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My Boss & Colleague - Janice
Spawn off from the thread - https://sbfsg.fun/showthread.php?t=846042
Was chatting inside and did some sharing, but some bros have been asking me to start a thread instead, so I'm collating all I shared so far and continue the story from here. ------------------------ I'll try to narrate and recall, but been a while already. She's definitely pretty, attractively pretty. Flashing her ring on her finger really compliments her well. She wore a white satin blouse and black skirt on my interview day. I remember I stepped in and was like 'WOW, freaking pretty HR'. My mind was purely on hoping I get the job so that I can get to know her. Pretty, long haired, fair complexion with a beauty mole near her upper lips, it really compliments her and doesn't make her look weird. As for figure, well maintained, not super slender, but slight curvy. Ample ratio of weight to figure, if you know what I mean. As for her breasts (she doesn't let me call them tits, she feels it's very unChristian ?? ), she's a full C cup (of course I found that out later). I'll call her Janice: Looks: 8-9/10 The rating is because of her age, as she grows older, she actually gets more radiant and pretty. You don't get sick of looking at her. You just want to stare 24/7 at her. Figure: Slight curvy, not fat, not plump, right size for her height and figure, the ratio is perfect, no exaggerating DD boobs with 24" waist and 38 hips. If I remember, she was a 32C-26-35. Hair: Long, until below her breasts. She doesn't color her hair, lets it remain natural in color. Dressing: Simply confident, the way she carries herself, not wearing clothes that would even give a hint on the bra she's wearing. - Blouses with sleeves (can't even see the side boobs) - Long a-line skirts (long as in, minimally above the knee) - Dresses (nice fitted, not too tight, just enough to accentuate her figure and flair) - Heels (she loves them, in HR it's only professional to dress proper). Weight: around 55kg Height: 168cm Marriage: About 9 years. Her husband is from church, nice fella, good husband, but lacking in the romance department, can't flirt with her and also dote on her the way she likes. She told me wedding vows are for life, and it's a promise made before God and she will keep it strictly (hmm... ) Religion: Christian, devout. Prays before meals, does her daily quiet time, has a bible study group session weekly and teaches sunday school to kids (she adores kids like her husband). She doesn't misbehave and takes her faith seriously and will never shy away when people ask what is her religion. She has a shelf in the HR office, which she keeps a bible and she reads it whenever she takes a break, that kind of commitment is really very encouraging to other Christians in office. Personality: Very funny, can joke (not about church though) and able to make small talk. Able to communicate and don't make you feel that she's my boss, so I cannot go lunch with her, or chat casually that kind of person. Sexuality: Hungry, loves to try new things, believes that once the bond is formed, she will commit herself to being similar to what a wife would do for her husband. Still carries herself properly even in public. Sexual History: Only her husband. She stayed a virgin until marriage. No other men since. *Ahem* |
Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice
I always like to joke and also behave friendly, it wasn't long before we really hit it off and became like very good friends, instead of colleagues. When I spotted her mistakes, I told her off. She didn't get angry but appreciated what I did for her.
Wow, how do you find such a boss? Well, one day just casually in pantry: J(anice): Hey gog, I forgot ask you, if it's not too personal, what's your religion? gog: Oh, I'm Christian, I attend XXXX Church, you leh? J: Wahhhhh me too leh! I attend YYYY Church, I teach sunday school there too. Got time you must come my church with me! gog: (Er.. feels weird, trying to poach me from my church?) Sure! You let me know lor. It would be nice to see you worshipping in church and also join you in it. J: Ok ok, there's a Christmas production end of the year, maybe you can join me? gog: (ahhhh still far away, she'll forget by then.) Ok, on! You know, actually, I took this job is because you were to pretty, I wanted to court you, but hor, join liao then know you are married. (Almost wanted to kill myself, why did I tell her this????) J: *laughs* well, you should have ASKED before you take the job right? Tooooooooo late buddy. You'll be fine as a Christian brother. gog: *cries hard in my heart* Haha, yes boss... yes boss. |
Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice
Weeks passed, we were all busy, in between, we lunched together 2-3 times a week, the rest of the team weren't Christians and sometimes we spoke a lot about church and bible, and it was making them uneasy, so we decided to lunch together without the rest.
Honestly, there ought to be a rule against HR accessing staff's P-file for personal reasons. She went through my file to pick up my date of birth and secretly arranged a lunch celebration for me at a very expensive location. I was thinking wah... why lunch so far away until at the end of the meal, a birthday cake came and she was so ecstatic about it. J(anice): Surprise!!! Happy birthday to you... happy birthday to gog ... happy birthday to you!!! gog: wah lao eh... pai seh liao la!!! For a guy, it can be quite an awkward feeling, that a girl doing that in public and she's not even my girl. J: Paiseh your head, faster la, make a wish, and put out the candles. gog: Wait, how do you know it's my birthday???? She didn't answer, and later I found out how she got the info, then... If you all were thinking I dipped my finger in the cream, smeared her face, then she would chase me with her fingers in cream, and we would tease each other, stopping, looking at each other and kiss... It didn't happen!!!!!! |
Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice
22 Dec.
J(anice): Oei, gog! Gog: Simi la boss. We were very comfortable being casual in our communications as she believes authority for her is to make decisions related to work. Not to throw upon others. J: Christmas is coming. Her eyes open big big. gog: You don't tell me you need me to OT over Christmas hor!!! Actually, really scared need to as it's year end, Finance also busy. J: No la, something better! It's my church's Christmas production! You promised to go!! Wah lao eh. She really remembered. She's very meticulous (most of the times) at work, when she slips up however, I'm always almost there to catch her errors and rectify immediately. This time, she really didn't slip up. Her hands were pressing her shoulders inwards and kiap her palms between her knees like a child awaiting an exciting present - of me to say yes. Teaser: I could see her breasts squeezed between the arms when she did that \ / shape body hugging. What man could possible think of a reason not to go at that sight? gog: Ok!!!!!! You jio, I go la, but your ah lao going also leh, later he think we got 1 leg how? J: He will say I need to have better taste in men. Wah.. tio suut... one arrow to my knee immediately. Lose liao.. mai try and continue. gog: ok ok... see you there. |
Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice
For the rest who aren't Christians, 25th December is generally a big day, a day where all Christians, who usually how busy also can't make it for church services, will turn up.
Most churches will have a special service, usually a play, skit or sermon based on Christmas. Her church was no different. Mine too actually, but since I promised her to go, I told my bible study group I can't make it. Just two days before 25th, she passed me an invitation and told me she had to kill a few people for it (jesting, I hope). gog: Hey J, I'm here (via WA) J(anice): You'll see me, I'll be on stage. gog: HUH. "Y U NO TELL ME" I sent back my WA message. J: Surprise ma, help support support me a bit la!!! gog: I replied "Lonely... I am so lonely.... I have nobody..." J: Idiot. *insert stick out tongue emoticon* And as luck would had it... 2 couples on my side, and the men chose to sit next to me, meaning their girls are away from me. Zzz... I must look like some horny fart to them. Call me old romantic, I archived our chats, so when it takes me too long to post it's trying to piece the event and cut out certain (lengthy parts). |
Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice
Soon the usual call to service came, prayed, sang some Christmas songs, but still, no J in sight. The big screens hanging above the stage focused on all but nowhere to find J.
