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omnia 11-11-2009 03:30 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings
like i said in an earlier post somewhere in this thread...i hv my reservations on Dalglish returning as manager...however i dont mind him coming back as interim manager if the club cannot find anyone else more suitable...


Originally Posted by Alkano (Post 4275160)
How about King Kenny?....:D

omnia 11-11-2009 03:52 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings
i think u r being being a tad too emotional n irrational on the Owen issue...oh n emotion sld not come in the way of success for the club...pragmatism sld always prevail...unless u prefer sentimentality over success...n if this was the case wif Shanks, Paisely n the Boot Room Co during the 60s-80s then the Reds wld probably never hv been the great successful club that they made it out to be...

also i dont agree on Owen being labelled a Judas...he appeared to want to return to the Reds fm Madrid...but Rafa appeared to say no...perhaps on that occasion it may hv been because of the $$$ transfer fee...that i can accept...but this season Owen was literally up for grabs on a freebie plus pay per game pay per goal deal wif little downside...n fm what i read in the news...the Reds were given first dibs...but Rafa for reasons best known to him declined n kept that useless piece of shit Voronin how can u blame Owen for getting the best possible deal for himself after being rejected by Rafa?...he is a professional footballer afterall n has only a limited playing career not forgetting that he is also trying to get into the England WC squad...

oh n dont forget Rush left for Juve in his prime...n was warmly welcomed back to Anfield the v next season when things did not work out for him in what is difference between Rush n Owen?...


Originally Posted by rahl (Post 4275509)
Bro don't be an apologist for Judas. Owen has shown has colours very clearly not just by leaving Pool but his transfers since then. He always goes where he believes success is. What about contributing so that you make a club successful? That is not in his psyche.

And don't tell us to leave our emotions behind. That is why football is not Sheng Siong or any other form of business.

bochapsing 11-11-2009 04:15 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by beck7777 (Post 4275602)
I will call Porto winning the CL a brillant stroke of luck and tatics with superb diving everywhere, so much that it would even put any navy divers to shame!

Why luck? Is Chelski a poorer team than Porto? Or maybe not enough divers in the team other than Drogba? :p

Jose has not even been close eversince he won it with Porto... :rolleyes:

bro, thanks for reminding us tis... thot nobody remember the way porto won their CL..!!

jose tried to use similar tactics when he managed cheski.. remember the incidents of he accused the ref of going into opponent dressing room, his fav son drogba diving, his team captain terry surrounding and pressurise ref....

tat's why i said he's not a traditional "Liverpool Manager"...


Originally Posted by _AXL_ (Post 4275740)
there is one thing i m perturbed with. why is everyone saying that glen johnson's defence is suspect. yes, i see the press keep emphasising this point, but i still dont see it on the field. so, i would really question those so-called journalists intentions. if not johnson at rightback for england, then who??? miss gary neville???

and if really necessary, johnson can really hold his own as a holding midfielder. he is the best business liverpool have had done for a long time, judging from the fact that pool might not get any money back from portsmouth for a long, long time.

johnson came under so much criticism only after he joined us.. cos english press are always "pro-manure" and "anti-liverpool" or "anti-rafa"....

anyway, i dun even bother to read and get upset abt wat these morons write or talk....

bochapsing 11-11-2009 04:25 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by omnia (Post 4276190)
anyways if u look at the Ngog incident replays...i believe it is reasonable to say that Ngog did not appear to intentionally 'dive'...Carsley's leg looked late even though he was going for the ball...Ngog appeared to jump in order to avoid the tackle...

as for great 'actors'...this incident is nothing compared to what say Ronny n Drogba get up to on a consistent i suggest u go take a chill pill

no doubt there's no contact made.. but it's not consider as a dive... does everyone expects ngog to leave his leg on the ground to recieve tat tackle?! then we'll get a perfectly warrant penalty and maybe a broken leg...

wat if it's a dive... nobody mentioned how rooney won the penalty when england played agst some team (i've forgotten), days after he claimed tat he is a honest player...

as i mentioned, the press always like to pick on us...


