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hawksbay 17-04-2010 08:02 AM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by shyboy252001 (Post 4779115)
Bro Omnia,

want to comment on Jose, just for discussion ok? no ill feel. hahaha. the thing is, while i think he is a good manager, i dont think he will be a better replacement for Rafa. i dont think he really got, like u said, the clue to win EPL. its more like he was luckier/street-smarter to have picked better clubs to manage so far.

Chelsea were already a strong team under Ranieri (finished 2nd in 2003-04 campaign), so were Inter Milan. not to discredit him for winning the league, but it is easier to win the league when u manage a strong squad left behind by unluckier manager before i; just like Benitez did with Valencia, he was left with strong squad from Hector Cuper. also, you got to take into account the other teams' squad. when Jose took over, there were only 2 other main competitors in the League, Arsenal and Man Utd. it was easier back then. anyway, in his last season with Chelsea, Man Utd won the League..

When Avram Grant took over, Liverpool have become a strong contender to the Title, so is when Scolari took over. Now, the league is even more competitive due to the massive improvement in Totenham and Man City. side track, Hughes started with what kind of squad in Man City?

u said, Jose made Terry, Lampard, Cole a better player, didnt we see the same with Carra, Gerrard? in GH era, u saw a young energetic midfielder running wildly, in RB era, Gerrard become the complete midfielder he is now! in my opinion even Torres owe it to Benitez to make him so famous now. Torres is a talent in A. Madrid, but under Benitez guidance, he blossom and become deadlier in Liverpool. so are Reina, Alonso and Mascherano. a good manager make a star of his players. Reina was criticized for punching the ball rather than tryin to catch it, but RB encouraged him to punch the ball out, because a GK job is not to catch ball or not, its to keep the ball out of the goal post! Alonso in Real Sociedad was a decent playmaker at best, but playing for Benitez, he become the maestro passmaker. Mascherano in West Ham under Alan Cursherby is not even playin football. but under Benitez, he is widely recognised as the best defensive mid.

for Rafa to make Liverpool from also ran team to a title contender with such constrained budget is an achievement. he doesnt have one lump sum of 80-100 mil to spend to tweak the squad in one season like Jose had, or Hughes had. but have to do it slowly and pain-stakingly, season by season. A star player a season. if lucky, 2 star players.

and the thing that i am gonna dislike the most is, if a new manager come in, and he won the league, people gonna praise the new manager and forgot that the core team is left by Benitez already. just somehow feel that his effort so far have been unappreciated, not just by the journalists, but also to his own teams' fans!

i just want to "da bao bu ping" at times. people should learn to be more "ying shui shi yuan" and be gratitude for work well done. 1 bad season and everybody asking for his head.. haiz..

anyway, last note on the new ownership, hope Liverpool dont pass from one tiger mouth to a crocodile jaw..

excellent post bro,u nailed it on the head,u noe ur football.

Pussies-Licker 17-04-2010 08:43 AM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings
look like this time,the two Americans are really going to sell their stakes.
will be good for the Reds.

rahl 17-04-2010 11:03 AM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by Pussies-Licker (Post 4779965)
look like this time,the two Americans are really going to sell their stakes.
will be good for the Reds.

Let's hope it will not go down the Newcastle route eh...

SCB2011 17-04-2010 12:41 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by Pussies-Licker (Post 4779965)
look like this time,the two Americans are really going to sell their stakes.
will be good for the Reds.

Not getting into the CL is indeed a blessing in disguise. :p
Without the money from the CL, the yankees are forced to sell.
Maybe this was RB's idea after all, to sacrifice one season and get rid of the yankees. :D
What a shrewd tactician. :)
I hope he sign a new 10 year contract. :p

SCB2011 17-04-2010 12:51 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by omnia (Post 4779700)
Keane - he was not given a reasonable enuff time to show that he cld perform...age does not count as he was released before completing a full season...

Bellamy - well rafa sld not hv bought him in the 1st place since his disciplinary problems was a well known fact...

Crouch - rafa sld hv utilised him more, plain n simple...if he did crouch wld hv probably been more than happy to stay on at anfield...also it is possible that reds may been still in the running for 4th if an established 2nd striker like crouch had been available...

Keane and Bellamy were not chosen by RB, they were bought by Rick Parry.
RB wanted Gareth Barry but Ricky refused to shell out the 17 million that AV were asking. Instead he paid 20 milion for Keane. :(

RB very much wanted Crouch to stay. Initially he refused to sell Robo Crouch but when Crouchie handed in a transfer request, RB had to concede.
Cannot blame RB on this one.