*Snip & cut* The skit started, it's about the birth of Jesus, so I was watching and ... WAIT A MINUTE.. that... MARY.. isn't... OMG, it's J!!!! Honestly, I saw her eagerly playing the role of Mary, pouring her heart, soul and voice into it. Wah.. that conviction is real, she really takes her faith seriously. Wah... really deserved a standing ovation at the end of all of it. I'm not sure I was attracted to her strong belief in religion, or to her, it just seemed that she is so perfect, so holy and everything a Christian woman would have and be. And yes, I'm still ALONE in the crowd. Finally a message came in. J(anice): Hey, where are you, my husband has left with friends, I'm starving!!! (with 3 exclamation marks). gog: I'm by the #123 door, if you can't see me, then you are blind. J: Oei! Smacks my right shoulder softly. J: I'm hungrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyy. O-M-F-G. First time, I saw her outside of church, in shorts. Long legs, clean and ... fair. Wah lao. Nose bleed. J: Oi, sexual harassment ah, staring at me? Ai si ah (want die ah - direct translation). gog: No la, I see your legs so fat you still hungry, not scared put on weight ah? For the uninitiated, such 'rude' remarks are usually between two close friends, who can joke freely. -- Deep Pause -- Janice was glaring at me. Oh sh1t. Did I say the wrong things? Uncontrollably, she covered her mouth, squat down bending her knees and ankles and started to laugh very hard. She stood up and kicked my shin lightly. J(anice): IDIOT! I don't care, you owe me dinner, you call me fat, back to office, I will make sure you kena badly! She's darn adorable. I skewered her and she laughed and then threatened me with something she knows she will never follow through. |
Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice
gog: Late liao mai eat too much la, fat... we go porridge ok?
J(anice): *Pouts her mouth like some spoilt brat* At least can add doughstick or not? gog: HAR-NA-HAR-NA, aiyoh, you hor, fat-die-you. Suddenly I sensed 2 evil horns growing out of her, as she minimises her eyes to a line and glares at me. Oops. gog: I'm parked there, let's go. Hurriedly, I ran, before she kicks me again. Service ended about 11pm, with her needing to change, bid farewell, pray before leaving, it was already near 12mn. Really is fat-die-me to eat so late. There's only one place I know opened till late - Chinatown. Reached, and parked along the side, it's so late, no wardens will come to summon. I turned around, eh? Where's J? Did she fall down? Then I saw a face glacing at me through my side window. I opened the door, and she stuck her hands towards me. J: No energy le... hungry, pull me out. For a woman her age, she really sometimes behave like a little girl. Her hands were not that smooth, obviously, she does housework and without gloves. She maintains herself, but there's only so much she can do. She pulled my arm and hung her arms around mine, I felt something soft. If I need to spell this out, you guys are in the wrong forum. I almost froze in my tracks. Again she is unaware that this constitutes flirting but to her, this is a form of friendliness and ladylike to her. Like going to a prom or party, you would be a lady and hang arms around your +1. I ordered frog leg porridge, and she took the fish slice porridge. I added 2 doughsticks for her, and she literally was like 'omg omg omg omg' (g = goodness, not the other). As we sat down, J: Let's say grace before food. I nodded and she began giving thanks while the poor food server arrived was standing next to us waiting. |
Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice
I was taking up the frog leg and de-boning it when I saw her puppy eyes glancing at me.
gog: No, mine. J: *blinks her eyes* gog: NO. J: *pouts her lips and bites hard* gog: ... J: *smiles widely and flutters her eyes* I decided to just stick my spoon with the meat & porridge towards her. I had already used the spoon and eaten a bit of the porridge prior. I was hoping it would disgust her enough to reject. Suddenly, I saw Jaws. Before I realised it, she put the entire spoon into her mouth while I held it and sucked up the porridge and frog meat. I lost all momentum and went quiet, going back to my porridge while she yakked about the rehearsals, skit and she was happily telling me the processes but I heard nothing. I was lost in my own world of esctacy over what she just did. Yeah, saliva's no big deal, but still, these little things add up. ------------------- gog: Where your husband go? (Singlish, singapore style of talking). Sometimes, guys, SHUT THE F*K UP and don't ask questions that you shouldn't ask. J(anice): He went out with his friends for BBQ, he knows I hate the smell of smoke from charcoal getting into my hair/clothes so he won't bother asking me along. She put down her chopsticks and spoon, started to look like a well overflooding. Sh1t man, asking the wrong question really got me into a fix. If she cries now, other customers around sure will assume that I bullied her. Instinctively, I started to act like an idiot. I kiap one of the doughstick bits and went near her mouth. gog: Come, open mouth. Say ahhhhh Somehow, that really broke the tension, and she giggled and stopped the well from flooding. It helped to lighten the mood. My heart on the other hand, wrench with pain knowing she's unhappy. Nothing too eventful, just a hearty chat session with lots of stupid, corny jokes. No alcohol, nothing, just two cans of coke which tide us 2 hours at the place after we finished our food. Got back into the car, I reached into my side of the door and threw a present to her. gog: Nah, merry Christmas, although it's now 26 Dec but never too late, thought could give to you before the service started but you were in the play. J: Wahhhhhhhhh. I didn't get you anything leh, die la... I feel so bad. gog: Hmmm take a photo with me, I can use as wallpaper then is present liao lor. J: Okay! Can! Seriously, she doesn't hear everything and doesn't know what I'm trying to do. She obliges and doesn't understand there are consequences to such requests. We took a few photos in the car, crazy ones and also a proper one at my request and we laughed about the crazy things we do. Sent her home, she stays somewhere in a rich estate. I'll not divulge more as I still have a responsibility to protect her identity. |
Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice
We spent more and more time away from the team, lunching separately talking about church, bible and our faith. Encouraging each other to be strong, faithful and also to be sin-less.