Originally Posted by omnia (Post 4276270)
i oh n dont forget Rush left for Juve in his prime...n was warmly welcomed back to Anfield the v next season when things did not work out for him in what is difference between Rush n Owen?...

rush left with his head high... he gave us amber time to recruit a replacment, john alridge if i'm not wrong...
but owen gave us a false impression tat he'll sign a new contract (i blame parry for allowing his contract to run down to 1 yr), and decided to leave days before the transfer window closed, forcing us to sell him at a dirt cheap price and leaving rafa with no time to sign a quality replacement...

tat's the difference...

omnia 11-11-2009 04:34 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings
actually i hv nothing agst fact he appears to be turning out to be a good buy by Rafa, although i still think he needs to improve on his defensive capabilities...however looking at the way things r turning out i still maintain that the money wld hv been better spent on getting another striker (which the Reds hv desperately needed fm the start of the season) wif the ability to score goals as a back up for Torres instead...


Originally Posted by beck7777 (Post 4275602)
Bro I read this before and I totally disagree about GJ part...

We paid half (or slightly over) of the 17mil cause Portsmouth still owe us $$$, which to me is good business, now having seen how Portsmouth is in shit both on and off the field, I doubt they can also pay us the balance even if we didnt sign GJ...

And to make this good business, I feel GJ has done a real good job so far, bringing our attck to another dimension and its fact that he has been the difference during a few games which we drew last leason but won this time round...

His defending is improving too, as far as I am concern

simple...Rafa sld hv kept one of the 3...Crouch, Bellamy or Keane...anyways Rafa was also wrong not to go for Owen i told Rahl in an earlier post abv...sentiment n stubborness has no place when it comes to successfully managing a club...


Originally Posted by beck7777 (Post 4275602)
Everyone can see we need a striker, yes...
I would love a Villa or Eto around Anfield, who doesnt?
But can you name anyone in the market (except Judas Owen) that we can afford and yet good enough for us?

what do u mean by that?...Rafa took that useless shit on a freebie...n apparently according to the media...Berlin had made an offer for that useless shit...but apparently it was too low for who is to blame for that?...


Originally Posted by beck7777 (Post 4275602)
And please dont go into Voronin, as we all know Rafa dont want him but yet no takers for him...

hello did i not say that it was a temporary plan only until Aquilani was up n running? is clear that wif Xabi gone, there is no creativity n link up between the middle n the striking positions...n in this regard i dont really blame Lucas as he is clearly not a creative attacking midfield it is a no brainer to play Gerrad(who is so versatile) in the middle for the interim until Aquilani is bedded into the XI...

as for the goals drying up...that wld not be the case if the Reds had another striker wif at least some ability to find the net to take some pressure off Torres...Voronin is shit, Ngog is too young n inexperienced, Kuyt's finishing is average n Babel's confidence has been killed by who is to blame for this predicament?...i say Rafa has to take some responsibility...


Originally Posted by beck7777 (Post 4275602)
And that goes into the debate for Stevie...

Its simple to throw him back to midfield and leave Torres alone up front..
Yet we have seen how dangerous it is to have a fit Torres and Stevie up front and how the goals flow...

Dare we change the winning formula?

Ok, even Rafa drop Stevie back to midfield and the goals start to dry, Rafa will still get blasted for changing the partnership...

Its a lose-lose situation in the end...

what can i say to this reply on Jose?...<<shake my head n sigh>>...also he won the Uefa Cup wif Porto the yr before...moreover he won the EPL in his v first season managing a club in the EPL(dont forget Ranieri had 1 season to prove himself wif Roman's roubles before that)...i shall just leave it to the forumers to draw their own conclusions as to whether u r bias agst Jose...


Originally Posted by beck7777 (Post 4275602)
I will call Porto winning the CL a brillant stroke of luck and tatics with superb diving everywhere, so much that it would even put any navy divers to shame!

Why luck? Is Chelski a poorer team than Porto? Or maybe not enough divers in the team other than Drogba?

