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josephjo 09-08-2009 12:51 AM

The Plight PRC whore in Singapore...
Ok I been chatting with a number of Fls these days.. For those who did get to know them deeper, knows that many of them actually is quite pitiful coming all the way to Singapore, paying years of saving to get the visa into Singapore just to earn money, either for their family or themself.

There are some that comes here thinking of doing a decent job ended up in this line. There are some that works in KTV couldn't earn much ended up working as FL. Many I knew only do FL when they came to Singapore.

Many of them seems keen in finding a Singaporean husband.

Sometime I do feel kinda sad and pitiful for them. But I guess i'm not in any position to help ALL of them.

I guess most of us have sympathy for them in some sense that's why some bastards like Andy Ho or people who never pays after having their services are so hated by the bros in the forum.

Let's just treat them kinder alittle. Who would wants to do such kinda job if not of the mounting debt bad home, huge $$ to middleman's and the need to eat the next meal. Of coz not everyone of them is like that, I'm sure there are black sheep too. But I kinda sympathise them sometime. I'll try to help them one each every one fucking time.

BlurWolfe 09-08-2009 02:21 AM

Re: The Plight PRC whore in Singapore...
Bro, just be careful posting in wrong forum in FL dome 2, more appropriate in 'Matters of the Heart'.

Just a reply to your 'thought', we treat them as human, but do they vice versa?
There are alot kanna cons being carrot head as you know.

gimmeporn 09-08-2009 02:28 AM

Re: The Plight PRC whore in Singapore...
A tale of two sammyboys:

Sammyboy kopitiam - To hell with foreigners

Sammyboy forum - Let's love foreigners

One brand, two different attitudes. We could use more love here.

Granted, some of them have genuine sob stories, some are gold diggers, some just find it convenient to spread their legs to earn money. What is my stand on this?

Foreigners flooding into Singapore is not a myth, it is an established fact since the late 90s when the government opened the floodgates to China, India and etc etc. I personally do not have any ill feelings towards the migrants, who would want to start all over again in another country unless they are that poor and wretched in their own.

The pleasant side effect of our government's foreigner welcoming policy is that we now have more Chinese whores than ever to choose from as opposed to Thai and Malaysian ones say more than a decade ago.

Looking at them, i cannot but treat them as delightful and delicious pieces of succulent pieces of tender meat (Ok bad analogy but you get the drift) and i am a paying playa, not a sensitive lover so i obeyed my own rules when i go whoring - I try to afford what i can whore, i pay up after whoring and i don't get involved in their affairs and vice versa.

As pitiful as they make themselves out to be, there are bigger and worse issues out there and we do not give that much attention to these issues simply because they are so far away and we do not relate to them - Ethnic division in Iraq, poverty in Bangladesh, unrest in the West Bank, maid abusing in the Middle east etc etc. (To name a few)

If there is any real understanding to be obtained from this world, it is an unfair, unjust and unequal one. So after so much bullshit, what is my point here?

This forum is getting too personal, it used to be so much more informative and fun until some of us got too personal with the whores and decided that in the name of justice and equality, some of us have disappointingly turned activist for a murky cause. You guys know what i am talking about, this past 2 weeks have been personal and ugly.

Ohhhh where is the promised one who will bring balance to the forum, oh where art thou Luke Skyfucker??

DuaKaTsua 09-08-2009 05:22 AM

Re: The Plight PRC whore in Singapore...
Bludder, cannot like that say. Maybe for some of these china girls wat u say is true. but a lot also not like this.

You cannot say they pitiful and they have no choice. I know many also choose to be in this line one. Easy money for some. Others want to leave CHina because they don't like the porverty or low level living standard. They cum to Sinkapore cuz they wan a ticket out.

Not saying all cheat money but many are. You go Matters Heart and see lor. If pity these whores, who pity all the heartbroken and cheated bros?

Many of my friends kena cheated. I oso almost kena conned more than once. Give them inch they want to take one meter. Dishonest and lie summore. I not insist they all like this but so many oredi how to trust?

I got one friend oso don't know whether to pity him or spit on him. Parents bring him up go abroad cum back wif degree cheong KTV never mind but got involve wif dis massage girl from Chongqing. He think he fall in love and she fall in love but he fooling himself. Girl ask for this and that and he want to pamper her so give lor . In the end, more and mor only. Say want to open biz or shop. First in Guangzhou. Fail. Ask for more money. Then in Chongqing. Disappear. My Kumgong fren search for her never find.

Later contact him tell him got new boyfriend. Oso Singaporean. My freiend went mad and started stalking her. Loser la. In the end she only ask him for more money and other shit. Help her go back Chongqing then Chengdu say want to settle things down get married. One week before she disappear again with all his money. Altogether the idiot spend more than 70K on her. He save from 5 - 6 years of working. Money so easy earn? Spend on dis kind of bitch. Even want to use his parents money. I remember his mum crying plead wif him. Very drama.

You pity China woman, who pity my friend's father and mother? Not their fault that china bitch use all kind of tricks to deceive and bewitch their chee hong kia son.

I scold him oso no use. His parents scold him oso no use. China Bitch Came back. Say she wrong and other guy treat her badly. Promise him married again but disappeared again. She obviously playing with him but he oso very stupid also to believe. Today he still tink she in love with him and dont even blame her for making off with his hardearnedmoney. Enginneer cannot tink. very sad.. Got more stupid or not?

