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ndnd 07-04-2011 03:14 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by wala (Post 5826372)
Last booking there I think I got a gal named Rina, in terms of attitude, REALLY CMI. For the 500K spent, I think I rather contribute to Doremon or Parman.:(

blacklist her here :D
the name sound so familiar leh, maybe is the same attitude one
book by one of the bro here, on the feb. trip.

Intel Ops 07-04-2011 04:03 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by ndnd (Post 5826427)
Got new stocks? will pay a visit then

To clarify, new as in non-familiar faces and not fresh since it's the norm that they usually hopped about after a certain period of time.
And the attitude was good as per what my friends feedbacked. Very very GFE.
350K on a weekday.

JOGK 07-04-2011 05:39 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Ya so far till this day I book all at 350 the most
even with taxi
How come most mentioned from 400?
You mean those are exclusive ones?

whathuh 07-04-2011 06:12 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
FR on my first Batam cheong trip.

Weekday. Driver brought us (4ppl) round to a few fishtank. At the one near Windsor, 1 in my group with recommended a 600kINR by the mama. Turned out to be excellent choice I heard. The rest of us moved on, only to return to same place again where I chose Rere for 600kINR. Bad choice!

Rere is a SYT but soon realise she likes to look at ppl from the corner of her eyes. Very irritating. Her GFE is on and off. Mostly off. Also have the tendacy to suddenly shout, or speak loudly. No idea what she's saying. Even my friend who speaks malay can't figure what she's talking.

Had our first round at 3pm plus i think. No action from her. She just lay there, looking at me from the corner of her eyes again! No foreplay from her. Ask her for BBBJ, cannot do. Nothing, just lay there and look at me. Wtf, I do the work then. There was some reaction from her during action but she really tries to keep quiet and do minimal. I turn her here, there, top, missionary, doggie. She turns then just let me do all the work. Finished, she says tomorrow give her S$50! I laughed!

After ktv and dinner, at 9pm plus, Rere says she wants to go back! I asked Cheong2009 who speaks malay to confirm I heard correctly??!! He says correct! I fed up, give her 50kINR and siad "Go!" Wtf, she dare to say not enough! Ding dong ding dong, suddenly say "Sorry la bang, don't go back already!" Wtf. Anyway let her be la then i join the rest for ktv.

After ktv, abt 2am i think, went back to room. Tot no more action from Rere already la. Just sleep lor. But to her credit, she rolled over and asked, "You want?" I actually quite fed up but anyway paid already so fuck lor! Starting still the same dead fish but I banged away only one position, missionary. Suddenly, she started to moan but very very softly, closed her eyes and turned her face away. She grabbed my arm, I kept going. She gave a louder moan, I kept going. Finally finished and she just get out from under go to washroom. Come out of washroom, ask for money. I gave her 100kINR. She got angry and started cursing in Indon. Wtf again! Sleep la!

Next morning, before she go, ask for money again! I said no! She took the chocolate and cushew nuts from the mini bar and left!

whathuh 07-04-2011 06:27 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
I think the one near windsor is Permata Indah right? Mama says 350k got, 400k got, 500k got, 600k also have. But everyone i point at she says 600k! Aiyoyo .... But the really CMI ones i dare not point la.

whathuh 07-04-2011 06:38 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by MrDarkSide (Post 5819196)
How much did you pay for a room at Mercure? And is the room as per the photo shown on the website? Thanks.

My guess only as I'm still green. Usually from 25k to max of 50k since it is usually a short drive around that area..

Reached Batam Center bought voucher. abt S$58 per room per night w breakfast for one. But when we reach Mercure, the hotel upgraded us to deluxe from superior at no extra cost.

Taxi didn't take coz meet two nice young fellows who kindly allowed us to tag along with their transport for the two days.

