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ndnd 17-04-2011 11:20 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by JOGK (Post 5859545)
actually i nearly marry the number 2
i brought her to singapore
i rent a room for her here at a bukit timah
and one apartment in haadyai

you also a simpan kaki ya :D
haadyai you simpan, batam also simpan,
like to share your love around :p

fazer6s 17-04-2011 11:22 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Xdecepticon (Post 5859332)
U r lucky she never pretend not to know after witnessing u with another gal. Can u imagine she pretend to make luv with u 1 fine day. And the next thing u know u ended up in hospital with a missing dick? TGs dont play play hor...

Luckily his 'satu tegang, dua tergantong' still intact

ndnd 17-04-2011 11:25 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Xdecepticon (Post 5859332)
the next thing u know u ended up in hospital with a missing dick? TGs dont play play hor...

Just now Pocong try to use picture to scare ppl, now u try to use words to scare ppl :D
But indeed scary :(

JOGK 17-04-2011 11:29 PM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by ndnd (Post 5859586)
you also a simpan kaki ya :D
haadyai you simpan, batam also simpan,
like to share your love around :p

worse still i already know my wife...
so when she is in singapore
i visit her after my wife...
luckily i owned a bike that time
otherwise i jalan here jalan there until i stress
but i still took a big risk
my wife staying in bukit timah

y2kwhitelove 18-04-2011 12:27 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
went to batam on 16th of April to 17th of April. Before that have already booked hotel pacific and de driver. Total 7 of us is gg so book a van. The van rental one day is 120 sing. ok lah quite cheap to share among 7 of us.
Reached batam around 10plus morning. Driver aka rudy suggested we go around to find cewek first as some of the places very early open. As one of my fren already booked his gal at massage 82 so we went there to see see. At there, already got quite a few gals. we scan scan then i see one gal face not bad but figure like sun yan zi. I pick her and pay 550k rupiah and wait outside. Then my other 4 frens also choose liao. That was fast. so now left 2 of my fren no choose. Next destination we go to gold bird. When we go down time, saw one gal not bad. look closely. omg she look liek jessica liu for TCS and somemore she is not so dark skinned colour. I regretted to choose my sun yan zi or else i will choose her. I ask my fren faster choose her. After that we went to a place to makan. I dun know where de place is but de bah kut teh and the BBQ Pork damn nice. total 8 person eat cost around 270k rupiah. After that we go pick up our gal and went to hotel pacific. They told us room will be ready at 2pm. And we reach there at 11plus morning. So rudy suggested we go booked our ferry ticket first then bring the gals to eat. So 15 of us including de driver squeeze into the van.
My sun yan zi quite demanding as she want me to buy donuts and vogurt for her so anything lah and total i spent 100k on it. After that rudy bring the gals to makan nasi pada. The stall really play cheat. They put all de food out de u just eat wat u want, dun touch the others. But the total bill cost 480k.
Fastforward to real action

We all go go back to de room to begin action. My gal name is Oliv. age 23 live in jakarta. At first i was playing with her then suddenly i go rub rub her pussy and she ask me wanna fuck. Haha of course or else wat are u here for. She take off her clothes and i a bit turn off as she got no breast. totally airport. Haiz, i dun expected to be totally flat. Haiz, nvm just fuck her cheebye. Anyway my gal nothing to shout about so i will not intro.
The Best gal is my fren took de one from gold bird. She look like jessica liu and found out that she have a chinses dad and she is a mixed blood :). The other gal which my other fren took also not bad. She is only 17 yrs old and he told me that she damn tight. FML, why i nvr choose one of them....
Soon is dinner time and we went to Winsor foodcourt to eat. called rudy to fetch us and reached there around 8plus. Order quite a lot: 2 kang kong, 1 plate of chilli crab, 2 fried sotong, 3 bbq stingray, 2 ceral prawn, 2 lala and etc. total 15 person eat. total bill 1.2 million.
After that, we went to pacific disco, have already booked a room for 15person. 1.5million so we went there. The room quite big and we watch soccer over there plus singing. My gal keep asking me to give her 200k to go buy estacy. Haiz, lan lan just pass to her. Maybe is i started to pass to my gal. The others saw it and ask from my fren. My fren stared at me and i pretend i nvr see. Haha, after that see all the gal gg out to shake their head. Best, i nvr notice that all our gals got eat. The best part is i keep staring at jessica liu aka my fren gal. :p
All the gals go shake their head n only left we guys to drink. we order one bottle of chivas n we guys drink finish it. Soon, the gals all come in damn shag and tired. I suggested that we bring them go back rest better. we leave the disco around 2am.
After sending de gals back to their room. We continue our drinking at one of my fren room as her gal continue at disco shaking her head. Forget to add that we still got buy 2 vodka at ferry terminal. we go buy some mixture and play cards. Who lost who drink. I think i damn suay as i keep drinking till my whole face turn red and go like a crab. I think we drink till 4plus then go back room to rest.
Go back time wanna screw my gal one but i damn tired then forget it. soon fall asleep in bed. Wake up around 8am then my gal go bath. After she bath finish, my turn go shit. When i come out, she already change her clothes. I ask her can fuck one more time. She took off her clothes and let me fuck. HaHa, lucky or else wasted as my didi already attention. After finishing fucking her, give her 100k tips and send her off. Overall, she is very pretty as in face not figure. Those bro dun mind small boobs can try. After that, go down to join my fren to eat breakfast then send one of fren go take ferry. He have to go back early to report to his OC. LOL
The rest of us continue slp till 12pm then we went to thai massage. I took the aroma thai massage cost 220k for 2hrs. The massage parlour clean one. The gal who massage me look quite cute sia and she let my little bro a bit attention. Too bad not special but her massage is good, give her 20k for tips.
After that we went to nagoya hill for some shopping n makan. Went to A&W for rootbeer float and pizza hut for pizza. total cost for rootbeer float 86k and pizza is 400k. Soon off to ferry terminal and back to sillypore