It was great having a Christian friend who is so devout that keeps you on your toes, staying away from all the bad stuff. Without realisation, I'm admiring her more and more. It's not lust, it's just an admiration of her faith and actions, encouraging and also supportive. She's a perfect girlfriend, perfect boss, perfect friend, perfect wife and perfect lover, importantly her love for God really led me to admire her. -------------- She did not try to ask me to join her church. New Year came and went, we didn't meet over the holidays, just texting and sharing bible verses, keeping each other strong. Soon it was Chinese New Year, a large festive season for all. A massiave holiday that would span 15 days in China alone. You can imagine the economy in China almost slowdown to a crawl during CNY. CNY Eve: gog: "Hey, I'm exploding... help. Too, much, food." I sent her via WA. We had this thing where we really talk crap to the extent her husband also knows about it and laughs at our stupid conversations. It was purely platonic and I had no issues with her showing our chat to her. J(anice): *sends me a puke icon* gog: *sends her an ambulance icon* J: *sends me a skull icon* gog: OMG. Here comes my promotion!!!!! J: Idiot you!!! Being Christians kinda mean we really don't care about such jokes even during CNY. She is absolutely adorable when it comes to jokes. It was nearing midnight and I was getting bored with the stupid countdowns, I remember it was absolutely BORING... *vibrates* J(anice): I'm BORED. TV's boring. gog: Ya lor, wanna go out? We go kopi. J: Hello, little boy, CNY Eve everywhere closed, where to kopi? Shucks, she got me. I also couldn't think of anywhere to go. I lost this round again. *vibrates* J: Happy Lunar New Year to you, my dearest friend. A Christian friend whom encourages me and supports me when the going gets tough. I thank God for your presence and wish you all the best in this LNY. (verbatim). gog: Thank you my dearest boss and friend. Seeing your faith in God is enough for anybody to want to be at their best. You are the perfect example of a Christian, not by name but also by faith and actions. Happy Lunar New Year!!! *fireworks icon* I meant what I said, and she too. CNY eve was over in a few seconds after I clicked 'Send'. There was no reply, probably she dozed off. |
Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice
*DING DING* I fumbled for my phone, it was Janice. J(anice): Hey... sorry, I dozed off. Tired after all the food. See you on Day 4 of CNY. Remember to bring oranges if you want a red packet from me! No oranges, NO RED PACKET. Red packets in Chinese culture is a form of blessing, it can be used during birthdays, special events, weddings, and of course during CNY. It can contain various amounts of money, usually for CNY, for bosses it can go up to $10 for their subordinates (usually). gog: Wah, now you tell me, I just ate 2 oranges for dessert, I bring the skin, can? J: Sure, then I give you the packet without the cash inside lor! I really detest myself at digging holes and jumping into it. She has very good comebacks most of the time. I just got "shot" again. Urgh, the pain and horror!. gog: *sends a big eyed wondering icon* No reply, must be snuggly in bed. My mind wondered if she was ... well earlier, you know. Well, nobody cares what I did, but still, yes, I sat there and rubbed myself off for the CNY. Sorry if too much info. :p |
Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice
CNY Day 4
A hammer dropped on my head. No, not the metal kind, it was one of those soft toys that she actually kept in office and uses it to 'abuse' us. She made it clear it's only for laughs and if anybody is offended, she won't do it to them. None of us actually minded because it is rather hilarious in itself to get 'hammered'. gog: Ow!!! J(anice): Huh? I hit you very hard ah? Sorry sorry!! She's really naive and nice. gog: Who are you? What am I doing here? Where am I??? J: *waves a red packet*, now can remember? gog: Thank you boss!!!! I tried to snatch but she was faster. Wayyyyyyy faster. J: Uh uh uh!! No oranges, NO red packet! gog: Later I give you la. J: You lie, give me oranges or forgo your red packet. I forgot from whose table I stole the oranges and went to greet her in person for the CNY and she blessed me with the red packet. gog: Happy CNY Boss!! *stretches out oranges* J: Happy CNY gog, may you have health and wealth this very year. I took the red packet, and went out of her room. Probably just $10 like the rest. I probed my junior - let's call her Amy. gog: Amy, how much did you get? The market rate went up? Or down? A(my): Wait... Amy flipped the packet upside down and I was right, out slid a $10. A: $10! Yay, my lunch settled. gog: That's bribery! You will now be forced to work longer hours! You know how you can get a 6th sense sometimes? I felt something amiss, and yes. the hammer toy came down on me again, this time on my shoulder. J(anice): Bribe your head, you don't bully A, get back to work la! Wah lao, like that also kena scolded. I left the packet in my bag and forgot about it until I got home. I took it out and something felt wrong, it was thicker than usual. I pulled out the contents and I found a note, and a 2 $100 notes. The note went: Dear gog, Thank you for being such a supportive friend, we have been working for the past year and coming soon to a full year. Thank you for being a friend, co-worker and fellow brother. -- signed J. I still have the note, the original red packet and also the 2 $100 notes today. I can't bear to use it, nor throw the note or red packet away. On a lighter side of things: gog: Wah, why so generous? I initiated a WA conversation. J(anice): What? gog: $200??!?!? J: Oh... if you feel bad, you buy me lunch tomorrow la! gog: Okay! Instant cup noodles from 7-11 downstairs! J: El-cheapo leh you. gog: Ok ok. you decide, I'll drive. |
Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice
*tok tok tok tok*
I heard heels. I looked up and saw Janice in a long sleeved white satin blouse with a red A-line knee length skirt. A sling bag rests on her should as she walked. Her hair doesn't seem naturally curly today, did she... do some hair styling? J(anice): good morning all!!! A(my): Wow.. somebody is on a hot date today?? J: Today is hot, but I have no date leh. A: gog never date you meh? A signaled the double quote action as she mentioned "date" I kept quiet while J just smiled and giggled then trotted off into her room. Once again, I forgot what I was working on and fumbled for a moment. A: Hey gog, you all going for lunch later is it, she wear so hot today. gog: *caught off guard*, erm, huh, yeah, I jio her lunch for the red packet. A: Huh $10 only leh, you kena con gao gao liao la. gog: Huh no la.. friend friend nia. Need to stop day dreaming and get back to work. Decided to bring her to Tony Roma's at Suntec for ribs. I love the french loaf (albeit what comes after consumption is hardly desirable). The garlic bread is also something to die for. For food wise, my rib place is still TR. Sad that they had already closed down. Tried a few places, PS Cafe, Morganfields, nothing comes close. Soon it was lunchtime and we proceeded to my car. gog: WAIT!!! J(anice) froze in her tracks. J: Huh? I ran to her, she looks shocked and frightened. Then I reached out towards her. It's now or never!!!! I opened the car door and invited her into the car. J minimised her eyes to a line again, rolled her eyes up, shook her head and proceeded to get into the car. J: Where we going? gog: Ribs? J: Tony's? Wah, she read my mind, or either that that's the only place she knows? The thing with seatbelts for ladies is that they tend to cross it between their chests, guys just cross it anywhere we like as we have no obstructions. As she crossed hers, and reposition it so it seats between both mammories, I can't help but notice how sexy it felt and I honestly wish I was the seatbelt at that moment. Nothing eventful except the usual bad drivers, a few honks, but none too excessive as I didn't want her to be scared or feel endangered. J: Hey, want to go my church's prayer fellowship this Sat? gog: Hmm? Why so sudden? Nowadays church fellowship also need +1? Swooosh!!! Her fist came at me on my shoulder. J: No la, more people better ma, prayer is more effective that way. Thing with her is, she is always concerned about her faith, practicing it whenever she can and focuses a lot on living her life as a good Christian. That's how alluring she is, her focus is always religiously aimed. gog: Got buffet? If have, i sure go. Of course it's a silly stupid joke, come on, Singaporeans are nothing but full of B$ jokes, me inclusive. J: I buy you dinner after that lahhhhh! Wah lao... fat die me again, DINNER? J: Come come... pleaaaaaaaaaaaaase gog: Got pretty girls there or not? If have I consider. J: Ha.. gog: You not counted. *smacks my hand and laughs uncontrollably* J: You know what I going to say meh??? gog: dont-want-face. J: *bleah* |
Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice
The same thing happens every time we dine, we fight over who gets to eat more, we fight and argue over who ate too much, who ate too little, like little kids. Only thing is we won't fight over who gets to eat the least.