Now that Ricky Parry and the Yankees are going, I hope RB will sign a new 10 year contract with the new owners. :) He has the ability to be our next Bob Paisley.

bochapsing 17-04-2010 12:59 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by SCB2011 (Post 4780540)
RB very much wanted Crouch to stay. Initially he refused to sell Robo Crouch but when Crouchie handed in a transfer request, RB had to concede.
Cannot blame RB on this one.


in liverpool, crouch made his name, then he wanted regular football...
but with torres in the team n rafa preference of playing lone striker... it's quite obvious tat crouch couldn't get his 1st team football here... so rafa had to sell him...
(according to 1 report i'd read, crouch's salary in pompey was doubled... which we could match too...)
i believed rafa wanted to keep crouch too, as he offered an alternative in the strike force...
nevertheless, i still like this fellow... :p:p:p

bochapsing 17-04-2010 01:09 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by rahl (Post 4778651)
No idea how real the figures are - if they are, we know where the profits went.

Liverpool Football Club (the "Club"), today announced that Martin Broughton has been appointed as Chairman with immediate effect.

overseen a significant improvement in the financial performance of the Club since 2007. During that time:

* The Club's revenues have increased by 55%;

* Commercial revenues have increased by 83%;

* Operating profit (before player trading and exceptionals) has increased by 60%.

Thomas Hicks and George Gillett said: "Owning Liverpool Football Club over these past three years has been a rewarding and exciting experience for us and our families. Having grown the Club this far we have now decided together to look to sell the Club to owners committed to take the Club through its next level of growth and development.

LFC announces new Chairman - Liverpool FC

revenues increased.. profit increased.. yet our debt oso increased at the same time...
no wonder those 2 morons said "has been a REWARDING experience"...
hope tis time they r real in wanting to sell, and not asking for ridiculous prices again...
and hope tat tis time a VERY RICH liverpool fan (or at least a football fan) to take over us...

lastly, our new chairman is a CHELSEA season ticket holder...!!!!

shyboy252001 18-04-2010 12:20 AM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings
Hi Reds,

Bro Omnia, lets agree to disagree, shall we? hahaha. i can provide all the arguments for RB, but i think u still think he should be replaced.. so, lets stop there.. =)

anyway, this is my take on why Liverpool did not perform this season, other bros feel free to comment, ok? i think the basic issues were happening in before the season kicked off..

1. Liverpool were in debt and need to pay the interests, courtesy of our friendly American owners. While we will never know how much exactly going on behind the scene, i could only speculate that majority of last seasons' TV revenue and Alonso's sales went to service this interests and debts. Hence, RB's transfer budget were badly affected. so, lets say, RB got about 8-10 mil to spend for this season. which he probably spent on the first installment for Glenn Johnson and Aquilani, while a bit more of the remaining to get and Kyrgiakos. if we look at them, they are bought to replace outgoing first team players from last season, mainly Arbeloa, Alonso and Hyppia. no new additions of players to existing squad to add to the depth were done due to the budget issue. i dont know if he made the right call to spend the money on these players, but i also know without these replacement players, we will be having problem in right back area, and a defensive cover should our centre back got injured. maybe he should spend the money to get a decent striker to deputize torres, but who can u get in 8-10 million range? also, if he spend in on striker, like i mentioned, our right back, who can play there? maybe instead of Aquilani, he should spend on other central mid.. again, who can we get with that kind of budget? anyway, i know some will pin point and said why Arsene can get players cheaply and perform.. but lest you guys forget, Arsene have been managing Arsenal since 1997, 13 years of Arsenal knowledge and establish scout arrangement for Arsenal.. Ooopss seems like defending RB again! hahaha.

2. anyway, the above is on the newcomers, now i would like to address on the drop of forms of the current players. while i do NOT know what were happening, but Carra were obviously not performing in the early seasons, made too many mistakes that cost us precious points early in the seasons. maybe he got distracted with some personal lives' issues? i dont know, but i can speculate why Mascherano were not performing in early season.. if u guys recall, he was made Captain of Argentina last year, and were playing for Argentina for Confederation cup before the season kick off, so he was exhausted; add that to his wife giving birth and that Barcelona were courting him! how to focus on playing good football sia.. Talking about Confederation Cup, Torres, too had taken a huge toll on his fitness due to playing for Spain.. so, earlie in the season, we had problems with our star players.. and dropped many precious points.. and Gerrard was on the operations table most of the time..

