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ipman 05-12-2012 08:57 PM

Beware of dishonest WishingStar
My thread got deleted because the okt WishingStar asked the moderator to do so. Obviously he got something to hide. :mad:

I want to warn fellow forummers not to engage his girls as he is very obviously using bait and switch trick on us by ripping off other okts' photos and passing them off as his own girls.

The girl I booked did not come as advertised and therefore I rejected her. Because of this, he labelled me as a scam and blacklisted me to other okts! I won't take it lying down!!!!


Johnny Escorts

His thread

You can view the proof and form yr own opinion or engage the girls. I am posting in FL Dome 3 as well to warn fellow forummers of this dishonest OKT!

ipman 06-12-2012 11:26 AM

Re: Beware of dishonest WishingStar
Why it should concern you?!

For too long, the majority of us have suffered in silence while the okts(in FL Dome 1,2,3) did as they pleased. They posted misleading, fake photos, FRs, set up multiple clone accounts to shamelessly promote their girls in an attempt to cheat us of our money.

They forget that it is US, our money who feed them and kept them in business. It is we who allowed them to survive so that they can take a cut in commissions every time we visit the FLs. It is also because of us they can live well in good times as well as bad. We whine and moan about how hard it is to make a living these days but at the same time the okts are laughing their ways to the banks. Their pockets jingle so loudly while we struggle to save up the few dollars we have, just so we can patronise the FLs.

Because of this, they have grown arrogant. They think they can do what they like. They bully us. Post fake pics, fake this and that and get away with it. Where are our recourse of action?

Brothers, we don't want dishonest OKTs like WishingStar in FL Dome 3, Ok Thai in FL Dome 1 etc to earn our money. WE spend money just so we can give ourselves good time, away from the unhappiness, stress from work. We deserve this short term pleasure that money can buy. NOT the grief, anger, frustration which comes from lousy FL, dishonest OKTs.

It's time to make a stand. We need to stand up for our rights in SBF. I believe other honest OKTs like Pandora Lust, Platinum Club, Pussy Licker just to name a few won't begrudge us of this right.

Etude 06-12-2012 03:15 PM

Re: Beware of dishonest WishingStar

If it really happened to you ipman, then I will support you.

ipman 06-12-2012 06:32 PM

Re: Beware of dishonest WishingStar
Thread in FL Dome 3 deleted now. Further proof of his dishonesty. Also my thread there was deleted too.

Up for awareness!

reall 06-12-2012 06:37 PM

Re: Beware of dishonest WishingStar
Wow bro just noticed it was deleted! Thx for sharing info. We must keep this threads alive by reposting if it gets deleted.

Upz for awareness. If okt wanna play conman he/she should be boycotted.

sickduck 06-12-2012 07:25 PM

Re: Beware of dishonest WishingStar
yup deleted you previous thread. Very fast hand fast leg this okt. Do they have the power to request for deletion of any thread that complains about them??

ipman 06-12-2012 07:43 PM

Re: Beware of dishonest WishingStar
Of course. When you are sponsoring your thread, there are certain privileges attached such as 200 free reputation points for eg.

ipman 06-12-2012 07:54 PM

Re: Beware of dishonest WishingStar
Other known OKTs to use the bait and switch trick are Clubvixen and OkThai in FL Dome1.

Another link
Thai OKTs Scam

ipman 06-12-2012 10:50 PM

Watch out for ecababymodel
To be fair, have never tried this okt ecababymodel before but I doubt his honesty in posting his girls' details.

For example, take a look at his thread.


How can Elaine at 1.55m look so full bodied. Isn't she supposed to be short? Either a smaller body or shorter legs? The gal in the pic looks at least 1.62m or taller.

anthony21 06-12-2012 10:57 PM

Re: Beware of dishonest WishingStar
Hi bro IPman, got to your thread from your reply on the FL Dome 1. Hope the moderators wont remove any of these threads.

virginlovers 06-12-2012 11:01 PM

Re: Beware of dishonest WishingStar
good thread!

just to share....some okts in fl dome 3 share the same girls too. if you look carefully, pandora lust and platinum club share the same girls. so for customers if you don wanna book the same girls again, do watch out. :)

4411 07-12-2012 07:58 AM

Re: Beware of dishonest WishingStar
Why not just post the girls bad service and from which stable in here
Rather then read from those okt clone fr.

mikealpha 07-12-2012 08:45 AM

Re: Beware of dishonest WishingStar
Upz for the awareness....

arius3 07-12-2012 08:54 AM

Re: Beware of dishonest WishingStar
Worst of all the china girls, once go in this cannot that cannot. The best is to let them close down for business.

ipman 07-12-2012 10:04 AM

Re: Beware of dishonest WishingStar

Originally Posted by 4411 (Post 8184524)
Why not just post the girls bad service and from which stable in here
Rather then read from those okt clone fr.

everyone can but do back it up with proof where possible. else we cant tell genuine samsters from clones who try to defame other okts. :)

win13win 07-12-2012 10:39 AM

Re: Beware of dishonest WishingStar
When girls get a bad reputation, they just have to change name and pic (whole new FL again)

ipman 07-12-2012 10:55 AM

Re: Beware of dishonest WishingStar

Originally Posted by win13win (Post 8185044)
When girls get a bad reputation, they just have to change name and pic (whole new FL again)

just my thoughts. photos can be taken and posted here if there r any bad reviews from many bros here. So for new customers booking her, they can leave the moment door are opened.

alternatively addresses/numbers can be posted. Bad FLs like them deserve to be shamed publicly and deported back by AV.

I understand that they come here to earn money. While I support them for doing so, I will never condone any FLs taking us for granted and thinking of us as easy preys.

ipman 07-12-2012 12:15 PM

Re: Beware of dishonest WishingStar

got zapped. Just to be clear. It is not about having no money to get a FL but getting the FL and the services which come as ADVERTISED!