Ordered half slab baby back ribs, half slab honey ribs and a FULL french loaf. Let's not forget she likes garlic bread, so we had 2 servings of it. J: MMMMM so nice... For a lady, she has no or little etiquette eating infront of friends. the garlic spread dropping down her lips to chin and she's still enjoying the garlic bread. J: Mmm so you coming over on Sat right? I was trying to slowly push more food onto her plate and she smacked my hands. J: Hey, I saw that okay, this is yours, I already took my share, you cheater bug! gog: Where got? This one is yours! I never lie! J: You ALWAYS lie. And I'm trying to push the plate of slabs nearer to her. J: Oi!!! You don't geh geh!!! And we kept fighting through lunch. We walked past an apparel shop and there's this dress on display, dark green in color, a v-neck knitted bodycon dress with long skirt. If you folks have gf/wife you'll know that knitted materials are usually very tight, and expandable to fit/hug the body shape. J(anice): Wah.. that one look nice hor? gog: You wear already will not be nice lor, don't spoil the dress la. *smack* my shoulder today dunno kena how many liao, orh-cheh liao... J: I go try try, fast one ok? gog: ... She already ran off into the department store and asked for a wine red copy of the dress. J: gog!!! gog!!!! OI!! gog: Huh who call me?!? J: Over here la!!! Turn around! Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuug. The v neckline was not that low but the body hugging design was... va-va-vooooooom. She was actually fishing for comments from me!!! The first time I ever seen her wearing something so figure-licious. gog: Who you? I don't know anybody this pretty leh. J: Ha... very funny right? So you mean this looks good on me la? gog: Everything looks good on you. Shit... that came out so naturally. J: Ok right? Should I get it? I went to the salesgirl and passed her my credit card. gog: wrap it up for her please. S(ales)g(irl): Wow, you're so sweet to buy it for your wife, she's a lucky girl. Janice started laughing and I was panicking, I didn't know what to say. Janice nudged me in my ribs and said: J: Thank you ah hubby. Really tease me until going to burst... thankfully it didn't. SG: Your husband very nice, shop with you patiently even pay for it, you're very lucky. J: You want? I loan him to you. gog: Eh sexual harassment liao, you don't sabo me, later I end up at police station. SG: Haha your husband very humorous, but thank you, I'm married already, you can keep him. gog: OI... I'm customer leh... J & SG just laughed and smiled. Hmmm... 3-some? Hehehe... Nah... don't even dream of it. |
Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice
About 6.40pm, a 'meeting' invite came in. It was from Janice to the whole department.
J(anice): Hi all, just an invitation to my place at XXXXXX road this Sunday for a department get together and celebrate the CNY as well. There will be BBQ, cooked food and facilities for all to use at my condo (bring your swimsuits or swimming trunks). Just come and I'll settle everything with gog's help. See ya at 6pm! !?!?!?!? Why I'm dragged to do extra duties on weekend? At least not the kind of duty I want to perform Honestly, am also worried to see her husband and feel jealous. What if the husband didn't like me as we always converse on WA crappily and friendly? What if her husband has a 1-1 talk with me to stay away from Janice? What IF... man this is worrying... BUT... Swimsuits? Will Janice be swimming? Hmmmmmmmmm *devil horns growing* Mixed feelings but will have to brace forward. SWOOOSH.... toy hammer came down on my head. gog: Ouch! What did I do wrong this time???? J(anice): Nothing. Hahaha... you read my email hor? For you, 4pm reporting time. Help me collect food, drive me around on errands ok? gog: You not my girlfriend leh... J: I'm your "wife" leh. She said that while air quoting the word - wife. She told me afterwards she was teasing but she didn't feel it was flirting, it was purely harmless fun on her part. I told her I felt otherwise and that I really liked the idea of it. gog: So I'm your little white faced toy boy issit? J: Hannor hannor!!! Hahahaha. Don't forget Saturday fetch me to bible study and join us. Sunday fetch me go prepare for gathering. gog: This is out of my job scope. J: But this is in your Christian brother help sister scope!! Wah lao... I can never out-talk her. She has a reply for everything. Either she's too articulate or her brains move at speed of light to come up with retorts fast. I minimised my eyes to a line like what she always does and then I positioned my finger along my throat and did the splicing move. J: Won't KILL you to help right?????? I stood up, took my bag and started walking off without replying but rolling my eyes. J: Wait for me! Send me home! gog: Not on the way!!!!! Two 'kids' starting running out of the office chasing each other... |
Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice
It has become quite common that after work, I would go out with Janice, be it for drinks (coke/sprite) and I would send her home before 9pm. We usually had prayer sessions, she was really faithful and didn't waste time on just mundane chatting, but focused more on what she can do with her time to put it to godly use.