3. coming to end of the season.. some ask why last season so HIONG HIONG JI PAI, play soo damned power end of season, now not lei?? i think it got to do with mental.. it is very very motivating to be fighting for 1st position then to play for 4th position.. even with missing CL as a "threat", it is not powerful enough reason to work harder.. to put in that extra 5% to make the difference.. but i think we should see difference attitude when it come to Europa League, the players should be more motivated to make that extra run, that extra tackle to win the games, cause winning a trophy is an achievement!

apologies if too long.. above is my humble four cents worth of comment =)

omnia 18-04-2010 01:12 AM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings
i am aware of Keane n Parry...but r sure abt Bellamy?...anyways since Keane was made a reds player, Rafa sld hv at least given him an entire season to prove himself...particularly since it was n still is obvious that the reds need another competent experienced striker in addition to torres...


Originally Posted by SCB2011 (Post 4780540)
Keane and Bellamy were not chosen by RB, they were bought by Rick Parry.

well i gather crouchino wanted to leave because rafa was not giving him enuff playing i blame rafa for sticking to his limited one dimensional tactics instead of properly managing crouchino's expectations, especially since u claim rafa wanted him to stay...


Originally Posted by SCB2011 (Post 4780540)
RB very much wanted Crouch to stay. Initially he refused to sell Robo Crouch but when Crouchie handed in a transfer request, RB had to concede.
Cannot blame RB on this one.


omnia 18-04-2010 01:22 AM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings
sure no worries bro...u hv provided yr perspective n likewise i hv provided forumers can draw their own conclusions...

btw did u catch the blackburn v everton match?...wif the way things r going reds may well be in a fight wif the toffees for 7th:eek::(


Originally Posted by shyboy252001 (Post 4782090)
Hi Reds,

Bro Omnia, lets agree to disagree, shall we? hahaha. i can provide all the arguments for RB, but i think u still think he should be replaced.. so, lets stop there.. =)

owen10 18-04-2010 03:05 AM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by omnia (Post 4782193)
sure no worries bro...u hv provided yr perspective n likewise i hv provided forumers can draw their own conclusions...

btw did u catch the blackburn v everton match?...wif the way things r going reds may well be in a fight wif the toffees for 7th:eek::(

to be frank i've given up hopes on Pool grabbing 4th spot.

im not so worried abt losing that 7th spot to Everton. pretty confident we will finish above them. but im more concerned abt Pool being overtaken by devils for their 19th title. seeing how manure grab an inj time winner n closing d gap on Chelski again really made me boil. seems like they really lead a charmed life. :mad:

rahl 18-04-2010 11:04 AM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by shyboy252001 (Post 4782090)
anyway, this is my take on why Liverpool did not perform this season, other bros feel free to comment, ok? i think the basic issues were happening in before the season kicked off..

Hey, I take what the players and Rafa have said to be a major factor - it was psychological more than anything else. Once the players realised after the bad start that they are too far adrift from the top, they lost confidence. We all remember a patch where our play was totally disjointed. Rafa yesterday was talking about our over-achieving last season and failing to play 'perfect' this season.

This means the Alonso factor is not that crucial, at least not to the players themselves; although he may be able to lift our morale, he wouldn't be able to make our attack gell.

And of course injuries are a no-brainer. ;)

Cummon 18-04-2010 11:23 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings
On whether 'should' we lose to Chelsea in order to prevent the Scum from getting the 19th,I came across these lines in another forum, I couldn't have agreed with that poster anymore.

It's a fundamental feature of supporting a football club that when you go to the match, you want your club to win.

Going to a match to support your club's opponents is just contrary to the emotional bond between you and your club. It's unrealistic.

Supporting Chelsea to win would be allowing your perfectly reasonable hatred of the Scum to exceed your love for Liverpool.

Offspring 18-04-2010 11:26 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings
Fcuking Yankees are asking 3 times the amount they paid for the club. With not even a new stadium plans built or even firmed up, they are dreaming out of their Yankee white arse.

We won't be seeing any new owners any time soon. Bastards. Just hoping some rich oil baron will come in and save us from those bastards.

owen10 19-04-2010 02:38 AM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by Offspring (Post 4784517)
Fcuking Yankees are asking 3 times the amount they paid for the club. With not even a new stadium plans built or even firmed up, they are dreaming out of their Yankee white arse.

We won't be seeing any new owners any time soon. Bastards. Just hoping some rich oil baron will come in and save us from those bastards.

those bastards still wanna lion open big mouth ask for exhorbitant profits?
eventually they may have to come to a point they have to give in, when their interests on loans keep piling n they find it financially difficult to service and seeing their accounts sinking deeper into the red. that's what happened to many companies in US which had to file for ch 11 during the financial crisis.

now, if the unforseeable happens, should Pool fail to make the cut for Europa next season our finances would be further depleted. if there r no white knights we may be forced to sell more players. really hope we wont see this happen. :mad::(

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