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Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....
Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....
Care to share bro? |
Wah bro sexicitng sia |
Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....
Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....
Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....
Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....
So happened that there was an office event and I was seated beside her. Some bosses and clients came to toast her for winning yet another award. She can't really hold her liquor well but being the bitch that she is, she just commanded me to drink on her behalf. End up both of us pretty drunk. She then asked me to go toilet with her and along the way, she started clinging on my arms and breasts start rubbing on my arm. I was too drunk to stand to be honest so I didnt really care and did not give her any attention at all. Somehow that made her angry (she probably expected me to get horny and she will scold me again) and ask me if i'm gay etc etc why never hold her properly like a man and any normal man would want her etc etc. Dunno what came over me and i was damn dulan so when we reached the toilet, i just pulled her into the handicap toilet and did her doggy style over the basin. :p |
Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....
girl who worked at starbucks... she gave me my drink and i gave her one some time after hahaha
Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....
Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....
Got a married colleague that was a bitch at work. Have 10/10 resting bitch face. Nice body but a bit ah lian. Outside of work quite pleasent really, so friend friend her and manage to joke with her even at work that graduated to mild flirting. One day she came over and asked me if i want to takeaway lunch. As she was leaving, she joked "any desserts? Coffee? Tea? Or me?" I looked at her seriously and replied "you, just you for dessert". We skipped lunch went to Hotel 81 and I tasted the horniest pussy ever. Apparently her husband adverse to oral sex, giving or receiving!
Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....
at the point of time thought worst case lose job only mah, lucky she never claim rape or anything |
Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....
Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....
Share a story I read from someone's post. She had an affair with a guy she knew from social media and found out he is his husband 's boss. Hope u all are good in chinese as this lady is from prc.
跟老公结婚6年,感情从开始的甜蜜热情变为现在的温馨平淡,之前对于这样的感情转变还适应不来,对总是加班 无法陪伴自己的老公很多抱怨,甚至因此在一次醉酒后失身于一个陌生人。这件事我一直不敢跟别人说,连从小一 起玩到大的闺蜜都不知道,我以为只要自己藏着,这件事就会一点点淡忘。却没想到老公的 一次请客吃饭,差点让我崩溃。 老公在工作了2年后,终于升职了,为了庆祝这件事,他决定请部门同事与上司吃饭。我自然出席了这场饭局,而 那天当我走进餐厅包厢,看到坐在老公旁边的那个男人时,头脑轰地一阵嗡鸣,似炸开了一般。怎么会遇到他,这 个男人跟老公什么关系,他会不会认出我,他会不会跟老公说什么。无数的问题袭进我的 脑子里,让我不由冰凉了手脚。还好老公忙着招呼同事,并没有注意到我的异样,而我也不敢再看那个男人,一坐 下便低着头沉默。 那一刻我多希望自己没有来这场饭局,也就不会遇到这个跟我酒后乱性的男人!就在我胡思乱想之际,老公走了过 来,搂过我的肩膀,向他旁边的那个男 人介绍:“杨总,这是我老婆。”,“噢,你老婆挺漂亮的嘛。”我听到那个男人说,不知道是我太敏感,还是真 如此,他的声音让我觉得别有深意。而我那时才知道,这个男人竟然是老公的直属上司!我头脑一片空白,跟我有 过一夜情的男人竟然是老公的上司,这未免巧合得太该死了。 之后的吃饭,我心不在焉。那个男人总是似有若无地朝我看看,虽然没有引起旁人注意,但终究是让我感到不自在 。真是后悔当时鬼迷心窍,我只是因为老公总是加班晚归,感觉太孤单才想上网找个聊天对象,结果迷迷糊糊就与 他聊上了。 最初,我从没想过跟他要如何,只觉得有人陪我聊天很好。而且他让我感觉有内涵,有阅历,跟他聊天有不一样的 感觉。后来他便约我见面,初时我还迟疑,可是他说他不是坏人。就在这样的想法下,我答应了见面,那晚又刚好 老公要加班不回家,所以晚饭后我也没拒绝他去酒吧小酌几杯的邀请。 后来发生的事便是我喝醉了,当他靠过来手摸上我的腰时,我已经无法思考,只感觉他的肩膀很宽,靠着很舒服, 身上还有好闻的烟草味道,那是充满阳 刚力量的男性身体,让我忍不住依靠上去。不知道是喝了酒还是什么原因,我的身体热了起来,其实我跟老公已经 很久没有好好做次爱了,每次不是他敷衍了事就是他因为工作婉拒我的求欢。我的身体,我的心里真的很寂寞。寂 寞情绪的突然爆发,在酒精的刺激辅助下让我变得大胆,因此我们会开始,也是因为我先伸出舌头舔 了他敏感的喉结。 之后他便带我去了宾馆,那一夜我湿得厉害,连他都在我耳边说,你真荡,这么湿,是不是很想吃我的棒子。他说 的话好淫荡,却让我更加渴望,我主动 地张开双腿,伸手往他那里摸去,想抓住他的那根放进自己的身体里,可他不让。他把前戏做得很足,直把我的胸 部吸红,在我的哭求下才满足我,那剧烈的撞击几乎要把我的魂魄撞出身体,我吃力地配合,只感觉阵阵快感覆盖 住全部的我……那夜完事之后,我便酒醒了。当时还来不及想什么,就下意识地下床穿好衣服,趁着他陷入熟睡, 头也不回地离开了宾馆。 回到家后,我没有哭,也没有感到罪恶绝望,因为在当时我还是充满信心,虽然犯了错,但笃定老公不会知道,毕 竟不过是个网上的男人,我很 放心,因为我知道那里的男人都只想找女人玩刺激,解寂寞,在关系结束后是不会再联系的。而之后也确实平安无 事,他没再出现。可命运就是这样捉弄人,在我一点点就要淡忘这件丑恶的事时,才知道他竟然是老公的上司,不 过万幸那晚虽然我们意外再见面,但都没有露出什么破绽,老公也没发现什么异常,也让我稍稍心安 了。 后来,老公慢慢的喝多了,我去上厕所,没想到他的上司悄悄的跟出来,趁我不注意,把我拉到安全通道,对我 又亲又摸,我当时脑袋晕晕的,对这突如其来的情况有些不知所措。在我还没有反应过来的时候,就被他扒掉内裤 强行进入了。等我稍微清醒的时候,发现自己是手扶着墙撅着屁股,承受着老公上司从后边进出的冲击。。。。。 怎么会这样呢 |
Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....