It was drawing us closer, beyond that of a boss and suboardinate, or even colleagues, it was just great enjoyment to see her and be with her and watching her enjoy what she is doing. Usually a quick bite, then we would sit in the car and pray and share our thoughts and readings of the bible. It seemed that our faith brought us together on a good note and nothing more than just being supportive of each other. Saturday came, 4pm. *beep beep* I was at home watching TV when a message came on in. J(anice): Hey, what time are you picking me for bible study later? gog: Huh? Simi bible study? J: Oi!!! I told my group you'll be joining us. Pick me up a 5.30pm okay? We go dinner first then if you are good boy, you can bring me go supper. gog: ... ^ I really sent that back to her. I wasn't prepared, she didn't tell me what they were studying on, which book, which topic and I was definitely not in the mood (sorry, but the momentum wasn't there at that time). The only consolation is that Janice is going and at least there's some eye candy. Showered and left house at 5pm, reached her place and texted her at 5.25pm. gog: I'm here. 5.28, 5.29, 5.30.... 5.42pm J(anice): Give me a while more, need to put on make up gog: Ugly hor, put make up also ugly one la, don't bother. J: Idiot. Love her one liners without comebacks. Shows she's taking the conversation serious enough even to reply and bother to entertain me. 5.47pm J: Coming gog: OI! We going to be late liao la!!!! J: Wait for pretty girls is like this one ma let you wait 15mins is not bad liao okay!! Janice came down in a knee skirt, green, and with a yellow, short sleeved blouse and a hand carry bag. Her bible and study materials must be inside. 5.30-5.55pm is 25 mins. Don't you just love female logic how it can be JUST 15 mins?? gog: Hi miss, where you want to go, the meter starts at ... $5.55 (it's 5.55pm) *smack* my shoulder got it again, I think I'll be lopsided at this rate. J: Be serious, we're late for bible study. gog: "..." and whose fault is it? J: Yours la... you come so late. She cheekily giggled and laughed when she said that. For obvious reasons, I know men and women aren't supposed to get touchy, I poked her in the sides with my left index finger. The consequence of it was unimaginary. J: ahhhhhh nooooooo that's my weak spot, don't do that, I'm sorry I'm sorry Janice twisted her sides inwards and tried to use her elbow to block my jabs. I cheekily continued to jab lightly until she surrendered and apologized. That was our first close physical contact apart from shaking hands during the interview and holding her hands on Christmas Eve for supper (scroll back to read the time I held her out of the car). She did not reject my 'touching' and by surprise, I had gotten unintentional access to her body by means of tease. Gosh... I think my heart was beating so fast when she didn't say it was molest but laughed about it. Seems like I can in future do this without repercussion of any sorts. Reached church and met her friends, self introduced and met a very pretty friend of hers, let's call her Lindi. The rest, let's not bother, nothing interesting. L(indi): Hey, gog, heard so much about you from J(anice). Heard you are her good work buddy and fellow brother. gog: I'm humbled by the remark, haha I'm just a colleague of hers which she abuses me to run errands for her and fetch her all around Singapore. J: OI!! You should be honoured ok! I don't just let anybody fetch me one hor. The group laughed and we self introduced to each other. Lindi, 41 years old (O-M-F-G), married, with 2 kids in secondary/JC. Still an awesome figure, but her husband is usually working on weekends (I can't divulge his work and company), so she attends BS sessions alone after leaving her kids with her helper. Long hair, slender (very) and dresses moderately open. "Open" as in if you bother to try to peek or take the opportunity to look down the blouse or pay enough attention, you can catch a glimpse of her undergarments. She likes to wear lacy and very commonly, half cup bras. Oppposed to Janice, she would be more fasionable, like criss-crossing her bra straps, or wearing colored bras that shows through thin clothings. I think I'll come to her BS session more frequent. L: You don't bully gog la, later next week he don't want to join us, how? gog: I got say I want to come again meh? I gave a sad face and bit my lips like I'm some abused man. J: You DARE? gog: Meow... I don't. They laughed and we sat down. The mini study series was focused on 'Faithfulness' we shared experiences, read through the bible. Janice was the first to volunteer to read it out aloud for us, she was really damn serious during the whole session that I didn't dare to joke around. Closed the session with split up prayer groups, Lindi, Janice and myself in one. L(indi): So will I see you next week, gog? J(anice): If he don't come, he will get it at work, I will torture him! gog: Hi Lindi, I don't want to come but because I will be tortured, so I have no choice. Lindi placed her hand on my arm and spoke while stroking softly. I was abit taken back by her touching. It didn't seem normal. Not one bit. L: Aiyah, Janice is a very gentle lady, she won't one la gog: You want to see my bruises, the torture marks? I tried to gain sympathy by making up injuries to Lindi. Janice was exasperated at being bullied by both Lindi and myself that she just rolled eyes and called us bullies. Lindi once again placed her hand on my lap and laughed casually. I caught a glimpse of Janice's face where she didn't seem happy about it but she tried to laugh and giggle it off. Hmmmmmm. HMM ? |
Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice
We bid goodbye and I left with Janice.
J(anice): gog, I don't feel good... Janice was frowning and looking sick. gog: Ok la ok la!!! I'll bring you to eat la!!! J: Yay!! gog is the best! Food food food! Like a little kid, she skipped her steps to my car and got in like she's the missus of it. Not that I have any objections. I can feel quite proud when she gets out of the car and often wonder what will people think, if she's my wife or what. J: I want hot pot! gog: Hey hey, can you be more lady like, where got lady like you one, you should at least act act, let the guy suggest then you suggest right? J: Goooooooooo la, hungryyyyyyyyyyy. Brought her to Vivocity, JPot. JPot, like most hotpot or rather like any hotpot, is communal dining, meaning you will cross each other's side of the soup somehow and might even in a moment of forgetfulness reach out with our personal cutlery to take food out thereby 'contaminating' the soup with our saliva. J: I want the seafood set!!! And I also want the free flow drink, and I also want the specialty beancurd and extra vegetables! gog: Oi oi oi, can you be more ladylike?? J: Hell. Hath. No. Fury. Like. A. Woman. Hungry. She paused with each word and I gave up. Gave in to her. Server: Your wife is very cute. gog: Yeah, ugly but adorable. Janice glared at me and the server hurried away before she was embroiled into a 'war'. As expected, she put chopsticks into her mouth and absentmindedly used it to 'fish' for food items in the soup. I didn't say a word, I didn't mind at all, an unhealthy exchange of body fluids. I think I'm seriously perverted or I overthink hygiene. J(anice): hey gog. Erm, suddenly so solemn... didn't feel right. gog: Yeah? I didn't go into jokes or laugh, but just replied seriously. J: Lindi is a nice lady, but I think you ought to maintain an adequate distance with her as it is not really nice to be that close to her. She's married. "Married", that word rang in my head, I twitched below involuntarily. Okay, I'm perverted. Why was Janice talking about this, right now? Was she angry that Lindi was touchy during the chat? J: Don't mistaken her friendliness for affection, she has always been very physical to everybody, in a friendly manner. Please do keep a distance and don't do anything wrong, ok? I choked on my seaweed toufu. Now I know how people can actually choke on toufu. She was honestly displeased with Lindi touching me and was worried I might get the wrong idea and fall out of the faithfulness circle to do something I might regret. Or won't I? gog: No la, I understand she's friendly. She's married, I won't do anything that will cause myself to falter or even others. I respect her as much as I respect you and the rest. But for you, I treat you as my closer sister, she's always just going to be a normal sister. I lied. Janice looked relieved, tensions were lifted when I saw she smiled and carried on eating. She is one hard to read/understand person. J: Anyway I not too worried, you also not handsome, no looks, no figure, no money... gog: HEY!!!!! And we fought over dinner again. I can go on and on... the 'fight' never ends whenever we're together. I'm indeed not handsome, I don't have a good figure, I do have a slight tummy (not from beer) and I'm purely average, I'm plump actually. So I also don't think even Janice will consider a 2nd look at me, don't talk about Lindi. |
Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice
We went for a stroll along sentosa linkway, chatted and enjoyed each other's company when she suddenly got solemn again.
