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wala 05-12-2010 02:26 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by ndnd (Post 5462510)
Accident always happened.. :D

Happened twice for me liao.. :p

Third accident coming soon.. :eek:

I hope such "accidents" does not imply up the bus liao, plus one passenger oledi, then lan lan buy extra tickets. :cool:

ndnd 05-12-2010 10:04 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by wala (Post 5464322)
I hope such "accidents" does not imply up the bus liao, plus one passenger oledi, then lan lan buy extra tickets. :cool:

already up in the bus liao :o

also plus two more passenger.. :p

bro, up bus is ok, dont up lorry.. :D

S.B.Y.1 05-12-2010 03:07 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by ndnd (Post 5462499)
Tanjung Ujang.. :rolleyes:

My Indon OC got good contact with few joints mami and papi..
eg. Pacific captains, Jingle, Indah2, berry, gold bird.. :(

but i still got my way lah.. :D

Got VVIP rooms for special rates

ndnd 05-12-2010 03:36 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by S.B.Y.1 (Post 5465599)
Got VVIP rooms for special rates

Can have some discount off the bill if ask her friend to get the bill..
they know how to do "hand" "leg".. :D

nuclear 05-12-2010 05:53 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Any senior going to batam 18 dec ~ 21 dec?. Read the threat but figured that going with an experienced person would be better.

Cerberus 05-12-2010 07:58 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
This is not the first time I went to BTM. Anyway, just want to highlight some bad incidents during my visit yesterday.

Not sure what is the occasion, but BTM sure is packed on Saturday. We (went with my buddy as usual) reached BTM quite early as we took the 9.30am ferry to BTM Center.
Reached the KAHA counter and got a shock. Our preferred hotels all fully booked! Finally settled for Swiss-Inn at 310k rph.
Proceed to Swiss-Inn. After putting down our stuffs, went out the various chicken joints. It was drizzling.

My buddy brought me to various chicken joints. Quality to me wasn't good. There were some I deemed as passable. But it is always 500k rph.
New Berlian was the first stop. My buddy wanted to see Joyce. He said highly recommended. She was present. She was clearly the fairest of them all.
The mummy quoted 550k. She said Joyce not really as good as what other ppl say....blah....blah....refused to back down on price.
We went other chicken joints....won't mention here liao. In the end, went back to Berlian.
This time, Joyce was missing. The mummy say she is upstairs blah blah blah. Just don't want to back down on price.
I took one #28. Face quite ok...only a bit plump. She was 370k. Mummy gave discount 350k. This #28 the mummy said very friendly and obedient.
Since no Joyce, my buddy took 1 500k chick (#52) which the mummy again claims very good. IMO, I don't think she worth 500k.

Back to hotel. My gal quite nice. Finish off 1st shot. Rest for a while. As I was tired, I slept. Then I was woken up by my chick. She was all dressed up and say she want go dinner.
I look at time and it is about 4pm. Very early. She asked me whether to follow...I said no as I had eaten a heavy lunch.
Called my buddy.....and well he told me his chick had the audacity to call 1 of her friend to go to the room. Here is where all the mess starts.
Somehow or rather, they called my chick and influence her. We agree to release the chicks for dinner. My chick asked me for dinner $. I say don't have. Then she asked me for tips for tomorrow morning.
WTF, I say I will give her tomorrow morning. She black face and went off.
My buddy then called me for conference call. He was clearly fed up with his chick.

We decided to teach them a lesson. Since they go off without us, we also go off ourselves. We will let them wait at the lobby for our return.
Both of us spent nearly 4 hours makan, shopping,....etc.
When we went back to hotel, there were no signs of the chicks at the lobby. They dun wan to return??? Their things are still inside the rooms.
My buddy was wondering whether they could had gotten into the rooms. I was thinking this was impossible as we were holding the rooms keycards all the time ( we didn't deposit at the counter when we left).
Both of us went to my room and when I opened the gal was on the bed!!!
The keycard slot was stuffed with a piece of paper so there would be electricity.

At this moment, I just lost it and couldn't accept this incident. My gal was also black face and I asked her who let her up the room. She pointed downstairs.
I asked her to leave immediately. She called her friends (inside my buddy room). She asked for taxi fare....wanted to reject...but I relented and gave 20k.

