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l0sts0ulz 28-02-2011 08:19 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by hella21 (Post 5718240)
Batam solo trip in another 14hours..Happy Bonking to me:D

Enjoy bro! Have fun man!

ndnd 28-02-2011 08:36 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by JOGK (Post 5715223)
why you never jio me go there?:rolleyes:

bro, how to jio u, there jungle, hutan.. From far u see, is a mountain, with only tree, fully covered by jungle. But after enter, then can see the world inside... In the mountain got village, school, shops, ect..
U will go meh.. :rolleyes:
i think less than 24hrs, i will have pm rainman to fetch us at jakarta.. :p

NO1PUNJABI 28-02-2011 08:37 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Hi guys am going to harris resort with my oc in three weeks. Any bros got reccomendation for good spa to relax and the pricing. The tour agent offering me 96 dollars for 3 hours. I think its ex. Any place to get gals near harris. Try to slip off. Cheers bros

newyorker88 28-02-2011 08:47 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by NO1PUNJABI (Post 5721191)
Hi guys am going to harris resort with my oc in three weeks. Any bros got reccomendation for good spa to relax and the pricing. The tour agent offering me 96 dollars for 3 hours. I think its ex. Any place to get gals near harris. Try to slip off. Cheers bros

96 dollars for 3 hours is ex, if you go to the normal type. Harris, get gals? No way. You got a better chance if you come to Nagoya shopping area. Drop your OC in Nagoya Hills, walk out to nearby massage centre to have fun. Nearest one is THE HILLS hotel, and a bit further is Seruni hotel( got massage). Also some other massage centres around this area( cantika) also got fun. THis one is you walk out the "back door" of the mall.

If you go by the front gate, you can head towards Nagoya, and there are many fish tanks and massage with specials. Read thru the threads abit and you will find them.

ndnd 28-02-2011 08:52 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by hendri2 (Post 5715752)
bro ndnd, i think some ghost reported your stay to the polici..otherwise, how they knew..? luckily, only 100k settled..they can suka2 ask for more..

apek, u are right.. The fcuker who try to sabo is the new pak rural, the village head of that kampong, new appointed less than a year, fcuking corrpusi idiot. Less than a year already condemn by the village, max only one election for him. His post was voted by the villagers, after elected, all empty promise, money for road and electric cable dont knw gone where. Even business man want to buy land have to pay him high price for his signature. He is the one who brought 2 plaintcloth to my hse. But dare not come in, pretend he dont know, but i manage to handle the plaincloth. Actaully they left without asking anything, i call one of them to come back, just gv him 100k, tell him for bensen patrol, he left happily. then at nite this pak rural come again, but dare not straight see me, talk to my oc asking whether we nikah already or not, end up he kena scold up by my oc and lan lan go, my oc have big family there, all her relative stayed there.

newyorker88 28-02-2011 09:17 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by ndnd (Post 5721224)
apek, u are right.. The fcuker who try to sabo is the new pak rural, the village head of that kampong, new appointed less than a year, fcuking corrpusi idiot. Less than a year already condemn by the village, max only one election for him. His post was voted by the villagers, after elected, all empty promise, money for road and electric cable dont knw gone where. Even business man want to buy land have to pay him high price for his signature. He is the one who brought 2 plaintcloth to my hse. But dare not come in, pretend he dont know, but i manage to handle the plaincloth. Actaully they left without asking anything, i call one of them to come back, just gv him 100k, tell him for bensen patrol, he left happily. then at nite this pak rural come again, but dare not straight see me, talk to my oc asking whether we nikah already or not, end up he kena scold up by my oc and lan lan go, my oc have big family there, all her relative stayed there.

which kampong you are in? KNN, I kena similar thing in the past, fucking business rival who ask the police to come and get me. Lucky I got backing, with KITAS too.... End of the day, the police lan lan let me go, but I did not stop there. Gotten the anti corrupt police to go after him. Not too long after, he got posted to some very ulu place....

Doing business need permit here, for all brother info. Dont happy just walk in and touch anything in a factory or handle office documents.

As for the business rival, I had my ways to deal with him, he packed up and jaboh less than 1 year later......

peter69on 28-02-2011 09:35 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Last time...i also got one simpan cewek..thought of marriage...but

Anyway, last time when i go stay at the house which the rent is pay by me.
I only lapor a few times...after that i also no pay.