Jose has not even been close eversince he won it with Porto...

omnia 11-11-2009 04:38 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings
no worries Bro;)


Originally Posted by _AXL_ (Post 4275674)
ps. bro omnia, not convenient to read too closely at your replies (NSFW website). will reply u when i can sit down and give them the time and day. oh, and i like king kenny taking over if rafa really has to leave.

stephan 11-11-2009 04:39 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings
Haiz.... when pool can get back form.....

omnia 11-11-2009 04:48 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings
clearly Parry did not learn fm McManaman's earlier planned exit to Madrid...

look this is professional football biz we r talking abt...not some mum n pop run show...i dont think u can hold it agst Owen...


Originally Posted by bochapsing (Post 4276377)
i blame parry for allowing his contract to run down to 1 yr

MelonEater 11-11-2009 05:59 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by bochapsing (Post 4276377)
no doubt there's no contact made.. but it's not consider as a dive... does everyone expects ngog to leave his leg on the ground to recieve tat tackle?! then we'll get a perfectly warrant penalty and maybe a broken leg...

wat if it's a dive... nobody mentioned how rooney won the penalty when england played agst some team (i've forgotten), days after he claimed tat he is a honest player...

as i mentioned, the press always like to pick on us...

rush left with his head high... he gave us amber time to recruit a replacment, john alridge if i'm not wrong...
but owen gave us a false impression tat he'll sign a new contract (i blame parry for allowing his contract to run down to 1 yr), and decided to leave days before the transfer window closed, forcing us to sell him at a dirt cheap price and leaving rafa with no time to sign a quality replacement...

tat's the difference...

good point bro. BTW we sold Rushie for 3.2mil and re-sign him back one year later for 2.8mil. a nett 400k profit. In judas case we sold him for 8mil and need to fork out 15mil to re-sign him back. a nett loss of 7mil. that's a no brainer.

Anyway i remember Rafa did stated that he interested to re-sign him if the price is right. If Judas really wanted to come back to pool, he should have stay firm and force madrid hand to lower down the transfer fees. But instead, once the newcastle offer was made, offering him a princely contract he zoom off to join Ah Lee Supermarket rather than holding on for a move to Sheng Siong.:cool:

Back to current situation. If Rafa have decided Judas is not worth to sign although it cost him peanuts, then we have to reserve our judgement till end may to pass judgement on Rafa decision. But instead NOW in Nov, verdict is already out everywhere to say Rafa have made a blunder of it. What impact Judas have made to vindicate this. In my opinion Judas will never made an impact whether he is in anfield or old toilet. Wait till end of the season, the scums fans will sure blame ferguson for bringing Judas in rather than going for a proper replacement for Ronaldo.

rahl 11-11-2009 07:15 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by _AXL_ (Post 4275674)
bro rahl, our views quite close mah, well except for lucas. help to defend??? cant be spending my whole lunch hour to reply, right???:D

Heh my advice would be why bother. We have seen his kind before in this forum. It'd be sad to spend our time in this forum defending ourselves against other fans.

Somehow I'm happy about the international break this time. We need to get our act and mind together and also our walking wounded fit again.

Eh you still undecided about Lucas? ;)

rahl 11-11-2009 07:21 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by bochapsing (Post 4276336)
anyway, i dun even bother to read and get upset abt wat these morons write or talk...

Well yes and also the fact that they are lazy. They say it about every attacking fullback (can't defend blah blah blah). Glen is far from perfect in defence but if you look at the number of interceptions he makes in defence because of his speed alone, you will see the contribution he makes to the defence.


Originally Posted by bochapsing (Post 4276377)
rush left with his head high... he gave us amber time to recruit a replacment, john alridge if i'm not wrong...
but owen gave us a false impression tat he'll sign a new contract (i blame parry for allowing his contract to run down to 1 yr), and decided to leave days before the transfer window closed, forcing us to sell him at a dirt cheap price and leaving rafa with no time to sign a quality replacement...

tat's the difference...

