bro see below how can condom broke unless u use saw to cut it:
Curious about what the layers of condoms would look like on the inside, we undertook the task of dissecting our work. First we cut into the tip of the condoms vertically with a utility knife. As the blade punctured the surface, the outer layers quickly peeled back. Plunging the knife in further, we found that the many layers of condoms somewhat resembled an artichoke heart, and were very densely compressed toward the center, becoming more difficult to cut into as we proceeded.
With its pointed top laid open, the pale and rubbery latex-encased dildo was beginning to resemble a giant squid being filleted. We took to it with a hack saw next, to examine a cross-section. The rubber proved to be quite solid and offered a fair amount of resistance as we sawed through it. We began sawing at the thickest section of the condom layers, at a spot that we estimated to be above the tip of the dildo. .
However, upon dissecting further into the layers, we did in fact come into contact with the head of the dildo, which we subsequently sawed through. We hypothesize that the external pressure exerted on the dildo by the condoms was sufficient to squeeze the dildo laterally and deform it, making it longer and skinnier