Total dmg:
hotel 50 sing
transport: 120 sing(one person 15sing)
gal: 550k + 100k tips(95sing)
makan: 270k + 480k + 1.2million = 1.95 million (284sing) one person 40sing
disco: 1.5million (one person 30sing) + 200k estacy pill (30sing)
massage: 220k + tips 20k (32sing)
total around 300sing for 2D1N :)

JOGK 18-04-2011 01:22 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
bro....550k for a airport cewek?
i booked one with double D
only 350k last two months ago with taxi somemore:eek:
lapan dua really chop your carrot head:(

fazer6s 18-04-2011 01:40 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by y2kwhitelove (Post 5859721)
i see one gal face not bad but figure like sun yan zi. I pick her and pay 550k rupiah and wait outside

He was looking at her face 1st mah. Remember in Batam most cewek use push up bras

JOGK 18-04-2011 02:04 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Stepheny sun pretty meh?

wala 18-04-2011 04:54 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Xdecepticon (Post 5859332)
U r lucky she never pretend not to know after witnessing u with another gal. Can u imagine she pretend to make luv with u 1 fine day. And the next thing u know u ended up in hospital with a missing dick? TGs dont play play hor...


Originally Posted by JOGK (Post 5859432)
that's what my Thai friend told as well
but the scar on my head remains forever


Originally Posted by ndnd (Post 5859527)
big head only right? :rolleyes:
Then never mind lah, as long
small head still safe and sound :D

This sum up all the curi ayam risk facter involved, so Bros wanna play please take good care, be extra careful like ndnd. You can be on your balls 24/7 or lose them.

newyorker88 18-04-2011 07:19 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by JOGK (Post 5859307)
ya WTF blood blood everywhere
fucks I thought I going to die
she slam the door and walk off
my friends brought me to a nearby clinic
WTF I learned my lesson fro there

You sure learn it the hard way. Be smart, keep one at ONE PLACE, not 2 at the same place. Sure bump into each other someday. The world is very small....

Unless one of them understand that you are always fooling around and she is willing to accept it... but in experience, no woman will.... either they keep quiet about it or they balck face when you come back from the other party...

fazer6s 18-04-2011 07:23 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by JOGK (Post 5859966)
Stepheny sun pretty meh?

Maybe bro y2kwhitelove saw Stepheny sun SET :D

Xdecepticon 18-04-2011 07:56 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by jimdiri (Post 5859458)
Leaving this few old men in batam without care. So bros, LOVE or MONEY!!!

Believe it or not, it is up to you. But one day, I am sure you will regret if you believe all these bros talking about REAL LOVE in batam.........

Yes, I believe u. Cos I was played out by them b4. But then again tere r instances whereby they were married and settle down...n having kids in Sillypore. 1 of my frds married to an ex-staff of Htl Paragon, Tbk. Another 1 married to ex-cwk of KTV Angel @ B Ampar. Bottom line is if u r serious with them (esp cewks fm KTV), u must take the trouble to do ground work, spot check on them now and then. Prepare to spend some money. Some cewks i know of, esp those mixed dutch blood...KNN then chio sia. Worth marrying i.e. if I were a bachelor...:D:o


Originally Posted by fazer6s (Post 5859916)
He was looking at her face 1st mah. Remember in Batam most cewek use push up bras

KNN, u say it man. After so many yrs of cheonging, at times i oso kenna fooled by em...


Originally Posted by wala (Post 5860071)
This sum up all the curi ayam risk facter involved, so Bros wanna play please take good care, be extra careful like ndnd. You can be on your balls 24/7 or lose them.

Lose them nvm. Dont lose ur Manhood! :eek:


Originally Posted by ndnd (Post 5859508)
So many years of cheong btm/balai/batu, the max tips I give is only 50ribu. :p

I still remember those days i used to juz tip them $10. Hmmm...maybe nowadays can juz tip them RP70 the max. Sometime do kesian them too lah. Cos of living....all went up...

y2kwhitelove 18-04-2011 09:40 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
HaHa, bro actually she quite pretty and partly I wanna try a gal with small boobs but I regret it now. :p

Originally Posted by fazer6s (Post 5860112)
Maybe bro y2kwhitelove saw Stepheny sun SET :D

y2kwhitelove 18-04-2011 09:45 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread
Hi, I agree with bro that at batam de gals is mostly looking for money not true love. As in first place why they become pro cause their bf or husband no good or family poor. quite pity those gals so we must often go find them. :p

ndnd 18-04-2011 11:07 AM

Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by y2kwhitelove (Post 5860326)
they become pro cause their bf or husband no good or family poor. quite pity those gals so we must often go find them. :p

Good one bro, u have found yourself a good excuse to cheong batam :D
Anyway nice FR..

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