Excellent bro, glad you know your legends ;)

_AXL_ 11-11-2009 09:24 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings
wah, bro... 1 shot so many posts for me.:eek:


Originally Posted by omnia (Post 4273549)
Voronin is useless wif a capital U...face facts Bro...again i ask u a simple me just 1 game this season where Voronin made an impact...? if Shanks, Paisely n gang were "sentimental" like u i dont know where this great club wld be...

think we are all spoilt by the wealth of good players who have donned the liverpool shirt for the past few decades. voronin is actually a decent player. he proved that at hertha berlin. just not good enough for liverpool. i find it weird, cos he could never reproduce the form he had in germany.

agreed with u that voronin did not have a good game in a liverpool shirt ever since his 1st season with liverpool. is babel any better??? i can only think of the game in marseille as an outright good performance. other than scoring the winner against manure, i really struggle to think of another. but then again, i dont watch enough games and i dont have such a good memory these days.

as a blue collar club, the managers have always stressed on hard work and hardworking players are always appreciated. dirk kuyt being the latest idol. not much talent or creativity, just plain hard work. isnt that what attracts all of us to support liverpool??? at least for me, they were never flamboyant, even during the eighties. they were simply full of hardworking players who were extremely proud to wear the shirt. houghton, barnes, rushie, nicol, whelan (just to name a few) they were hardworking, first and foremost. if that is being sentimental, then sentimental i m... actually i might just be more guilty of not being able to keep with the times.;)


do u know this for fact?...perhaps they did not match the px Rafa was asking for...but it is clearly a big mistake keeping this useless piece of shit on the books...anyways i heard that Voronin's wife hates living in the N of he sld hv been packed outta of Anfield period...
rafa wasnt interested in keeping voronin. hertha berlin did not come in with an offer. they only wanted voronin on loan for another season. there is a reported article on this. u only need to see the striking lineup to see that voronin is probably there to provide the experience factor.


ya well Rafa is clearly wrong on the Voronin/Ngog vs Babel choice...
1 goal or 1 game does not form maketh.

we all do not know what is happening behind the scene for rafa not to prefer babel. but from what i can see and deduce, babel might very well be the kind of player who needs his manager to hold his hand and psycho him that he has what it takes. unfortunately, rafa is not that kind of manager. babel might be better off at arsenal with wenger. hmm... if rafa is that kind of manager, then adriano would be a very good and cheap signing.


who cares abt consistency when the Reds lack much needed creativity here n now...?
creativity is expensive, very expensive these days. anyone less than 15mil, i dont think u can get much of that. the kind of creativity u r hoping to see, it would border on extreme optimism if u hope to see it from babel.


Sammi sld hv been given another contract...plain n simple...Kyrg is another useless piece of shit
haiz... hindsight bias. there are standard procedures put in place. hyypia knew that rafa likes him a lot, so much so that he wants hyypia to be part of his coaching team. but bayer leverkusen offered him an extension of his playing career, which no other team in the premiership would offer. he will be back.

my previous posts, i have said that u need to give the new guys some time to get used to the premier league. form is temporary, class is permanent. kyrgiakos has pedigree, the kind who will put his body on the line. babel has been here for quite a few years but u r still waiting for the real him to turn up. why dont u give the new guys a chance???


Owen v Voronin, Owen wins hands down...n both were freebies...
owen??? and risk losing the identity of LFC??? some years back, there was talk of buying lee bowyer, the asian basher who was mysteriously acquitted of assault. he was at the top of his game, can tackle damn well and chip in his fair share of goals. bowyer was very interested to come, but public opinion stopped his move. why??? association.

owen... he could have signed another year's extension and let liverpool make some money out of him. a world class striker then, he left for 8mil whereas he should easily command a 25mil price-tag. this is a club that groomed him and gave him his break. not only that, houllier modelled the formation just for him. that was the least he could do. leave for more money. mcmanaman at least had the decency to notify liverpool 18 months ahead of his departure. and to compare him to rush??? that is a big insult. rush left liverpool with juventus paying a fair price for him. and there was only 1 club he wanted to come back to. owen is a player who is only interested in money and his own glamour. even tevez knew to say that he will never consider liverpool due to the rivalry. do u think owen has any of that in mind??? he could have played for hull who can guarantee him a place in the starting eleven, anytime he is not injured. those were owen's own words - playing time was important to him. where he is now already answered your query as to why rafa didnt want judas. rafa wrong??? i beg to differ.