J(anice): Hey, gog, can pray for me? gog: Hmm to strike toto or to grow taller? J: Feeling a bit under pressure of family and work, I won't say much but keep me in your prayers, pray for me to have strength and faith to go through all this. She seemed like she was tearing slightly. I didn't jest further and just nodded my head as an 'OK'. Sent her home and she was quiet. Felt moody she was down and I didn't manage to cheer her up. I found out what was bothering her eventually. If I forget to mention this, please remind me. It is supposed to be explained in future sections. |
Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice
*Beep* J(anice): Thanks for joining today, really appreciate it and thanks for the prayers, see you next week for BS. I woke up at Sunday, 7am to see the message. It's too late to reply anyway. Just went to church for services and then went out with friends for lunch. *Beep* J: So quiet? gog: Noise noise noise. J: Idiot gog: You say quiet what. J: Haha... thanks, you can be funny sometimes. See you later at 4? I need to pick up the food and charcoal from Siglap side, then I need to collect the cooked food from XYZ restaurant. Hmm I decided to just try something. gog: Your husband not helping you? Ok ok, I'm JEALOUS. Happy? J: He's having some work emergency, will only be back about 9 if early. *crying emoticon* gog: Ok ok... 4pm. Put on your make up BEFORE that. J: Idiot. |
Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice
Ohhhhhh sh1t. She's already there. I'm late. Arms crossed, one foot tapping away as she saw me turning in. She opens the door and gets in. Hmmm home t-shirt and shorts, rather casual today, but her shirt has to be black, I can't see ANYTHING or even a HINT... hais. J(anice): how can you let a lady wait in the open?? gog: Simi lady... lao auntie liao J: Oi!!!!! I used my index finger to jab her sides again J: Noo noooooo ok ok.. I give up When you get access to a lady in some ways and she doesn't resist. We all know it's a comfort zone that we can safely access. Sure, it's not her butt, or boobs, but at least it's her sides and she didn't ask me to not be touchy. She held on to my index finger while doing the 'sorry' sign with her left hand. I certainly wished her hands were holding something else of mine in the same manner tho'.... gog: Let's go, forgive you this time. J: Hmmph! We drove to collect the food stuff, the charcoal. I hate getting food into the car, if not dealt with proper or leaks, the smells stays forever. I didn't like it but since Janice asked, I just obliged. We walked past 7-11 after collecting BBQ food and this girl.. seriously... J(anice): I want to eat ice-cream! gog: *groans* Auntie, I carrying charcoal, satay, chicken wings, pork chops and also corn leh J: Very fast one okay??? She and her 'very fast one'. She emerged about 5mins later with ice-cream cone and started to enjoy herself. gog: Oi, me leh? She absentmindedly reached out her cone to me. J: Nah, 1 bite only ah you don't eat too much, later you fat. I think a bunch of scenarios went through my head in an instance. My reaction was instant but images and thoughts flashed across my head while she said that. Quickly, I took a small bite from her cone. J: Goooood boy. Is she fucking teasing me?!?! She just went on to eat her ice-cream and walked slowly back to the car. I beh tahan already. I really cannot liao. gog: You ate my saliva ah? J: Why? You got AIDS ah? More like you ate mine leh. gog: So now I'm your slave huh? J: Good idea! From now on you're my slave! gog: HELLO!? J: I'm the missus, you're the slave! Sometimes I just give up, I don't know she's an adult or purely just a kid at heart. This kind of little disputes and 'arguments' only gave us more chance to connect at a level above being friends, but to her it was purely innocent joking and fun. Went off to a restaurant to pick up some beehoon, chicken curry and also ngor hiang. I think she's trying to feed an army of minions. My poor car... 5.20pm already when we got back. J: I haven't make egg salad! OMG OMG OMG!!! gog: AUNTIE! You feeding pigs ah!? No need liao la!!! J: I bought the ingredients liao... quick, come upstairs help me!! Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...g. Guys, admit it. 1001 scenarios just ran through your mind. Of which, 1002 are fantasy scenarios of intimacy. Same like you, I was running through all the weird dirty perverted thoughts in my head after she said that. Janice swiped her phone at the door and it opened. A 'Last Supper' hung by the door, with a very minimalist feel, 3 seater sofa, 1 arm chair and a glass mirror hung up high with a cross behind the chairs. An average TV (43"?) no soundbar, nothing. I counted 3 rooms and a balcony at the side of the living room with a small table and 2 chairs. She ran quickly into the kitchen. gog: Hey auntie! J: WHAAAAAT? gog: Your slave stay which room? J: Slave sleeps downstairs by the pool, no room one! This is what I call, digging my own hole and jumping into it. Why do I even bother to try? gog: What you want me to help you with? J: Help me wash the vegetables while I boil the eggs. We got to our own assigned tasks when I turned around to grab a sieve to drain the vegetables of the water when she crashed right into me with a tray of fresh eggs after taking out from the fridge. The eggs got crushed between us. The kitchen layout is as below she doesn't do a lot of cooking, E - Entrance, F - Fridge, S = Sink. Why I remember the kitchen and house layout so clearly? GUESS on folks. https://i.imgur.com/VzLod1s.png Legend: - D = Door - BAL = Balcony - TV (self explanatory) - SR = Study Room - BR 2 = Bedroom 2 - SER = Service Yard for laundry washing machine etc. - AC = Aircon compressor - CB = Cupboard - F = Fridge - CT = Common toilet - E = Entrace to the area - MBR T = Master bedroom toilet - MBR = Master bedroom - M + C = Mirror + Cross - M + D = Mirror + Dressing table - P = Last Supper painting |
Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice
gog: Janice, you ok???
The eggs were cracked, and they drenched her black tee. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuug. I can't see sh1t still!!!! J(anice): Ahhhhhhhhhhhh my floor!!! TMD... instead of worrying about anything, she is worried of her floor's cleanliness. This is where army area cleaning comes in useful. Yeah, yours truly cleaned up the kitchen floor for her. She went to do a change of clothes while I cleaned up the kitchen... !(#_!@()$#!)+_$*!@&!!! Janice asked if I can fit her husband's clothes - DOH!!!!! J: gog, sorry, but I only have men's clothes in my husband's size, is it alright? gog: Uh no la, it's okay, I got spare clothes in the car, BBQ ma, I sure bring extra clothes in case. There goes my chance to go into her room and... anyway, back to story, enough side tracking. We finished up the egg salad, it was already 6.10pm. Janice stayed upstairs to do a quick change of clothes while I went downstairs to the car and changed - who wants to see a top naked man??? Good thing about such department gatherings is, NOBODY ever arrives on time. I built a nice charcoal house while waiting for them to arrive. J(anice): Oi! I ask you to start the fire, you playing masak ah??? Don't play with the charcoal la!! gog: You patient a bit can or ... I looked up and I saw Janice's hair bunned up with a pink clip and in a white sleeved (Sobs!!!) top and same shorts. gog: ... not? J: Faster la, later they come liao hungry! gog: You mean you hungry is it? I lit up the fire starters and covered it with more charcoal. gog: There, done!!! J: I ask you start fire not play lego la!!! gog: You never BBQ before issit... wait la!!! Amy was the first to arrive, in a white thin spaghetti top. Now this is what I called flaunting and show-off. Until today, I don't understand the reason behind wearing a colored bra when the top is pure sheer and thin. Ladies just tell me - "Because I can". !??!?!? Amy was the same, her black bra straps were contrasting with her white top's straps, so you can count 4 straps instead of 2. A: Janice! gog! I brought otah! Janice was seemingly perturbed by Amy's dressing because she was like faking/acting when she smiled and welcomed Amy. I could feel/sense some form of hostility. Amy's necklace has a temple charm which was showing also, that really did NOT sit well with Janice. J(anice): Oh dear we already have so much food, you want to bring home and eat instead? Oh my.. Janice is really UNHAPPY with Amy's dressing and appearance. |
Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice
A(my): Huh...
