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no no 09-04-2009 02:41 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by ANDYSIAO14 (Post 3631597)
jialat....i knew that something not right the moment the odds went up...
sleep la... :p

there will always be next time....
Our Mighty Reds failed today....Stamford Bridge will see red on the next leg :) amen.... :)

hope that your words will come true during the return leg , is a very tough mountain to climb.:(

no no 09-04-2009 02:43 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by hawksbay (Post 3631618)
dam we were really bad,we need to win 3-0 at the bridge:(

hope we can repeat the way we play @ OT n we will stand a chance.

pirambi 09-04-2009 07:09 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by Xgenre (Post 3632685)
If we were beaten by Chelsea, I hope Man U beats Porto and proceed to the semi-finals. That way, we can fully focus on the league (which a lot of us want more than the CL title, i think) while Man U and Chelsea continue to have a fixture pile up. But the way it is now... Not even sure if Man U can beat Porto man.

Hope Everton beats them in the FA cup too.

A true Liverfool supporter.Always aiming for a small gift. Even as a ManU supporter, I cannot digest Liverpool losing European game at Anfield. I donno how u cud take it up so easily

hotsoup16 09-04-2009 07:11 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings
I stopped watching the game at half time knowing Liverpool can't win the game without gerrard's great performance

hawksbay 09-04-2009 10:43 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by pirambi (Post 3633587)
A true Liverfool supporter.Always aiming for a small gift. Even as a ManU supporter, I cannot digest Liverpool losing European game at Anfield. I donno how u cud take it up so easily

at least we don t abandon our team when we r losing not like the 75,000 fans of that so called great club of urs left even b4 the final whistle when they were losing 4-1:p:D

ANDYSIAO14 09-04-2009 11:20 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings
Spot on......... even when we lost ( before final whistle and after the whistle ) we still sang our anthem :p :p


Originally Posted by hawksbay (Post 3634162)
at least we dont abandon our team when we r losing not
like the 75,000 fans of that so called great
club of urs left even b4 the final whistle when they were losing 4-1:p:D

ANDYSIAO14 09-04-2009 11:24 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings
Sure bro...we will win... it took us 6 mins of glory to made it 3-3 at Istanbul...we got 90mins at the Bridge... :p
P/S : its better to lose my $400 on my beloved team rather than wasting my $$ on a LATEXDOLLY :D :D

Originally Posted by no no (Post 3632898)
hope that your words will come true during the return leg , is a very tough mountain to climb.:(

The MilkMan 10-04-2009 10:33 AM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Hicks' bricks need new cement mix

The debt laden edifice that is Tom Hicks’ sports franchise ‘empire’ is beginning to crumble. Reports in the Guardian and elsewhere indicate that that his US investment vehicle, Hicks Sporting Group (HSG), defaulted on loans which amount to £354m because he’s failing to keep up the interest payments. Hicks told the press:

"I am working closely with both leagues to find quality partners that share my long-term vision….. I will continue to fund the teams' operations. I am the largest creditor to HSG and need 51% of the banks to agree with my plan."

Sound familiar? It’s the usual bluster that everything’s fine & dandy, but the likely impact of Hick’s default may, according to Saturday’s Guardian:

“…have the damaging effect of shaking the confidence of Kop Holdings' two lenders, Royal Bank of Scotland, around 70% owned by the UK government, and the US finance house Wachovia. The club's £350.5m loan is not only secured against its own assets but also through letters of credit and personal guarantees from Hicks and Gillett, amounting to £185m.”

Clearly, increasing evidence that both Hicks & Gillet are suffering serious financial difficulties won’t shore up the banks’ confidence in their ability to successfully re-structure the LFC related debt in July.

Meanwhile, there are persistent rumours that the Kuwaiti guys are watching and waiting…..

wish they can just pack-up and left,go back to where they belong.

bro pirambi,
win or lose,we will still support the Reds.
no team can win forever.

Cum_Luver 11-04-2009 08:16 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings
nbb should already been 2-0 or 3-0,but now only leading 1-0.
come on Reds,score a few more.

CNY_OX09 12-04-2009 10:07 AM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings
look like the ONE above is looking over MU and Reds' hearts all over the globe have been broken by the kid - Macheda again.

let hope Arsenal and Man City can do the Reds a favour,when they take-on MU.

owen10 12-04-2009 01:26 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings
so quiet here on a weekend ... i hope fellow pool bros r not too disillusioned here.

caught d Pool vs BB match last nite. d 1st 3 goals were juz superb ... Torres' 1st muz surely b d best of 1 of d best goals of d season! onli a world class striker can score with such confidence n accuracy! d match was really a stroll in d park, BB barely gave us any prob.

too bad, for all our hard wk d other results did nt go our way. cheatski won with a close 4-3 while d scums were lucky to b rescued by tt young cocky ass hole (really dun like his f face - juz like a replica of cocky Ron!) again! even tho sun equalised, deep in my heart i felt d hosts r nt gd enuff to hold on for a draw. their attacks gave scums a lot of prob but defence was really 1st class sh1t. when d goal was scored (with some luck!!!), i knew it was game over. with such a lousy opposition, there was no way scums will give up d lead n concede again.

i really thk d footballing Gods up there r smiling on d scums.

rahl 12-04-2009 03:25 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings
No one gave Sunderland any chance anyway. The main thing is they made the scum sweat and exposed their defensive weaknesses. That can only be good for us, we just need to keep believing and winning. ;)

ANDYSIAO14 12-04-2009 09:54 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings
The best is Bolton managed to scored 3 goals past Blues...this give us hope...and im not surprise if we make the match go extra time and win it :p


Originally Posted by rahl (Post 3642488)
No one gave Sunderland any chance anyway. The main thing is they made the scum sweat and exposed their defensive weaknesses. That can only be good for us, we just need to keep believing and winning. ;)

owen10 12-04-2009 10:12 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by ANDYSIAO14 (Post 3643510)
The best is Bolton managed to scored 3 goals past Blues...this give us hope...and im not surprise if we make the match go extra time and win it :p

but tt's after lampa n drop bra were taken off. ok lah, still some consolation tt chel's defensive frailities can be exploited. it's vital torres repeats his excellent form agt BB last nite. an early goal shd make cheatski very very nervous!!!

beck7777 13-04-2009 12:33 AM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by owen10 (Post 3642118)
so quiet here on a weekend ... i hope fellow pool bros r not too disillusioned here.

Was away for the weekend mah! :p

Anyone got clips to Torres goals?
Heard the 1st was a beauty! :D

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