Originally Posted by omnia (Post 4274173)
so what do u call winning the CL wif Porto?

anyways i think it is wishful thinking on my part as i get the feeling that Jose is biding his time to head on to Old Toilet when that scot bugger finally calls it a day...

porto had a very expensive squad. but luck was on their side. they only had to get past manure. they got monaco in the final. it was monaco that did all the hard work to get the strongest teams out of the way. and then returned to their real standard in the final, that is to lose. 3-0, i think.

jose to manure??? that's what he says... but liverpool will present a challenge he will not be able to resist. the fanatic and unquestioning support and the seemingly impossible quest to bring the holy grail back to anfield. it would be irresistable.

but bear in mind, jose's team wins, but wins ugly most of the time. not much of the creativity u want leh... unless u only want them to win, doesnt matter how. if that is the case, then your beef with rafa is that he is just not winning often enough for your liking.:D


Originally Posted by omnia (Post 4273873)
no worries Bro...cut n paste especially for u

[COLOR="Red"][B]in any event i gotta a hunch(like alot of others) that he shall be in Madrid by the end of the season...

the stupidest thing in the world is to take up the real madrid job. nothing to do actually. no, the players will tell the manager what to do and what not to do. which self-respecting manager will ever do that??? with a president like perez??? rafa might be stubborn, but a fool he certainly is not.

i think it might be good for rafa to have a few more of such episodes, so that he will realise that some of his tactics might be flawed. playing 1 game with the next game's lineup in mind, a big NO NO!!! scoring first and then relax, hoping to catch the opposition on the break, does not always work.


however before we talk abt bringing in a new manager of top calibre...i think the ownership/$$$ issues need to be resolved first...because no top manager worth his salt is going to take on this job under such difficult n uncertain conditions...
if they can solve the ownership issues, then rafa will do well. liverpool's earnings last season was 2nd to manure, but made a loss of 40+ mil due to interest payments.


painful worrying times for all of us Bro...but i hv seen worse times before in the 35 odd yrs that i hv supported this lovely club so we must all take darkness shall come light...hopefully sooner rather than later...
think of it this way. support a winner, no big deal. support an unworthy winner, they have to hide their jerseys when they are not winning. support liverpool proudly despite the disappointment says something of your character. we dont give up what we believe in when the going gets tough. it helps to get chicks, actually...:D by showing that we have got commitment to make things work, instead of changing jersey...


Originally Posted by omnia (Post 4274052)
another cut n paste for u Bro...

[COLOR="Red"][B]it is a fact that Benitez has made a serious transfer miscalculation this buying GJ (although he is a good attacking wingback albeit a poor defender n not cheap)

arbeloa confirmed leaving before the purchase of johnson. i shiver to think of degen playing every game. if everything remained constant, johnson would have made the team much stronger. alas, it was not to be. injuries and poor form, coupled with the departure of alonso. i must confess that i didnt think alonso would have made such a big difference.


it is a fact that Benitez's handling of Babel has been awful...this a player he paid 11m pounds for...when not being played out of position, Babel is benched while his confidence is drained away, Lucas on the other hand has played in every one of the Reds' six fact Benitez appeared to do the samething to Cisse when he was wif the Reds...
volatile, blowing hot and cold players.


last season was probably Liverpool's best chance in along while to land the EPL n i blame Benitez's cautious scared to lose tactics in the first half of that season for the Reds failure to go all the way...the moment the Reds were allowed to play attacking football things changed...

very tired from replying... cheers.