gog: It's ok la, food is good, can eat is a fortune, must enjoy. I quickly intercepted Amy and avoided Janice's fury by reminding them that food is a type of fortune, can eat must eat, and accepted the goodwill gift. Janice went off to prepare drinks after that leaving Amy with me. A: Hey... your girlfriend PMS ah? She looks disturbed. gog: You should know she's conservative, you wear sexy ... *glances Amy up and down on purpose* nevermind, you still show your temple charm on the necklace, she's not comfortable la. A: Aiyoh, I thought she jealous or what, I thought she scared I'm here to seduce or flirt with you. Why are women so.. .. 'shameless'. I thought they were supposed to be of prim and proper, prudish with elegance. gog: Your cup so small how to seduce me. *SMACK*. Why do girls like to smack people SO MUCH? I kena from Amy after that remark, on my shoulder. I touched my shoulder and went 'ow...' A: You like the beating right? gog: I prefer cups. We laughed and chatted casually. I was right, Janice was really uncomfortable with Amy that night. |
Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice
Soon the rest came, Portia (f), Jing Jing (f), Wan Leng (f), Jackie (f), Lan Xin (f), Kat (f), Brandon (m) and Qiu Ping (f). Oh wait. I didn't mention my department majority are females?
Portia was an ex-SQ stewardess, so naturally carrying herself, dressing, make up is at a class on it's own. Not too tall but the right size. Very... full cups. JJ is a fresh grad from NTU B.A. course, young, jovial and easy to talk with. She likes to wear those big round round glasses. Boy, do I have fetish to... on those glasses. WL is a senior, early 30s, single, nice lady, staunch buddhist, but dresses nicely and of course if you peek hard, you definitely can see some. Jackie is late 20s, engaged, HDB BTO on it's way. Honestly, she's rather flirty and extrovert, her dressing usually is very sweet type, never hestiates to show some meat if needed if Amy was considered open, then Jackie by this definition would be a slut. LX, well China lady, late 20s, can't really work, but is hardworking. Doesn't get into major trouble and can't speak perfect english but is super useful when communicating with our Shenzhen branch. I peeked, grandma undergarments. Nothing exciting. Kat is a small framed, slimmed, dark toned skin, she's an athelete of sorts, cycling, swimming, water rafting etc. She's into all those. Hair is brownish due to the sea water but cute sized. Brandon, lao uncle late 40s, married, keeps mostly to himself, doesn't socialize, brings his own food and food heater to office. We've given up asking him to join us for lunch or after work drinks. It's amazing he showed up today. I guess it's the free food. QP is mid 20s, a very prudish girl, sweet, talks very nicely, does her job properly and helps to manage Janice's calendar. If we bullied her to do things, Janice will definitely stand up for her. QP never minds helping us run errands like changing money notes, buying coffee etc. Very nice girl, no boyfriend. I guess she's too nice? |
Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice
gog: hey brandon, help to cook the food can?
Q(iu) P(ing): hey gog... I'll help brandon, he can't handle all alone. gog: Huh, later your clothes smell of the smoke *using this chance to glance up and down and STARE at her* QP: Huh won't la... later you send me home lor if I smell. Janice stepped in very fast. I don't know what happened to her. J(anice): gog is going to stay behind to help me clean up the place, he cannot go anywhere. Hahaha... QP: Ahhhhhh B(randon): Okay la, QP and me can de. Place orders pls. First time I see Brandon so 'talkative'. Chee hong... must be. Amy, Portia, JJ, and Kat decided to take a dive in the nearby pool. I forgot how many 'soldiers' I lost that day. Portia was in a 2 piece. I remember, because it's PINK in color and her figure, wah lao eh.......Kat's body image I can't get out of my head. She's practically, AA cup type of girl, her swimming outfit can't see anything at all. The rest I think was in casual swimsuit or just a shirt over their bikini. I was standing next to the bbq pit and looking in the direction of the pool when suddenly Janice hit my back softly. gog: Ow.. what's it with you girls, always abusing guys? J: Who ask you to stare at girls stare until saliva also dripping out. Brandon, at this time turned to look at the girls too. Lao chee hong... gog: Ah bo look at Brandon ah??? Brandon instantly and myself, did the puke action together. J: Brandon!!! You don't learn bad from gog hor!! I always think you are a very nice person, please don't be like gog! Tempted to jab her in the sides, but it seems overly familiar or intimate to do so, office tongues might wag. I'll cut the BBQ and the swimming plus all the side talks. A tall average guy started walking towards us nearer to the late of the evening. M(ysterious) G(uy): Hi hi, sorry I'm late!! J(anice): Dear! You're late! My heart broke... knn this lucky S.O.B... MG: Hi Hi, I'm Eric, Janice's husband, which of you is gog?? KNN... sibeh outright... Amy: There, he's gog. Si lang Amy... keep quiet will die ah??? She pointed at me and Eric turned over. E(ric): Hey finally good to see you, you really joker sia, my wife always show me the messages say you bully her, but looks more like she bullying you. J(anice): Oi!!! Don't have hor!! You late still dare to anyhow say! Janice began to tickle Eric and they all laughed, I merely smiled, how to smile when my love enemy is infront of me? Watching Janice get food for him, serve him, wah lao. Heart breaking. Felt like leaving. I'm sure at some point in life you all see the one you like, is like so near, yet so far, I'm sure you all feel the same ache of sorts. Don't lie. Much later, was at the pit toasting some of the satays when Eric came over to me. |
Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice
E(ric): Hey, thanks for always taking care of my wife in office, I know she can be hard to handle especially when she always get religious and tough.
gog: Huh, no la, she's a nice boss, we're all Christians, I can understand where she's coming from and why she's like that. It's not really bad, she keeps us on our toes and keeps the faith strong as well. She often shares her thoughts and thinking also, it's a good healthy exchange. E: Good good, she can be a kid sometimes, but hope you don't mind, I'm always too busy for her and she always nags at me when I have to skip church and all. By the way, you're from which church? gog: Oh, YYYY Church. E: Have you been to ours? XXXX Church? gog: Yeah, been there, joined Janice for BS yesterday, met the group for the first time, heard you were busy, was kind of looking forward to meet you. Heard so many things about you from Janice. E: Usually I don't join them for BS. *whispers softly near to me* I don't like Lindi, so I avoid joining, Janice gets jealous easily when Lindi talks to me. My mind ran.. omg. Was Janice jealous of Lindi yesterday when Lindi talked to me? Who am I to her? E: Anyway, really thank you for being a good friend to Janice, she says her faith is stronger because got friends like you. gog: Aiyoh... I only scared you think we have '1-leg' ah I so scared you would feel otherwise and mind. E: NO LAH! I trust her, she's Christian and you too. Nothing will happen. She needs her own friends also, I have 100% faith in her and you that nothing will happen. Janice noticed us talking and was walking over. gog: Yeah, she has no figure, no looks, who wants her? I purposely said that out loud enough for Janice to hear. J(anice): Hey! What you all talking about. gog: Nothing, Eric was mentioning about selling you away, but I was telling him you have 0 market resale value. Then the war began... 2 kids running around the pool and BBQ pit. Eric didn't seem to mind, he was busy talking with Amy and Portia, I confirm he is another chee hong. At least I believe so. Came about 11.30pm+ the food surprisingly was finishing, the ladies seemed to be ravenous instead of watching their weight. We only had fruit jelly cocktail, no alcohol as Janice didn't want us drinking the night before the next day of work. Eric excused himself at 11+ citing he was tired and needed to rest. The rest started to leave not too long after. Amy actually volunteered to stay behind. |
Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice
A(my): gog, I help you.
