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Jun|ch| 06-01-2006 03:01 AM

Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by singrakthai
U're the one who brought up ur family's 5 room HDB asset.. how the hell will we know about ur family's 5 room HDB flat if u didn't bring it up? U seens proud of the fact that u're only child and eventually (but u said 10 yrs down the road), ur parent's poccessions will be urs... *tsk tsk tsk*
Did u or did u not say I was meaning that 10yrs down the road,when the flat is finally mine???? How u know 10 years? Mr fortune teller? hehehe

True,i brought it up cos i need to justify what i said earlier regarding retiring in bkk.The mere mentioning of it does not justify that I "seems" proud.That is ur assumption.Assumptions are made everytime in the forums and everyday life.But have u heard before,Assumptions is the mother of all f***ups?I cant stop u from thinking i am a proud and arrogant guy.If i am really that bad,i guess those that met me thru out this 9months would have come here to curse and swear and say what a farking arrogant asshole i am.But bo leh.Hur hur...tammai?"gua" pom zap loh?Do not worry since i do not zap people one.Not happy can voice out here.Do not need to zap in silent mode.:p

Jun|ch| 06-01-2006 03:06 AM

Re: old post from washlee (25-03-2005, 11:59 AM)

Originally Posted by singrakthai
enjoy ur dinner..

Please share FR on how it taste like... hehehe :D

Need FRs meh?Not as delicious as the food u find at Siam Hotel lah.

I just realised what a kaypoh u are leh.Indeed u are really very free and obessed with me and my tirakship.Maybe i should form a ThaiRakThai nick to entertain u.Ur nick reminds me of someone who have mixed feelings whether he is a sporean or thai wannabe. :rolleyes:

Jun|ch| 06-01-2006 03:11 AM

Re: Jun's Amazing Stunt List

Originally Posted by singrakthai
What u talking about? U did make me laugh this morning leh! *LOL* Ur post is the first post I replied in the morning leh.. hehehe
Thank you for making me laugh every morning... hehehe

Aey,but u never post as usual,the standard format.That the jokes make u laugh this morning mah.I thought everything in life for u is very standardised one.Including logging on to read and laff ur head off,reading the posts here and compiling for me,as well as daily trips to Siam Hotel to eat ur fav "hee" opps i mean "Hoi" there with ur friends.

Paisey,see properly hor,i did not come here daily to make u laugh.U could have mistaken someone's post for me liao.Buy a pair of specs hor.But i try to make it a point to do so if time allows it.To think i have to sacrifice my time having flings to post articles here.:p

Jun|ch| 06-01-2006 03:14 AM

Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by The_Unrepentant
I say in other thread already mah.U give me the names i pm scold them haha.
scared u cannot see again so i post big big.

I have a dislike for people who likes to use big fonts in their posts.I am not that old or need specs lah.Normal size of 2 or 3 will suffice.

scold pm for what,no need lah.U think i do care of the promise meh?we are here to share infos not to quarrel.why is it nobody is contributing to the aspects of emigrating to LOS or other useful threads?Like that i will be wasting my time here leh.:o

Jun|ch| 06-01-2006 03:33 AM

Re: Jun's funny quotes

Originally Posted by singrakthai
Wanna go sleep already.. ur dinner so long ah? hehehe[/url]Seens like nowadays u quite obcessed with Lady Boys.. hehehe... cos u started with:
then now:andhehehe is it because u got the look same same as Lady Boy? hehehe..ur gf told me.. oops.. i mean u wan.. hehehe
Or... u got some secrets u wanna share? :eek: hehehehe Other than this secret of cos:
Looking forward to another good laugh tomorrow morning. :D Thank you.
Goodnight! hehehe

Go sleep lah,stay here and wait for me for what?I say liao,u darn bian tai one.I said it depends whether i will be here or not.U see lah,u again use ur small head to think si bo?

Dinner means just eat and go home huh?No wonder u can spend $20 on a date with a gf in spore.Paisey for bringing up the old posts.U see lah,now I also habit of digging old posts.

Eat finish can do many other things,including look movies,shop around and look around.Do not forget i stay far far away land hor.I need alot of travelling time to and fro.Man like u everything so PREDICTABLE,go to work,log on forum,laugh alone at the monitor and go home pass by Siam Hotel and gain some mental stimulation by looking at the Uni girls in the dark,therefore going home for some wanking using Ebay for sale undergarments from Uni girls in bkk.