Off she went. Not before asking me to check whether anything is missing. Luckily I always bring my $$ with me when I go out. Nothing missing though.
My buddy asked his chick (and her friend too) to leave.
We did a check later on and my buddy found they had taken the soap, shampoo, foam. Have to call housekeeping to get replacement.

For my room, I found 1 packet of nuts opened and consumed halfway. 1 bar of choc in the fridge consumed a bit and throw inside the littebin in the toilet.

We went down and complained to the desk counter. The lady recep apologised and blah blah blah.

Apolgies for the long FR. But I want to hilight all this to the benefit of all Btm cheongsters.

We had decided not to stay in Swiss-Inn in the future. Their lack of security was appalling.
We had also decided we won't visit any chicken joints and take gals for ON in the future. All these incidents left a bitter taste in our mouths.
We rather go for short time or massage parlors next time. We rather spent our $ on buying T-shirts and arcade games.
I wasted 350k for 1 shot. My buddy worst off. Spent 500k and got all this shit.
The gals were only nice for the first shot...then true colors appear.

skyfree 05-12-2010 08:53 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Cerberus (Post 5466338)
We had decided not to stay in Swiss-Inn in the future. Their lack of security was appalling.
We had also decided we won't visit any chicken joints and take gals for ON in the future. All these incidents left a bitter taste in our mouths.
We rather go for short time or massage parlors next time. We rather spent our $ on buying T-shirts and arcade games.
I wasted 350k for 1 shot. My buddy worst off. Spent 500k and got all this shit.
The gals were only nice for the first shot...then true colors appear.

Sorry cerberus, i did not stay in swiss-inn before, so i cannot give any comments on the security..but in other hotels i stay before, the gals are not allowed to go back to the hotel room with the guests around...
new berlian...guess these girls are really too naughty liao...

newyorker88 05-12-2010 09:20 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by ndnd (Post 5463599)
Thats why i have read your incomplete massage centre list many time liao..
hehe.. Cari lobang..

One time ever try a FL, know her from the billard centre below famosa, name rani,
(Anyone here know her???) she stay at kost opposit sinar bulan coffeeshop.
Only take her for short time, the next day after i took her, when walking with OC at centrepoint, saw her sitting outside at the open air cafe, then my OC walk towards rani, tap her back to call her and start chatting with her, and my OC introduce rani to me saying to rani, "ini cowk aku".. My otak that time thinking, knn this rani better act blur.. Good enough.. Heng.. She stretch out her hand to salam with me.. hehehe..
This is wat i like abt indo gals, Professional ! Work is work, tamu is tamu..

Wow, your OC is sure not an easy woman... know these FLs too... You better watch your tracks and be more careful.

newyorker88 05-12-2010 09:29 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Cerberus (Post 5466338)
This is not the first time I went to BTM. Anyway, just want to highlight some bad incidents during my visit yesterday.

Not sure what is the occasion, but BTM sure is packed on Saturday. We (went with my buddy as usual) reached BTM quite early as we took the 9.The gals were only nice for the first shot...then true colors appear.


Sorry to hear about your bad experience... But Sat are very packed.... try to go during weekdays, or Fridays...

As for bad experience, complain to mamasan. TThey will know hoe to deal with them. That is another reason I go for massage, bonk and forget, move on to another one. RTF if experience is good.

ndnd 05-12-2010 09:59 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
swiss Inn formerly known as Island Garden, below got a pub, got PR can book for sit sit sing song, some do booking out, some no. got 2 hotels under same boss, another one is Island View, both sold away then change name to Swiss Inn. Room not so big and location also not so convinent, only good thing opposit got one nice nasi padang.
october my two friend also book 2 gals fr new berlin, but all old one leh i see, age around mid 30, i jio my friend go nagoya hill eat bah kuh tea, end up the 2 gals my friend book, each bought more than 300k on cosmetic and shose, knn old hen still hv sharp knife.. Notice new berlin only 1, 2 young gal, the rest seem late 20s or 30s leh, not a recommanend joint..

ndnd 05-12-2010 10:14 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by newyorker88 (Post 5466523)
Wow, your OC is sure not an easy woman... know these FLs too... You better watch your tracks and be more careful.

