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pirambi 04-01-2012 10:58 AM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by GeMiNiZzzzZzz (Post 6740692)
Indeed a great start to 2012 as gooners gone down to last min goal but the cottages.

Chel ...really cannot have best of everything :D

Huat arhhh :p

The newyear has just gotten better. First look at ur result rather than getting happy on others u fool.

GeMiNiZzzzZzz 04-01-2012 11:09 AM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings
Hi P,

Thks for replying.

Wish you have a good 2012 ahead.

Fyi, it's not my result but Liverpool's result.
I do not live, eat, breathe for them - I only breathe, lived and eat for my family and career. I don't earn a single cent from supporting them.
Don't get so worked up ok :)

Remember to go to school ah - school starts few days ago don't pongtang ok :)

doppelherz 04-01-2012 11:32 AM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by GeMiNiZzzzZzz (Post 6743707)
Will not be surprise if he choose to leave.

He will always be tainted as a racist even if his ban is over.
All the Fans in different stadium except maybe Anfield will boo him and surely will disrupt his confidence or even caused him to react again.

1 major mistake will cause your career in the country just like the great cantona.

The only player currently that can change the game is LS and no longer Stevie after FT was sold.

We shall see...shall see............

Sadly most Liverpool fans predicted that Suarez would turn a villain this season the moment Fergie started making negative comments about Suarez (which usually means Fergie feels a threat)

After Alonso and Torres left, I told myself never to get attached to players but focus on the club, so if Suarez feels uncomfy in England, very understandable and I will wish him all the best.

As for the Citeh game, would have been a very different game if Downing scored early on. Overall I did not think we played badly, they just took their chances better.

Let's look forward to our cup games and then beating Stoke at home.


omnia 04-01-2012 12:36 PM

Just shows u what a great club Liverpool FC really is!
hi ya

actually i think all of us reds fans sld be quite happy n pleased wif this chap P...i mean for him as an apparent man u fan to persistently cum into this reds thread to lamely try n flamebait kinda of illustrates what a great fc liverpool fc really is...dont c such pathetic flamebait in the man u thread r any other club's thread for that matter...kinda of ironic dont u think?!...


Originally Posted by GeMiNiZzzzZzz (Post 6744276)
Hi P,

Thks for replying.

Wish you have a good 2012 ahead.

Fyi, it's not my result but Liverpool's result.
I do not live, eat, breathe for them - I only breathe, lived and eat for my family and career. I don't earn a single cent from supporting them.
Don't get so worked up ok :)

Remember to go to school ah - school starts few days ago don't pongtang ok :)

omnia 04-01-2012 12:40 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings
Statement from Liverpool FC

It is our strongly held conviction that the Football Association and the panel it selected constructed a highly subjective case against Luis Suarez based on an accusation that was ultimately unsubstantiated.

The FA and the panel chose to consistently and methodically accept and embrace arguments leading to a set of conclusions that found Mr. Suarez to "probably" be guilty while in the same manner deciding to completely dismiss the testimony that countered their overall suppositions.

Mr. Evra was deemed to be credible in spite of admitting that he himself used insulting and threatening words towards Luis and that his initial charge as to the word used was somehow a mistake.

The facts in this case were that an accusation was made, a rebuttal was given and there was video of the match. The remaining facts came from testimony of people who did not corroborate any accusation made by Mr. Evra.

In its determination to prove its conclusions to the public through a clearly subjective 115-page document, the FA panel has damaged the reputation of one of the Premier League's best players, deciding he should be punished and banned for perhaps a quarter of a season. This case has also provided a template in which a club's rival can bring about a significant ban for a top player without anything beyond an accusation.

Nevertheless, there are ultimately larger issues than whether or not Luis Suarez has been treated fairly by the Football Association in this matter. There are important points we want to make today that overshadow what has occurred during the past two months.

The issue of race in sports, as in other industries, has a very poor history. Far too often, and in far too many countries, the issues of racism and discrimination have been covered over or ignored.

In America, where Liverpool ownership resides, there was a shameful bigotry that prevented black athletes from competing at the highest levels for decades.