I already said before,that outing happens long long time ago.During my early days in bkk,i think ard June,i was probably a month in bkk already.I went with these few gorgeous LBs who worked in spore too.That was my first and last outing anyway.It was a brand new experience i admit,but caught the eyes of many thai puyings.That was also the first time i went Hollywood,thereafter i went there countless times with friends.

Not like u mah,day in and out,u go pubs got LBs and GAYS interested in u leh.I used to hang out in nana plaza in my earlier days when i wait for my gf to finish work,also do not have all the ATTENTION like urs leh.If want to say who looks more like THEIR TYPE,i guess i need not say much loh.

I was only curious about LBs and their mentality that is why i hung out with them that time.Wanting to know how the third type of people in thailand thinking.I saw a book in one of the bookstores relating on that,that is why i wanted to hear from them.Not same u,constant target for their dicks into ur "tood"hehee..I always listen to my gf's advice not to hang out with LBs,this one i sure 100% listen.I guess u would do otherwise.As long as u do not smile back for them,they will not bother u.U must be smiling back to them tio bo?hehe...

U mean my gf spoke to u??Oh my God!!U must be obessed in me and need help.So far,only a couple of close friends seen her and spoke to her in person.But do not worry,she is aware that there is such a joker like u in bkk.

U are often my first choice of topic when it comes to sharing jokes and laughter with my CO.

singrakthai 06-01-2006 09:17 AM

Re: Jun's funny quotes

Originally Posted by Jun|ch|
U are often my first choice of topic when it comes to sharing jokes and laughter with my CO.

U've never been a disappointed for bringing me big smile early in the morning! hahahahahahaahahaaa
Same same! U ARE my first choice of topic when it comes to sharing jokes and laughter with my friends about Thai wannabes and cocks. :D
Today abit busy so no time to reply ur lengthy posts.. hehehe... somemore its weekend. Hope u have other things to do this weekend other than eating shit and masterbating with ur neighbour granny's underwear ok? hehehehe

ps. What does Jun|ch| means?? hehehehe Since singrakthai reminds you of someone who have mixed feelings whether he is a sporean or thai wannabe. *LOL*

The_Unrepentant 06-01-2006 09:35 AM

Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by Jun|ch|
I have a dislike for people who likes to use big fonts in their posts.I am not that old or need specs lah.Normal size of 2 or 3 will suffice.

If u do not need an optician ,i will not post big big for u to see.If u can see, u will know in other thread i got say b4 liao.But u do not know.So?See the effect?After I post big big ,u see and reply liao.This is my evidence.:D Not anyhow say one.

Ok lah I scold him in the forum can? u saying singrakthai tio bo?:rolleyes:

The_Unrepentant 06-01-2006 09:42 AM

Re: Jun's funny quotes

Originally Posted by singrakthai

U've never been a disappointed for bringing me big smile early in the morning! hahahahahahaahahaaa
Same same! U ARE my first choice of topic when it comes to sharing jokes and laughter with my friends about Thai wannabes and cocks.
Today abit busy so no time to reply ur lengthy posts.. hehehe... somemore its weekend. Hope u have other things to do this weekend other than eating shit and masterbating with ur neighbour granny's underwear ok? hehehehe

Oii.Knn! y u disturb my jun ?wait he don post story how?U entertain me is it?

Please don keep talking abt his 'CO' liao lah.He very angry liao .cant u see?

Ps: See JUN I scold him liao.:p

singrakthai 06-01-2006 09:53 AM

Re: Jun's funny quotes

Originally Posted by The_Unrepentant
keep talking abt his 'CO' liao lah.He very angry liao .cant u see?:D
Ps: See JUN I scold him liao.

pai say pai say.. i didn't know in a open forum we're not allowed to touch on certain topics... hehehe... But I only mention things which are mentioned by him leh... wrong meh? :confused:
btw, i don't think he very angry lah! He a super steady guy lah! He come here to tcss, joke, post his amazing stunts, share his amazing experiences, share his amazing secrets, etc and then after that he goes back to reality... although occasionally he'll talk to his gf about me (*blush*)... hehehe.. but i'm sure he won't take it at heart wan lah! hehehehehe