Thanks bro,
I always hati hati when curi curi..
btm very big, but places where ppl shop very few, and for indo gals to indo gals, very easy to make friend,, this one kakak that mbak.. Asli mana?? Oh.. Satu kampong,, then become closed friend liao.. Then friend introduce friend, become many many friend..

Cerberus 05-12-2010 10:25 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by newyorker88 (Post 5466557)
Sorry to hear about your bad experience... But Sat are very packed.... try to go during weekdays, or Fridays...

As for bad experience, complain to mamasan. They will know how to deal with them. That is another reason I go for massage, bonk and forget, move on to another one. RTF if experience is good.

We used to go on Saturdays too. Only skip if long weekend. But yesterday we were caught off guard as the hotels were fully booked. Not sure what happened as it wasn't long weekend.

Yes, we will stick to trying out massage parlor next time.
Complain to mummy??? I doubt it will work. At the most she will just act act a bit. Nothing will be change. The Berlian mummy clearly bluffing us.


Originally Posted by ndnd (Post 5466622)
swiss Inn formerly known as Island Garden,

i jio my friend go nagoya hill eat bah kuh tea, end up the 2 gals my friend book, each bought more than 300k on cosmetic and shoes, knn old hen still hv sharp knife.. Notice new berlian only 1, 2 young gal, the rest seem late 20s or 30s leh, not a recommended joint..

Dunno what name Swiss-Inn used to call lah.
Swiss-Inn is on my banned list. They let the chicks into OUR rooms without our consent.
What if they hide their boyfriends inside? When we opened door, we kenna robbed n beaten up. This is a possibility.
The chicks if bring pills/drugs with them and consumed inside room. My buddy's chick called her friend to join her into my buddy's room. Such audacity!!
If they want to sabo us by bring in drugs also very easy. They call police and I won't be posting here liao.

This is a very serious breach of security. We are the guests and our safety are being jeopardised. This is why I'm pissed off.

Most of the joints we went to yesterday the stock not that great. About the same. Anyway, those I deemed as passable are rated as 500k. I'm won't pay that sum unless is Miss Indonesia kind of quality.
Luckily I didn't went with the chicks that day....I think I will be footing their bill. Our chicks black face becoz they thought we good to "makan".
They still have it good becoz they just do 1 shot and was released. Like short time duration. 1-2 hours.
I believed this is their modus operandi nowadays. Do 1 shot make you happy then pattern come out. Can eat they will eat.
Gone were the days when btm chicks are "guai guai".

Sexrider 05-12-2010 11:59 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Cerberus (Post 5466338)
This is not the first time I went to BTM. Anyway, just want to highlight some bad incidents during my visit yesterday.
We had decided not to stay in Swiss-Inn in the future. Their lack of security was appalling.
We had also decided we won't visit any chicken joints and take gals for ON in the future. All these incidents left a bitter taste in our mouths.
We rather go for short time or massage parlors next time. We rather spent our $ on buying T-shirts and arcade games.
I wasted 350k for 1 shot. My buddy worst off. Spent 500k and got all this shit.

Bro, thanks for the FR even though is not that enjoyable. It depends on what you want to get ST/Booking (LT). That's why sometimes I opt for ST instead of keep on "cutting loss". :o It's first time I heard that guest can go up to your room without owner's concern. Just be careful next time.

S.B.Y.1 06-12-2010 12:32 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Mas Cerberus

Trims for your FRs. Things have changed in Batam due to influence from Sinkies and Malaysians.

On the hotel room issue Pak can only say that maybe hotel recep took for granted what your cewe say. But then again they're Indons

Pak stayed in the then Island Garden and it's one of the cleanest hotels besides the 5 star ones. Yes it's quite out of the way but near to TOP 100
It all depends on your plans in Batam.

Opposite the hotel is a nice steak house.

For Pak is just relax in hotel and no shoppings. Diner time head to WFC and later Pasifik :D

Nowadays just stay in Pasifik FOC entry to DISCO :cool:

hendri2 06-12-2010 05:43 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
reading the FRs here, some of these ayams really deserve only 1/3 of what we give to mami....shoot and goodbye, i think, is the best way to cheong in btm..haha!! good things never last..thinking of the good old days when the ceweks were timid and take orders from you like papa...

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