English football has led the world in welcoming all nationalities and creeds into its Premier League and its leagues below, and Liverpool Football Club itself has been a leader in taking a progressive stance on issues of race and inclusion. The Luis Suarez case has to end so that the Premier League, the Football Association and the Club can continue the progress that has been made and will continue to be made and not risk a perception, at least by some, that would diminish our commitment on these issues.

Liverpool Football Club have supported Luis Suarez because we fundamentally do not believe that Luis on that day - or frankly any other - did or would engage in a racist act. Notably, his actions on and off the pitch with his teammates and in the community have demonstrated his belief that all athletes can play together and that the colour of a person's skin is irrelevant.

Continuing a fight for justice in this particular case beyond today would only obscure the fact that the Club wholeheartedly supports the efforts of the Football Association, the Football League and the Premier League to put an end to any form of racism in English football.

It is time to put the Luis Suarez matter to rest and for all of us, going forward, to work together to stamp out racism in every form both inside and outside the sport.

It is for this reason that we will not appeal the eight-game suspension of Luis Suarez.

omnia 04-01-2012 12:41 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings
Statement from Luis Suarez

First of all I would like to thank everyone so much for all the help and support I have received during these last few weeks.

Thank you to my family, my friends and everybody at LFC (the staff, manager and coaching staff, the directors, my team mates and everyone who is working on a daily basis for this great club) and thank you especially to all the fans who made sure I never felt let down for one second. During those days I understood more than ever what 'You'll Never Walk Alone' means.

Like many of you I was born into a very humble family, in a working class neighbourhood, in a small country. But I was born and raised learning what respect, manners and sacrifice mean. Thanks to my family, from my first club where I started playing, to my transfer to Holland in Europe, I learned the values which made me the person I am now. Never, I repeat, never, have I had any racial problem with a team mate or individual who was of a different race or colour to mine. Never.

I am very upset by all the things which have been said during the last few weeks about me, all of them being very far from the truth. But above all, I'm very upset at feeling so powerless whilst being accused of something which I did not, nor would not, ever do.

In my country, 'negro' is a word we use commonly, a word which doesn't show any lack of respect and is even less so a form of racist abuse. Based on this, everything which has been said so far is totally false.

I will carry out the suspension with the resignation of someone who hasn't done anything wrong and who feels extremely upset by the events. I do feel sorry for the fans and for my team mates whom I will not be able to help during the next month. It will be a very difficult time for me.

The only thing I wish for at the moment is being able to run out again at Anfield and to do what I like most which is playing football.

Thank you very much.


omnia 04-01-2012 12:53 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings
another bad day at the office...when i saw that first goal, i just had an awful feeling today was never going to be our be fair i think we played ok, we weren't shocking and the result i think somewhat flattered Citeh...2 of the three goals were our own doing....

we really need to work on a few things up front, which i think really boils down to decision making...too often stood around the edge of Citeh's box looking for options that weren't forthcoming, often after missing our better options if we'd been that little bit quicker making our choices...

i am gutted that Suarez is going to be missing now for 8 games(sld be 7 now!), as i am sure everyone is...whilst i despise the conclusion the FA and their dodgy panel came to, i think there is a silver lining and that is Suarez now has an enforced rest, which i think he has needed, after a very busy summer...i for one cannot wait to see him come back rested and raring to go!...

Carroll for me has taken some stick, sometimes deserved, other times maybe not so...however, if we want to see the best out of him, then the entire team seriously needs to start taking some responsibilty and start providing him with some decent service...last night, that service was poor so say the least...

also think Downing n Kuyt need to be benched...Maxi/Gerrad/Bellamy allowed as much playing time as possible fm now on...

anyways still looking fwd to the 2 legs of the LC agast Citeh...n that 4th CL spot still things cld be worse i guess...


KangTuo 04-01-2012 01:05 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 (Post 6743863)
See another shocking result...:p

MC 3 - 0 Liv....sickening right...:p

your crsytal ball say 2012 will be good year for liverpool leh... :confused:
bad day in office today :(

omnia 04-01-2012 01:15 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings
Good Post copied fm the LFC Forum

In my opinion, LFC and LS has done the right thing by accepting the penalty but not the decision.