She came near to me and started to help clear the trays, leftovers and tidy up. Janice was at the pit but she was very rough in handling the items like tongs, brush, mesh and charcoal. Amy didn't seem to notice something is amiss. I decided better to chase her off. gog: Amy, it's late, you better go off first, I help Janice clean up. A: Huh... then how I go home, thought you were going to send me? Amy then crossed her palms against each other blinking her eyes like some little girl. Fuck, I would take that as an invitation she is going home with me tonight but Janice was around so I had to hold back my urge. Gog: You take taxi might be faster, I want to send you but 2 people panda tomorrow better than 3, I send you back and then I go home will be 2+ liao. You go ahead first go home rest, make yourself pretty pretty then go office la. I heard something drop on the floor. Ooops. From the corner of my eye can see Janice drop the tongs when I said the last sentence. A: Okay okay, true also, thought you will send me home. I alone, not safe ma. gog: This is singapore, you take taxi got the taxi plate, and you call me when you get home, then I will know you are safe ma. Right? I also want to make sure you get home safe. Good girl ok? I shouldn't have said that, and I shouldn't have pat Amy's head at the same time. By this time, Janice's face was really unhappy. What is wrong with her? I really don't know. Well, at least till later. A: ok ok, you go with me to take? gog: Ya, sure. Janice, I'll bring Amy to take taxi and come back help you clear. J: Ok. Her "OK" was seriously COLD. Shit man.. I'm really going to get it from Janice. Took about 10mins or was it 15mins. I went back to see Janice clearing most of the things already. gog: I'm back. J: You might as well go home with her, I clear alone can already lor. Ouch. SARCASM was in the air. It was REAL. Her tone was seriously rude and unhappy. J: You like her so much you go with her better la. Leave me alone to clear. Sarcasm hiding was never Janice's forte. It was too obvious. gog: Hey.. what's wrong? I'm sorry I took so long to come back. I just wanted to make sure she's safe, just like I would do for you too ma. I didn't want to send her home ... I LIED. I FREAKING LIED. gog: ... because I'm your slave ma. I only send you home. J: *laughed a bit* Then you have to clean up all these ok? gog: Sure sure... of course la. My job ma, sorry ok? Don't be angry with me. I know she's not angry with me. It was never me to begin with. J: She stay west, you stay north, this is east, not even on the way lor. Really cannot go back herself meh. Not say like she fragile or what. Humph. gog: She just wants a ... wait. How do you know I stay north and she stay west? I never tell you before where I stay? She just kept quiet and I didn't probe further. J: You've been here before liao, next time invite me to your place for dinner ok? I let you serve me. Today also let you go into my house. gog: Later my girlfriend jealous how? I cannot any how bring girls back one leh. Janice broke into laughter finally. The first time I feel she's really back to herself since the BBQ started. I heaved a sigh of relief. I never did like girls throwing tantrums or being angry. gog: POKE. And I strike a finger into her sides. J: NOOOOO. Chatted a bit more, laughed, and finished another can of coke whilst we're at it. Before we knew it, was already 2am. Said a short prayer together and left. |
Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice
J(anice): Hey gog.
gog: Hmm? What? You're already home, don't need a lift from me right? J: Huh no la, just want to remind you to drive safely, don't speed, and don't DAMAGE MY CAR. gog: Wai..t waaaat? What car? J: You're my slave, so your car is my car lor. Byeeeee!! Before I can argue further, she ran off to the lift lobby leaving me alone. Reached home about 2.30 slept and woke up at 4 for a morning run. but 4 hours of sleep... where enough? J(anice): Thanks all for attending the BBQ last night, see you all in office later! Janice sent it to the department group chat. She's up early. Nothing eventful, just the usual work week and soon it was weekend again. Janice reminded me to pick her at 5.30pm again for BS. This was also when I got added to the group chat for their BS group. As we left Church, almost instantly, very almost...*ding* L(indi): Hi gog, this is Lindi, just want to welcome you to the group, glad you will be joining us for BS more regular from now. This is my number in case you can't figure out who is who. If you need anything or any help, do let me know. gog: Thanks Lindi, I need money, have? L: Haha.. money I don't have, fats, I have a lot. Omg, my mind ran wild, fats... the only fats I can see are... gog: You are fat then I'm obese liao lor. L: Haha next time I cook for you, then you eat liao will be fat. J(anice): Who's messaging you? gog: Huh, no la, some army friends, jio me go drink, I telling them I not keen. J: Huh, don't go drink, it's bad, and when drunk, you will do silly things and get into trouble. gog: You really think you're my wife huh? So possessive. Swooosh... a kick went to my shin. gog: OW!!!! Why you do that for??? J: That's for misbehaving!! *sticks out her tongue* I stopped replying Lindi. I didn't want Janice to pry upon the window accidentally. *ding*. Wah lao... L: You're with Janice? I don't disturb you. Chat later okay? I'm baking muffins, if you free, drop by pick up some. :) :) :) <- that many emoticons. It's that obvious I'm with Janice? Well ya, we just left not too long together and I usually send her back after SUPPER. |
Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice
J: Hey, you free the Easter Sunday? I need help teaching Sunday school to the kids.
gog: Hmm. I'm not a good teacher. J: You are just helping la, not asking you to teach. gog: HMMM... J smacks my shoulder again. gog: Oi, now you need my help you still abuse me?? J: *Bleah* pick me up at 7, we go morning service then go sunday school. gog: Was that a question or an order? Went with Janice for supper, and Lindi dropped a few messages through the evening. I didn't reply. After I dropped Janice, I took out the phone (after parking further away from Janice's condo). L(indi): Still with Janice? Muffins are waiting. L: The muffins are cold, coming? L: It's going into my stomach if you don't come. gog: Offer still valid? It's a bit late, though. *DING* f.... almost instant. I'll leave this part out as it's not really connected to Janice. What happens from this branch, I leave it to you folks to imagine. |
Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice
1st camper. Support.
Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice
Very nice story, support! :)
Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice
Keep it coming
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