JOGK 07-04-2011 06:39 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
I think everyone you point will be 600
even the cmi ones
next time instead of pointing
why not you ask mamasan or papi
all the categories in pricing first?

whathuh 07-04-2011 06:44 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by JOGK (Post 5826987)
I think everyone you point will be 600
even the cmi ones
next time instead of pointing
why not you ask mamasan or papi
all the categories in pricing first?

Thanks, i'll do that if i ever go there again.

ndnd 07-04-2011 06:46 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by whathuh (Post 5826898)
she says tomorrow give her S$50! I laughed!
give her 50kINR and siad "Go!" I gave her 100kINR. She got angry and started cursing in Indon. Wtf again! Sleep la!

Bro, u book a buaya?
You know her working tag no.?

Intel Ops 07-04-2011 06:56 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by JOGK (Post 5826822)
Ya so far till this day I book all at 350 the most
even with taxi
How come most mentioned from 400?

Maybe you look more like a local while we look like foreigner aka carrot. :D

As a matter of fact, I usually ask which group belongs to which price range first before deciding and one man's meat is another man's poison. :)


Originally Posted by whathuh (Post 5826941)
I think the one near windsor is Permata Indah right? Mama says 350k got, 400k got, 500k got, 600k also have. But everyone i point at she says 600k! Aiyoyo .... But the really CMI ones i dare not point la.

Haha.... That place is getting more infamous for attitude ceweks. :mad:

Intel Ops 07-04-2011 07:06 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Just for sharing....

Recently, I went Batam with my friends. All but 3 guys took ceweks from GoldBird.... Blah blah blah.... Fast forward to Evening, suddenly, 1 cewek started crying out of the blue. My friend freaked out and sent her back. Later he called and kbkp the papi. Guess what, the papi delivered a new girl over at no extra charges, who also fitted my friend specifications. Not just anyhow hamtum a girl over. 350k for 2 ceweks. What a good deal!!! Anyway, this gesture impressed us all greatly.

I believed that this will seldom happen at certain joints, like Memory, Indah2, Massage 82, Permata Indah, etc because in the past, relatively the same incidents had happened before but there was no remedies from the okts. Apparently, some placed priority on the girls while some placed emphasis on customers.

Food for thoughts.

whathuh 07-04-2011 07:13 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by JOGK (Post 5826987)
I think everyone you point will be 600
even the cmi ones
next time instead of pointing
why not you ask mamasan or papi
all the categories in pricing first?


Originally Posted by ndnd (Post 5827010)
Bro, u book a buaya?
You know her working tag no.?

Chinese call her "Lion open big mouth!" Don't know number but her name is Rere, pronounced "Ray Ray". Maybe she just don't click with me.

ndnd 07-04-2011 08:28 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by whathuh (Post 5827072)
Chinese call her "Lion open big mouth!" Don't know number but her name is Rere, pronounced "Ray Ray". Maybe she just don't click with me.

bro, hope your next trip will have a better plesant experience,
my kaki 1st time go batam also kena one like that also,
your case still better than his, his cewk worse, but end up
she get it also, she got punish one week cannot go out of the joint and cannot take customer.

whathuh 07-04-2011 08:41 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by ndnd (Post 5827253)
bro, hope your next trip will have a better plesant experience,
my kaki 1st time go batam also kena one like that also,
your case still better than his, his cewk worse, but end up
she get it also, she got punish one week cannot go out of the joint and cannot take customer.

Yeah my friend also told me she'll be punished if I complain or send her back. I told her don't worry, give me mommy's phone number and I'll tell her I intend to sing ktv all night till morning so i send her back. No complain to mommy.

Im fed up with her attitude but I don't want her to suffer also. For a few thousand rupiah no need to treat her like that la. So end up let her sleep in the room till morning. Fortunately like i mentioned before, she did offer another round after i come back from the ktv at 2am plus.

cheong2009 07-04-2011 09:03 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by whathuh (Post 5826898)
FR on my first Batam cheong trip.