I don't understand why the person who zapped me thinks we should pay for lousy service, lousy & ugly FL and just shut up?:mad:

7777 07-12-2012 12:25 PM

Re: Beware of dishonest WishingStar
Your english so lousy meh? :confused: You can't understand the comments meh? :confused: You are too loh soh that's why people zap you :D

You and the drekman aka arius same pattern , complain , complain , complain , complain , complain and complain . Just follow the comment and stay home jerk off lah :rolleyes:

anthony21 07-12-2012 03:51 PM

Re: Beware of dishonest WishingStar

Originally Posted by 7777 (Post 8185611)
Your english so lousy meh? :confused: You can't understand the comments meh? :confused: You are too loh soh that's why people zap you :D

You and the drekman aka arius same pattern , complain , complain , complain , complain , complain and complain . Just follow the comment and stay home jerk off lah :rolleyes:

Trying to warn the other genuine bros here but instead ipman got zapped.

Let me ask you, how do you feel when you spend the time and money, getting your nerves all excited and imagination starts to wonder around thinking, how do I start off first? Which position? How would her boobs feel like? Soft? Would her lips be soft and luscious?

But no, the girl that arrives at your doorstep is a totally different one. The money spent, regardless of how much it is, goes to waste on her. The promise that the OKT gave to all of us bros, undermined our expectation of the promised service and thus, disappoint us. You my friend, may earn SGD5000 a month, but that is not the point.

What we are trying to prove here is not the money spent, but the promise the OKT gave. The picture that the OKT provides excites us and made our natural male instincts go wild. But instead, the lady that the OKT provides is definitely different. And for that, the responsible OKT ought to be brought to shame.
However, you deem that staying home and PCC is important than complaining about real sex here. Then my friend, I hope you will lead a happy sex life with your right hand.

littlepok 07-12-2012 03:54 PM

Re: Beware of dishonest WishingStar

Originally Posted by ipman (Post 8185560)

got zapped. Just to be clear. It is not about having no money to get a FL but getting the FL and the services which come as ADVERTISED!

I don't understand why the person who zapped me thinks we should pay for lousy service, lousy & ugly FL and just shut up?:mad:

up u when i recover. thanks for the sharing. i know i can't help or save u in sea of OKT (maybe i also tio zap haha) but just to show support and appreciation. i also kanna crap FL before, the photoshop is too much la totally different person. well she make up with service but seriously wish got more resemblence.


Beachsea 07-12-2012 03:55 PM

Re: Beware of dishonest WishingStar
TS i support you! Good day!

onlyhuman 07-12-2012 03:56 PM

Re: Beware of dishonest WishingStar

Originally Posted by 7777 (Post 8185611)
Your english so lousy meh? :confused: You can't understand the comments meh? :confused: You are too loh soh that's why people zap you :D

You and the drekman aka arius same pattern , complain , complain , complain , complain , complain and complain . Just follow the comment and stay home jerk off lah :rolleyes:

Sbf is to share exp of fl and okts...if the okt is fucked up...samsters got the right to feedback and warn's not called complaining...

audioman 07-12-2012 04:12 PM

Re: Beware of dishonest WishingStar
Sounds like war brewing ...... :eek:

7777 07-12-2012 04:39 PM

Re: Beware of dishonest WishingStar

Originally Posted by onlyhuman (Post 8186598)
Sbf is to share exp of fl and okts...if the okt is fucked up...samsters got the right to feedback and warn's not called complaining...

You another sticky and troublesome customer lah , XYZ also buay tahan you last time . :( Go away before i expose all your pathetic acts :mad:

onlyhuman 07-12-2012 04:42 PM

Re: Beware of dishonest WishingStar

Originally Posted by 7777 (Post 8186780)
You another sticky and troublesome customer lah , XYZ also buay tahan you last time . :( Go away before i expose all your pathetic acts :mad:

Hahaha!:D :D

relic88 07-12-2012 04:42 PM

Re: Beware of dishonest WishingStar
Same experience for me... FL 2 to be exact... Was promised a petite girl of 42kg. End up getting a 50's. The problem i understand is that when we reached the arranged destination, most of us would just pay and do what we are there to do, or else it would be a wasted trip. It pains for me to say this, but majority of the times I believe the pictures are not what we get. Just my 2 cents worth. I hope the system will change.

7777 07-12-2012 05:04 PM

Re: Beware of dishonest WishingStar
Oi anthony21 : Advertising is a part of every business , give me an example of an advertisement which doesn't have its own drawback ? :confused:

And also what if the different girl who turn up is better than the one you expect ? :confused:

Everyone have a right to reject and just pay/or not pay the rejection fees and say sayonara to the girl .But after fucking the girl then not happy and complain is definitely a disgrace to ownself . Why the fuck would the guy carry on to poke the pussy if its not according to his expectation ? Pui pui pui , look down on these type of people :mad: .

wanderer23 07-12-2012 09:46 PM

Re: Beware of dishonest WishingStar

Originally Posted by ipman (Post 8185560)

got zapped. Just to be clear. It is not about having no money to get a FL but getting the FL and the services which come as ADVERTISED!

I don't understand why the person who zapped me thinks we should pay for lousy service, lousy & ugly FL and just shut up?:mad:

Dun worry I am sure for each guilty conscious OKT clone who zap you there will be many more samster bros who support this thread :)

bengeo 07-12-2012 10:04 PM

Re: Beware of dishonest WishingStar
TS what u wrote. Expose huthose fake, dishonest agent/okt.
Beware of agent that push girls telling us their girls only take one client per day...full of BS, when their girl show up , it was another person.

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