translated from Bing without amendments:
Married to husband for 6 years, sweet warm feelings from the beginning into the present warm and flat, for such feelings before changing to adapt to, always working overtime can not accompany her husband a lot of grumbling, even in a drunken virginity to a stranger. It I tried to tell people, don't even know grew up playing with the girlfriends, I think as long as you hide, it's a little faded. But didn't think her husband at a dinner party, I almost collapsed.  Her husband after 2 years of work, finally got a promotion, to celebrate this event, he decided to invite colleagues and boss to dinner. I attended the dinner, and that when I walked into the restaurant balcony, when he saw the man sitting next to her husband, head of rumbling buzz, exploded. How could he, this man told her husband what he would recognize me, what would he say to husband. Numerous problems hit into my mind, let me not by cold hands and feet. Okay my husband busy colleagues, and I didn't notice the strange, and I can no longer look at that man, sat down with his head in silence. At that moment, I wish I didn't have this meal, you will not experience the alcohol with me man! At a time when I'm flirting, her husband came over and grabbed my shoulders, to the man next to him: "Yang, this is my wife. "" Oh, your wife is beautiful. "I heard the man say, I do not know is that I'm too sensitive, or are you really so, his voice makes me feel don't thoughtful. And I knew at that time, the man turned out to be her husband's immediate supervisor! My mind went blank, has had a one-night stand with me man turned out to be her husband's boss, this is rather coincidental too damn.  After dinner, my mind. The man always seems to be without me, although there was no draw attention, but it makes me feel uncomfortable. Really regretted obsessed, I just because my husband is always working overtime to come back late, feel too lonely to go online and find a chat object results out of talking with him. First, how do I never thought with him, just find someone chatting with me very well. And he makes me feel content, experience, does not hold a conversation with him feel the same way. Later, he asked me to meet at first I hesitated, but he says he is not a bad guy. Under this idea, I agreed to the meeting, happens to my husband to work overtime that night not to go home, so after dinner, I didn't refuse his invitation to the bar drink. Then what happened was when I was drunk, when he leaned over to touch my waist when I can't think, only to feel his shoulders are wide, very comfortable, still smell tobacco flavor, it is full masculine power of the male body, I can't help but rely on it. Do not know what is a drunk or a reason, my body warm up, I'm with my husband for a long time did not take the time to make love, every time either he lick he declined because of work I propositioned. My body, my heart is really lonely. Lonely mood suddenly broke out, aided by alcohol stimulate make me bold, so we're going to start, but also because I'll stick out your tongue and lick his sensitive Adam's Apple.  Then he took me to the hotel that night I wet so badly that even he said in my ear, you really swing, so wet, whether I want to eat my stick. He said good slutty, it made me more eager to, I take the initiative to spread legs, reach out and touch to him, trying to catch his roots in their body, but he wouldn't let me. He's done enough foreplay, straight red in my chest, in my cries only satisfy me that the powerful impact almost knocked my soul body, I struggled with, only to feel waves of pleasure to cover all of me ... ... Done that night, I was sober. Then has time to think, subconsciously out of bed dressed, while he was sleeping, and never left the hotel. After returning home, I did not cry, nor guilty of despair, because at the time I was full of confidence, although wrong, but assured her husband does not know, after all, is just a man on the Internet, I feel comfortable because I know the men looking for women-only adventure, and lonely, and at the end of the relationship is no longer connected. Really safe after he did not show up. Fate can play tricks on this one, I will forget this ugly little thing, didn't know he was her husband's boss, but fortunately we accidentally meet again that night, but did not reveal any flaws, my husband also found nothing unusual, makes me a little peace of mind. Later, her husband drunk slowly, I went to the toilet, but quietly with his boss, when I wasn't looking, pulled me to the secure channel, and kissing to me again, my head was dizzy, and some about this sudden loss. I also did not react when he forced their way into the underwear. When I awake and find themselves walking her ass against the wall, under husband boss in and out from behind the shock ... ... How can this be |
Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....
1. My friend.
2. Boyfriend's best buddy. 3. Photographer. 4. A customer from my work place. 5. Boyfriend's friend at chalet in the middle of the night. Mostly unexpected... mostly... okok I wanted some of them really badly so not so "never thought of before"... :p |
Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....
Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....
Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....
Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....
Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....
Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....
Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....
i tink i better shut up as a lady... this is not sammygal forum...:( |
There's always been a hypocrisy here. You are right. Guys cheat, ppl praise. Gers cheat, ppl kaopeh. Guys fcuk other's wife, ppl praise. Guys kaopeh own wife kanna fcuked by others, ppl sympathise. So post wad u want la. _______________ Exchange points hypocrisy ma |
Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....
Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....
Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....
Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....
Bro was the NS one the secret you are talking about? |
Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....
Anyhoo, we cheated because our woman sucked at doing her job too... (unless sucking is her job at that point...) |
Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....
your gf take one whole night till next morning to find out that you banged her sister. haha |
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