Having read the 115 pages of absolute rubbish, it is still beyond me that how one can arrive at a "guilty" verdict, based purely on one man's word against another, let alone pass sentence.

Stuart James from the Guardian accuses LFC of blind loyalty to LS. All I can say to him is that I hope he never hasve to defend himself in a FA court for racism.

Just for the record, I am a minority in a country where the minority races are openly discriminated against by the ruling goverment in every aspect, from education to job opportunities and as such, I abhor racism.

Now let us all move on. After our defeat to Man City yesterday, it is imperative that we bounce back against Oldham.

To LFC and LS, YNWA.

omnia 04-01-2012 01:20 PM

Excellent Post by Reds Black Fan
A Black Fans View - I still support Luis

In the past few weeks Luis Suarez and Liverpool Football club have been under investigation. More than that, they have been under intense media scrutiny, and have been subjected to intense speculation from the army of armchair pundits.

Patrice Evra of Manchester United has made some serious allegations against our footballer Luis Suarez. At the time most Liverpool fans refused to believe the allegations. Allegations of Racial Abuse.

During the ongoing investigation, evidence was collected by the F.A. All sides had an opportunity to state from what I could personally see there was no proof that Luis Suarez said anything racist to Mr Evra, yet through their investigation the football association have arrived at a guilty verdict. They have handed Luis Suarez an 8 game ban and seriously damaged his reputation. The stigma of being being branded a racist is no small matter.

I would have thought that the F.A would have chosen a more clear-cut case to deliver such a stinging endigtment upon a player. In this particular case, not one other player or the Referee, or the Assistant Referee heard any racism, the only reference to racism came from Mr Evra. So given that the whole case seems to be one man's word against and anothers it seems the F.A have decided to interpret what was said, even though it was not said in English. Both men spoke in Spanish, so the F.A applied English meaning to Spanish words .

I find it unbelievable that the F.A think that interpreting this case without proper evidence, without proper witnesses brings an acceptable conclusion.

I am fervently in favour of Anti-racist measures in football. Being a black Liverpool fan I was elated when in the 1980s we brought John Barnes to Anfield. I was even more pleased when he became such a success and a massive hit with the Liverpool fans. The racism he had to endure back then was despicable, but he overcame it and the club supported him. John Barnes to this day is a loyal Liverpool subject .

Of course Howard Gail was Liverpool's first black player but perhaps when he played race wasn't on the agenda, it was Barnes who really changed things at Liverpool, and since then we have had a host of black players, such as David James, Michael thomas, Mark Walters, Paul Ince, Phil Babb, Momo Sisoko, Titi Camara and many others.

This is why it annoys me so much that Liverpool are now being branded as protecting a racist. Suarez is not a racist simply because he called Mr Evra a negro. Negro means Black in Spanish.

Mister Evra, was insulting to Mr Suarez first, isulting him about being South American, The way in which South americans use the word "negro" is not interpreted as Racist, and even in this country there is a wide chasm of a gulf between "negro" and that other N word.

Questions the F.A. still haven't answered is why is Mr Evra is not being punished for his antagonism, Why he is considered a credible witness when he has said Mr suarez used the other "N" word and then retracted that accusation. Why is Mr Evra are getting away without any form of punishment VOS smacks of hypocrisy.

It's only natural that a football fan would support his player and his team stance. In this case I still support Suarez because I do not believe there is a case to answer. One man's word against another is not proof and you cannot convict someone or punish someone fairly with that in mind. If there were no witnesses, surely there was no case to answer?

I have been defending our team and our player all week on the social media networks of Facebook and twitter my friends and associates have criticised my stance on this matter. It seems my stance is at odds with that of the general population, and the mainstream media however, I do not care, I have read the report on FA have put out.

Only today at work, I said to a colleague the F.A's report is a document built to support their initial findings, and the banning of the Suarez. It presents no clear cut facts detailing any form of proof that a serious incident took place. The report was concerned that Suarez referred to Mr Evra's colour. Luis Suarez admitted that from the start claiming that he didn't think it to be offensive.