But my cewek last time mention me to buy a fake marriage certificate.
She sais it more safer to have and when i come and stay...then got leser worry

ndnd 28-02-2011 09:42 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by newyorker88 (Post 5721282)
which kampong you are in?..

bro, i also dont know the exact name of the kampong, it is in between cianjur and cipanas. In one of the mountain.
A bit out of topic, but just share my experience. The plaintcloth a and b. A come in first. Look abit yaya type, he told me, someone say got sgp people come here, im checking now, u got report to police station or not, do u know u have to report within 24hrs, u didnt report right, see now u kena. I answer him back, as wat u said, must report within 24hrs, i came yesterday 8pm, now only 4pm, i still hv 4hrs to report, i kena wat! He got snook, then he ask to see my passport, i show to him, and at the same time he flip here and there, i ask him, u know how to read passport, he kena snook again, coz i see the way he flip my passport, knn must someone nvr use passport before, just wayang. The polisi b came in straight act friendly, coz he knw polisi a lanlan cannot get anything, then he told actually sgp people come here, 7days bebas, dont need to report if less than 7days, i was thinking got such things meh, anyway good lor, can dont bother, my trip only 4days. Then polisi b start saying he ever come to sgp, then say something like dont worry no problem, i see him angkat me, so when he abt to leave, i call him back and give him 100k..

Xdecepticon 28-02-2011 09:48 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by ndnd (Post 5721368)
i see him angkat me, so when he abt to leave, i call him back and give him 100k..

Hmm....y spoilt mkt, uncle? :mad::D

ndnd 28-02-2011 09:53 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by peter69on (Post 5721334)
Last time...i also got one simpan cewek..thought of marriage...but

Anyway, last time when i go stay at the house which the rent is pay by me.
I only lapor a few times...after that i also no pay.

But my cewek last time mention me to buy a fake marriage certificate.
She sais it more safer to have and when i come and stay...then got leser worry

bro, if at batam, even the rental is paid by u, but if u staying in any resident area, not hotel, u have to lapor. Sometime, those staying beside will sabo.
Fake buku nikah, dont use it now, last time can, but since 2004 start, indo polisi and govt start catching. Real one and fake one can be easily recognise on the ink colour now. And place of issue can be trace to identified real or not. The lobang gone when many fake cert. Use for coming to sgp. A sydicate kena in 2002. That brought up the attention to indon govt.

ndnd 28-02-2011 09:58 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Xdecepticon (Post 5721384)
Hmm....y spoilt mkt, uncle? :mad::D

ayo, they travel from town to my kampong, then my hse, very far.. And they make a effort to wayang, polisi a is bad guy, polisi b is good guy. For their effort and wayang mah.. Also to let them know, even u lan lan i still take care of u, so next time i need u do something, u better do your best.. :D

Xdecepticon 28-02-2011 10:00 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by ndnd (Post 5721424)
ayo, they travel from town to my kampong, then my hse, very far..

I have to take screamer hats off for ur super long ulu journey to ur OC's kamp. Yearly pilgrimage ya?

ndnd 28-02-2011 10:13 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Xdecepticon (Post 5721436)
I have to take screamer hats off for ur super long ulu journey to ur OC's kamp. Yearly pilgrimage ya?

nearly 2 years didnt go back, i build a hse there, after complete for around 8 mths, now then go back take a look. Ya bro, really very ulu. Came u imagine, ppl there eat chicken meat only on lebaran, once a year.. The place from jakarta, if take public transport. From jakarta, take damri to kampong rambutan bas terminal around 2-3 hrs then take bas around 4hrs, then take angkot around half hr then take motor around 1hrs.

Linnie 28-02-2011 10:36 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by lextaxy (Post 5713263)
Bro Linnie:
yes spot on.......Newton h&s is pretty much AIO (all in 1) entertainment complex abeit on a 'smaller' scale if compared to those in big cities (bkk,jkt etc)..a 'full course' for the newbie without having to step out of the premises.

pacific palace hotel...the rooms are still new but the disco have been operational for quite some time now n is the 'in' place...

Thanks mate! ;)

hendri2 01-03-2011 01:58 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
bro ndnd, it must be love...when you built a house in ulu kampong for your cewek...and you seldom go there...don`t tell me you kena `gontau`, haha!!!

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