_AXL_ 11-11-2009 09:49 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by bochapsing (Post 4276336)
johnson came under so much criticism only after he joined us.. cos english press are always "pro-manure" and "anti-liverpool" or "anti-rafa"....

anyway, i dun even bother to read and get upset abt wat these morons write or talk....

aahh... so u realise, eh??? if they punish ngog for the dive, the whole manure team will have all the time to go back to china to practise diving with guo jingjing. but u should continue to read them, and have a good laugh about their inability to be subtle. journalists these days, no skills in the power of insinuation. like that, i also can be a journalist liao... and end up kenna locked up under internal security act in no time!!!;)


Originally Posted by omnia (Post 4276399)
sentiment n stubborness has no place when it comes to successfully managing a club...

and end up like manure, a totally commercial club??? where their fans were nowhere to be seen at the end of a 4-1 hiding??? i will certainly want some stubborness and sentiment instead. commercial fucks just cant get me excited, much less passionate...

bro, i know it hurts to see the scum have so much success but they lack an identity, which is very much valued by LFC. else, it would be no different from WWE liao.


Originally Posted by rahl (Post 4276839)
Heh my advice would be why bother. We have seen his kind before in this forum. It'd be sad to spend our time in this forum defending ourselves against other fans.

Somehow I'm happy about the international break this time. We need to get our act and mind together and also our walking wounded fit again.

Eh you still undecided about Lucas?

ya, dont agree still keep quiet. cos there will be fools like me to do the job for u.

the international break has come at the right time, finally for once.

lucas, lucas. think he can only play well against the lousier teams. only saw him play well against hull, stoke and manure. the way he plays, i just wish that we play the scums week in, week out.:D on a more serious note, he still lacks consistency (yes, i value that very much) and a serious lack of confidence. and i still cant foresee whether he is striving to be a mascherano or an alonso-type of player. maybe u can shed some light on this since u follow his development so closely.:D

pirambi 11-11-2009 10:41 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by omnia (Post 4276190)
aiyah like i said before...this is the rub of the green...if u watched the match...i think Gerrad was later on brought down in the box n no pen was what Tyler n Walsh said after this incident...maybe the earlier pen played on the Ref's he did not award what looked like a legitimate all irons out at the end...

anyways if u look at the Ngog incident replays...i believe it is reasonable to say that Ngog did not appear to intentionally 'dive'...Carsley's leg looked late even though he was going for the ball...Ngog appeared to jump in order to avoid the tackle...

as for great 'actors'...this incident is nothing compared to what say Ronny n Drogba get up to on a consistent i suggest u go take a chill pill

Once a liverfool will always be one.btw i never like ronnie especially for his diving. hope to see u guys discussing if liverpool will top coco cola league next year.

rahl 11-11-2009 11:27 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by _AXL_ (Post 4277330)
ya, dont agree still keep quiet. cos there will be fools like me to do the job for u.

lucas, lucas. think he can only play well against the lousier teams. only saw him play well against hull, stoke and manure. the way he plays, i just wish that we play the scums week in, week out.:D on a more serious note, he still lacks consistency (yes, i value that very much) and a serious lack of confidence. and i still cant foresee whether he is striving to be a mascherano or an alonso-type of player. maybe u can shed some light on this since u follow his development so closely.:D

Well bro, life is short and supporting Liverpool is simple, really, which is what I want to do, simply.

Eh, you didn't watch the Scum game ah? Even the pundits for once gave Lucas credit - the commentator said, 'he's played sooooo well', after he slipped the little pass to Ngog to score the clincher.

Look, if you agree we played well against Lyon and Birmingham then surely you can't begrudge Lucas his contribution in midfield (of course not just him but the whole team). Unfortunately we didn't convert our chances so his performance gets forgotten (and pundits focus on Ngog etc).

Lucas is neither Alonso or Mascher. He will never dominate midfield like Little Chief or lie deep like Xabi. But I like what I have seen this season of Lucas, linking up the play and trying to get forward. One of the great travesties this season is his failing to score, but at least he's getting into decent positions every game and needs to be calmer. If we were winning our matches and playing as well as we did against the Scum, we might be looking at the Leiva differently.

OK, that's my long post for the day (at least I get to say what I want to say). ;)

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