If given proper consideration that warrants a four match ban at most . Instead they chose to throw the book at him and subsequently have damaged the reputation of Liverpool Football Club. This ban will certainly damage our intentions of qualifying for the Champions League

Tonight I continued the argument on Facebook with a friend, he pointed me to a link that I had not yet seen; a statement from Liverpool Football Club. That statement said that they do not believe Luis Suarez is a racist and that is why they support him. However they will not appeal against the FA's ruling and ban.

I believe this is a sad but an predictable course of action. Liverpool do not want to be seen as being soft on racism, that is not the Liverpool way.That said, I am fully behind the way the club has worded this statement. It was only right that they criticise the FA and the way that the F.A handled the whole case. The report was subjective and only served to reinforce the findings of the F.A. The club has stated this,LFC chooses to move on and put this episode behind us.

I say again, that Black Liverpool fans need to look at the evidence and not follow the immediate reaction of the press, in what has become a Witch hunt. Ask yourself is Luis Suarez a racist? Would Kenny Dalglish support a racist, Kenny Dalglish who brought John Barnes to Anfield? The answer is no he would not.

Consider our Motto, You'll Never Walk Alone, think about what it means to be a Liverpool fan, think of the honour of our great football club. Would we endorse racism? If you believe the answer is yes, you must take your Liverpool shirt, and memorabilia and burn it.

True Liverpool fans support our players in the face of what appear to be false and malicious allegations. I support Luis Suarez and Liverpool Football Club, 100%

You'll NEVER walk alone Luis.

GeMiNiZzzzZzz 04-01-2012 06:12 PM

Re: Just shows u what a great club Liverpool FC really is!

Originally Posted by omnia (Post 6744569)
hi ya

actually i think all of us reds fans sld be quite happy n pleased wif this chap P...i mean for him as an apparent man u fan to persistently cum into this reds thread to lamely try n flamebait kinda of illustrates what a great fc liverpool fc really is...dont c such pathetic flamebait in the man u thread r any other club's thread for that matter...kinda of ironic dont u think?!...

Tbh, I seriously don't think It's ironic.
I really think he is a Liverpool fan just like all Of us here as he follow all our post ..follow all Liverpool matches even in the wee morning hours :eek:

We must appreciate his comments here.

Go are doing selecting Reds as your beloved club.

We will never abandon you and walk together with you.
You'll never walk alone :)

Hurricane88 04-01-2012 06:21 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by KangTuo (Post 6744679)
your crsytal ball say 2012 will be good year for liverpool leh... :confused:
bad day in office today :(

haha...not 2012 but dragon year la...will start only 4/2/2012..:p

ProfessorOokami 04-01-2012 07:41 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 (Post 6745664)
haha...not 2012 but dragon year la...will start only 4/2/2012..:p

Normally your crystal ball very chun one...anyway, dragon year only start to propser. Have you calibrated your crystal ball for the time difference too :D

KangTuo 04-01-2012 09:06 PM

Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 (Post 6745664)
haha...not 2012 but dragon year la...will start only 4/2/2012..:p

must wait another month :eek:

pirambi 05-01-2012 12:44 AM

Re: Just shows u what a great club Liverpool FC really is!

Originally Posted by GeMiNiZzzzZzz (Post 6745634)
Tbh, I seriously don't think It's ironic.
I really think he is a Liverpool fan just like all Of us here as he follow all our post ..follow all Liverpool matches even in the wee morning hours :eek:

We must appreciate his comments here.

Go are doing selecting Reds as your beloved club.

We will never abandon you and walk together with you.
You'll never walk alone :)

Ha ha u talk more about me rather than ur team.
Im first a football whoever plays i watch, not just its because manu or lfc or whoever...
i never dislike lfc as a club, but i dont like few cheaters like alonso, now suarez., i also dont like the way the fools behave.. especially when they lose.. and their attitude that even though their club lose, they want the champions not to win.. its like looking at others ass without wipin ur own ass.

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