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Nato17 03-04-2014 03:52 AM

Re: L16h6

Originally Posted by roamario (Post 10771500)
This konwawa must be a salesman for durex, carex, and okamoto, that's why he advised people to use 3 layers of CD.
His alter ego, gigolodick, is more entertaining... in a pathetic way.

Wah, I thought sales figure is up for durex, carex and okamoto. Guess not huh, so now the sales people must come to the forum to advocate using 6 condoms. Guess his sales figures will be going up pretty soon. Can look forward to having a 8 digit bonus. :eek:

slyer 03-04-2014 01:40 PM

Re: L16h6

Originally Posted by Nato17 (Post 10774784)
One normal off the shelf pack only has 3 lei. Guess now I have to buy 2 packets instead. Ok lor. Use 6 at one time. :eek:

Bro use 6 plus rmb tie rubber band confirm safe :eek::D

Nato17 03-04-2014 06:13 PM

Re: L16h6

Originally Posted by Konnichiwawa (Post 10778072)
so bro

i just cant imagining why those stupid ppl want do with her cos i heard she dam ugly even with makeup. hahahahahahhaaha

Bro, after I follow your instructions of using 6 condoms I tried to enter the WL and guess what, all of them broke. Now thanks to your good advice I have to go and do a checkup. :eek::eek::eek::eek:

nakamitchi 03-04-2014 07:23 PM

Re: L16h6

Originally Posted by Nato17 (Post 10778445)
Bro, after I follow your instructions of using 6 condoms I tried to enter the WL and guess what, all of them broke. Now thanks to your good advice I have to go and do a checkup. :eek::eek::eek::eek:

Ai ya......dont like dat la....someone already start to act n talk stupid after long pretendence of noble fuck.....cant camo. the ugly tail.....wait u drive him crazy he start to spam the whole forum again.....

slyer 03-04-2014 11:35 PM

Re: L16h6

Originally Posted by Nato17 (Post 10778445)
Bro, after I follow your instructions of using 6 condoms I tried to enter the WL and guess what, all of them broke. Now thanks to your good advice I have to go and do a checkup. :eek::eek::eek::eek:

Use 9 bro. Hopefully it won't suffocate your small head

nakamitchi 04-04-2014 01:44 PM

Re: L16h6

Originally Posted by Konnichiwawa (Post 10781253)
Bro use 10 see below

Wow......use master account up u already......very obvious rite ....the few 10,11,12,13 points senior up you.........shameless people think forumers cant regonize who are the master and friends.........pui pui pui......still think all bros in forum r blind......tails expose.....

baotohk 05-04-2014 12:34 PM

Re: L16h6

Originally Posted by Konnichiwawa (Post 10788161)
bro see below how can condom broke unless u use saw to cut it:

Curious about what the layers of condoms would look like on the inside, we undertook the task of dissecting our work. First we cut into the tip of the condoms vertically with a utility knife. As the blade punctured the surface, the outer layers quickly peeled back. Plunging the knife in further, we found that the many layers of condoms somewhat resembled an artichoke heart, and were very densely compressed toward the center, becoming more difficult to cut into as we proceeded.

With its pointed top laid open, the pale and rubbery latex-encased dildo was beginning to resemble a giant squid being filleted. We took to it with a hack saw next, to examine a cross-section. The rubber proved to be quite solid and offered a fair amount of resistance as we sawed through it. We began sawing at the thickest section of the condom layers, at a spot that we estimated to be above the tip of the dildo. .

However, upon dissecting further into the layers, we did in fact come into contact with the head of the dildo, which we subsequently sawed through. We hypothesize that the external pressure exerted on the dildo by the condoms was sufficient to squeeze the dildo laterally and deform it, making it longer and skinnier

Why not you put it on and show us? Only moron like you would stay erect for hours to put on so many condom.

No amount of condom can increase the size of your pathetic dick. It 's your bad genes

Wu Song Jr 05-04-2014 04:21 PM

Re: L16h6

Originally Posted by nakamitchi (Post 10782992)
Wow......use master account up u already......very obvious rite ....the few 10,11,12,13 points senior up you.........shameless people think forumers cant regonize who are the master and friends.........pui pui pui......still think all bros in forum r blind......tails expose.....

Very obvious leow...

nakamitchi 05-04-2014 08:06 PM

Re: L16h6

Originally Posted by Wu Song Jr (Post 10789554)
Very obvious leow...

Wa bro......u also eagle eyes......this clown alaways try to break the harmony in the forum by creating clones again n again.......he think he is LTA .....all catogories also he want to disturb.....i think he is Lanjiao TAo......!!!! :D:D

Wu Song Jr 05-04-2014 10:38 PM

Re: L16h6

Originally Posted by nakamitchi (Post 10790685)
Wa bro......u also eagle eyes......this clown alaways try to break the harmony in the forum by creating clones again n again.......he think he is LTA .....all catogories also he want to disturb.....i think he is Lanjiao TAo......!!!! :D:D

Nnkc.. Hahahaa
Bro i like the way you described him :D

nakamitchi 06-04-2014 10:15 AM

Re: L16h6

Originally Posted by Konnichiwawa (Post 10792688)
So how bro? U enjoy with yr wl queen here? Better go open yr big eyes cos yr queen so ugly

Who is yr bro ??? So thick face u......u r a frog we not the same........i am having a very gd time OUTSIDE geylang OUTSIDE singapore u country cow.......u think everyone like u life only revolve around geylang.........

Wu Song Jr 06-04-2014 08:30 PM

Re: L16h6

Originally Posted by Konnichiwawa (Post 10792688)
So how bro? U enjoy with yr wl queen here? Better go open yr big eyes cos yr queen so ugly

I coming back from bkk soon soon..
See you in gl hor.... I know which house you always go hahahaaa
You no balls shrink arh :D

nakamitchi 07-04-2014 03:18 AM

Re: L16h6

Originally Posted by Wu Song Jr (Post 10791392)
Nnkc.. Hahahaa
Bro i like the way you described him :D

Sport car wo people say.....driving a everywhere car park can see car still want brag loud loud......old car still serve installment wo.....I drive lorry to geylang at least I pay CASH no installment head not so big so my mouth also not so big.....not a rich man still want to brag....want sport car I think burn to him easier.......

Say wls ugly then all wls jiby he alaways want to lick for wat.......

Wu Song Jr 07-04-2014 07:49 AM

Re: L16h6

Originally Posted by Konnichiwawa (Post 10795948)

I don't go gelyang cos the standard of wl all so low class and all so ugly and don't suit me. The place also dirty and many many bangala worker. Parking also a problem cos me driving sport car.

Sounds familiar...
I now can confirm who you are leow..
Nbez bastard... :(

Wu Song Jr 07-04-2014 07:51 AM

Re: L16h6

Originally Posted by nakamitchi (Post 10797461)
Sport car wo people say.....driving a everywhere car park can see car still want brag loud loud......old car still serve installment wo.....I drive lorry to geylang at least I pay CASH no installment head not so big so my mouth also not so big.....not a rich man still want to brag....want sport car I think burn to him easier.......

Say wls ugly then all wls jiby he alaways want to lick for wat.......

I walk to geylang la hahahaaa....

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