The_Unrepentant 06-01-2006 12:12 PM

Re: Jun's funny quotes

Originally Posted by singrakthai
pai say pai say.. i didn't know in a open forum we're not allowed to touch on certain topics... hehehe... But I only mention things which are mentioned by him leh... wrong meh? :confused:
btw, i don't think he very angry lah! He a super steady guy lah! He come here to tcss, joke, post his amazing stunts, share his amazing experiences, share his amazing secrets, etc and then after that he goes back to reality... although occasionally he'll talk to his gf about me (*blush*)... hehehe.. but i'm sure he won't take it at heart wan lah! hehehehehe

ohaiyo gozaimasu!(good morning!u can say this to JUN keke)
U wan to know abt his nick meaning tio bo?See u post some where but cant remember.

I explain for him lah.

Jun=means obdient

ichi=means first son.

U wan to learn jap?pm me.$20 per lesson.

when u meet someone for the first time u say= hajimemashite.
shite means know. means nice to meet 'know' you.

watashiwa the_unrepentant desu.

o_na_ma_e_wa means wat is ur name?



DNAT 06-01-2006 12:27 PM

Re: Jun's funny quotes

Originally Posted by The_Unrepentant

U wan to learn jap?pm me.$20 per lesson.


"Short Time how much?" - how to say in Japanese ? :confused:

The_Unrepentant 06-01-2006 12:34 PM

Re: Jun's funny quotes

Originally Posted by DNAT
"Short Time how much?" - how to say in Japanese ?

Wao u intend to cheong nihongo also huh?:eek: when u going pm me. They normally don entertain kai jin(outsiders means u foriegners) unless u can speak very good jap so if u learn just one sentence also no use.Sign up for my full course.I see u uncle give u discount.:D



Jun|ch| 06-01-2006 01:56 PM

Re: Jun's funny quotes

Originally Posted by singrakthai
U've never been a disappointed for bringing me big smile early in the morning! hahahahahahaahahaaa
Same same! U ARE my first choice of topic when it comes to sharing jokes and laughter with my friends about Thai wannabes and cocks.
Today abit busy so no time to reply ur lengthy posts.. hehehe... somemore its weekend. Hope u have other things to do this weekend other than eating shit and masterbating with ur neighbour granny's underwear ok? hehehehe

ps. What does Jun|ch| means?? hehehehe Since singrakthai reminds you of someone who have mixed feelings whether he is a sporean or thai wannabe. *LOL*

Glad to see u have the standard and “expected” greetings from ur first reply.I was afraid that my jokes fails to amuse u in some way or another.Mai copy cat lah,I say what u also say.Be more innovative mah,and also try to pick on new posts,old posts explain to u so many times yet u still blur blur.If u failed to smile,let me know so that I will greatly improve on the posts.:D

To me,what is a weekend?A disco or a venue which is more crowded with people or the prices are higher?Haha,everyday to me is a weekend or holiday.Not same u have to wait for weekends then can stay longer at Siam Hotel and have longer mental stimulation. :p

DNAT 06-01-2006 01:56 PM

Re: Jun's funny quotes

Originally Posted by The_Unrepentant
Wao u intend to cheong nihongo also huh?:eek: when u going pm me. They normally don entertain kai jin(outsiders means u foriegners) unless u can speak very good jap so if u learn just one sentence also no use.Sign up for my full course.I see u uncle give u discount.



anata wa nihong jin desuka?
- hope (=dream) to learn to speak some conversational Japanese then have free bonks .... kekekeke

Jun|ch| 06-01-2006 01:57 PM

Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by The_Unrepentant

If u do not need an optician ,i will not post big big for u to see.If u can see, u will know in other thread i got say b4 liao.But u do not know.So?See the effect?After I post big big ,u see and reply liao.This is my evidence.:D Not anyhow say one.

Ok lah I scold him in the forum can? u saying singrakthai tio bo?

U never post big big I also reply what.I reply to most posts that have me inside,besides the ones I failed to see outside the common threads.I frankly do not have time to spy and keep track of individual’s postings.Unlike singrakthai,where I post he will come and say hello to me.hehe…too obsessed in me.:p

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