Weekday. Driver brought us (4ppl) round to a few fishtank. At the one near Windsor, 1 in my group with recommended a 600kINR by the mama. Turned out to be excellent choice I heard. The rest of us moved on, only to return to same place again where I chose Rere for 600kINR. Bad choice!

Rere is a SYT but soon realise she likes to look at ppl from the corner of her eyes. Very irritating. Her GFE is on and off. Mostly off. Also have the tendacy to suddenly shout, or speak loudly. No idea what she's saying. Even my friend who speaks malay can't figure what she's talking.

Had our first round at 3pm plus i think. No action from her. She just lay there, looking at me from the corner of her eyes again! No foreplay from her. Ask her for BBBJ, cannot do. Nothing, just lay there and look at me. Wtf, I do the work then. There was some reaction from her during action but she really tries to keep quiet and do minimal. I turn her here, there, top, missionary, doggie. She turns then just let me do all the work. Finished, she says tomorrow give her S$50! I laughed!

After ktv and dinner, at 9pm plus, Rere says she wants to go back! I asked Cheong2009 who speaks malay to confirm I heard correctly??!! He says correct! I fed up, give her 50kINR and siad "Go!" Wtf, she dare to say not enough! Ding dong ding dong, suddenly say "Sorry la bang, don't go back already!" Wtf. Anyway let her be la then i join the rest for ktv.

After ktv, abt 2am i think, went back to room. Tot no more action from Rere already la. Just sleep lor. But to her credit, she rolled over and asked, "You want?" I actually quite fed up but anyway paid already so fuck lor! Starting still the same dead fish but I banged away only one position, missionary. Suddenly, she started to moan but very very softly, closed her eyes and turned her face away. She grabbed my arm, I kept going. She gave a louder moan, I kept going. Finally finished and she just get out from under go to washroom. Come out of washroom, ask for money. I gave her 100kINR. She got angry and started cursing in Indon. Wtf again! Sleep la!

Next morning, before she go, ask for money again! I said no! She took the chocolate and cushew nuts from the mini bar and left!

Next time when u go? i will remind you to take the mummy phone number.. k? dont worry..


Originally Posted by whathuh (Post 5826941)
I think the one near windsor is Permata Indah right? Mama says 350k got, 400k got, 500k got, 600k also have. But everyone i point at she says 600k! Aiyoyo .... But the really CMI ones i dare not point la.

all you point will be 600K, if you point the FAT fat girl maybe is 350K la.. hahah


Originally Posted by whathuh (Post 5826983)
Reached Batam Center bought voucher. abt S$58 per room per night w breakfast for one. But when we reach Mercure, the hotel upgraded us to deluxe from superior at no extra cost.

Taxi didn't take coz meet two nice young fellows who kindly allowed us to tag along with their transport for the two days.

actually is 2 breakfast, if you check in and say want 2 breakfast, the counter fornt will be able to give you too.


Originally Posted by whathuh (Post 5827072)
Chinese call her "Lion open big mouth!" Don't know number but her name is Rere, pronounced "Ray Ray". Maybe she just don't click with me.

her name is Renny. she told me.


Originally Posted by whathuh (Post 5827279)
Yeah my friend also told me she'll be punished if I complain or send her back. I told her don't worry, give me mommy's phone number and I'll tell her I intend to sing ktv all night till morning so i send her back. No complain to mommy.

Im fed up with her attitude but I don't want her to suffer also. For a few thousand rupiah no need to treat her like that la. So end up let her sleep in the room till morning. Fortunately like i mentioned before, she did offer another round after i come back from the ktv at 2am plus.

sure, she will get punish, Bro, i tell u, the age like both of two of us, i think next time if we can go together again, maybe we go Dynasty99, inside the girls around 23-30, maybe for both us is suitable, i think more playable and the mummy also so friendly, mummy say i give u number if she make atitude u can call me. but she offer me 600K, i think is expensive la, but what incident happen from you, i think twice, next time i will get the dynasty99 girls liau, cause mummy make me feel confirm more can play.. haha... when u want to go for play??? invite me...

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