling him an old man and not Bro Slider and me la
Damn, incase you dun already know, bro Slider and me just past puberty only nia....tiobo bro Slider hehehehehe:D

Alamak! Don't tell people my age lah!!! I am still at the stage where I see bra strap only can steam liao!!! Hahahaha!!!

How gentlemen, any further invitations to steamboat dinners and going to KTVs and letting PRC gals rub their boobies on your faces?

cablesnwires 27-02-2009 03:22 PM

Re: Student Pass for a PRC

Originally Posted by slider_72 (Post 3515095)

Wrong! Bring her to BS KTV, tell her how he was raped, and ask her to act out the role of the rapist. On top of that, after the rape, ask the girl to throw money at him, maybe enough to buy M&S chocolates and $30 sunglasses.

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