I see this all also scared. And so many others. Ask around lor. So now hor, these china bitches i admit some are very pretty and voice so sweet but didi hard means heart soft so cannot. Brother, must learn to shut out their voice.
Sob story con job one la. You hear one, you hear all. In the end, they just want to get to soft spot and then. Strike you from behind where u cant see one.

Fuck of cuz must pay la. Dont end up like those bo ji kia that do such disgusting thing. But dont take anything outside the hotel room. After fuck, forget all their stories becoz half oso fake one la. I just nod and look concern but actually everything block out.

ya la nowsadays too many people too free la. Talk too much. Dont need one. I only contribute cos dont want any brother to fall into china girl KC spiderweb trap. Paiseh dont mind.

I think dont need go Iran Iraq dessert to see real people that need help. Not fake sob story. See all the homeless old folks so sad hanging out staying alone in HDB. See the Ah Neh and Bangla tio bully. Fillippinno maid tio burn. Brothers here and else where cheated by china whores. How many more. You never help them might as well give this real people pity and help now.

Not all chinagirl evil but we must protect ourselves oso mah! So one ear in one ear out. They dont need us to feel sad or sorry for them one. They laugh behind your back if you do. Pay up and don't care oredi. They are not charity cause.

Mankok 09-08-2009 05:24 AM

Re: The Plight PRC whore in Singapore...
TS: as a human being we should treat everyone in a kind way and feel sympathy for everyone as a human being.
However, may I ask you what your real problem is? That they do sex-work and you fuck them? If your conscience has problems with that then that's a sign that you probably have to stop fucking them and should start helping them in another way.

joew2005 09-08-2009 06:36 AM

Re: The Plight PRC whore in Singapore...
friend,jz like wat bro BlurWolfe highlighted ..... tis is the wrong place 2 start tis topic.

Yr 'thoughts' r not wrong 2 a certain extent, but r they given 2 the rite type of ppl ??

These days there r not much cases of these gals being con 2 sell their bodies 4 $$.They kannot be so ignorant 2 believe tat they k cum 2 our shores 2 earn "clean" & easy $$.

It's ok 2 hv sympathy sometimes,but our ppl hv been "known" 2 hv been "cheated" by tis ppl becos of our sympathy hearts.

Of course they r keen in finding a sg hubby, so tat they k stay here & earn all our $$.

i do sympathy those gals tat were "mistreated" by those SOB,but tat's only becos of those SOB tat disgrace us BIG times.
2 dislike or hate those SOBs, or hv sympathy 4 those gals r not realli the same thing.

In tis world,there r alot more other real decent cases tat needs our REAL sympathy ......

DO_YOU_BJ 09-08-2009 07:14 AM

Re: The Plight PRC whore in Singapore...
Its ok, let him post here.
He got so much sympathy and empathy...
Kudos to you have a golden heart to these FLs
Worry not bros, with an attitude like this, it wont be long before he will appear in Matters Of The Heart lol

joew2005 09-08-2009 07:37 AM

Re: The Plight PRC whore in Singapore...
hope 2 see him pour his heart out in the correct place .....

thought the "rumoured" suzhou investment issue hv alrdy woken up our ppl .....
we r 2 ignorant 2 do business on the international scene ??
we r easily deceived by others,& also easily cheated of our sympathy.
of course our $$ also easily cheated !!

sammyboyfor 09-08-2009 07:44 AM

Re: The Plight PRC whore in Singapore...

Originally Posted by josephjo (Post 3993388)
Ok I been chatting with a number of Fls these days.. For those who did get to know them deeper, knows that many of them actually is quite pitiful coming all the way to Singapore, paying years of saving to get the visa into Singapore just to earn money, either for their family or themself.

I feel more sorry for you for believing all the bullshit that comes from the mouths and cunts of these whores.:rolleyes:

They're nothing but a bunch of conniving crooks out to swindle sinkie men of their money.

murali 09-08-2009 07:47 AM

Re: The Plight PRC whore in Singapore...

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor (Post 3993770)
I feel more sorry for you for believing all the bullshit that comes from the cunts of these whores.

They're nothing but a bunch of conniving crooks out to swindle sinkie men of their money.

ermm...bullshit cumming out of their cunts? :confused:

shouldn't it be cum cumming out of their cunts? :p

anyway, since u said sinkie men, isn't it obvious that these men will sink soon?

all their own fault for choosing such a nanny gahmen! :mad: vicious cycle in motion!!! :rolleyes:

joew2005 09-08-2009 08:33 AM

Re: The Plight PRC whore in Singapore...

Originally Posted by murali (Post 3993775)

all their own fault for choosing such a nanny gahmen! :mad: vicious cycle in motion!!! :rolleyes:

our gahmen is the BEST in tis world .....
they r such an expert in milking their own ppl only.
some fools even stand up & said "thk u,i luv u" 2 them aft being milked of their $$.

liverpool24 09-08-2009 09:07 AM

Re: The Plight PRC whore in Singapore...

Originally Posted by josephjo (Post 3993388)
Ok I been chatting with a number of Fls these days.. For those who did get to know them deeper, knows that many of them actually is quite pitiful coming all the way to Singapore, paying years of saving to get the visa into Singapore just to earn money, either for their family or themself.

There are some that comes here thinking of doing a decent job ended up in this line. There are some that works in KTV couldn't earn much ended up working as FL. Many I knew only do FL when they came to Singapore.

Many of them seems keen in finding a Singaporean husband.

Sometime I do feel kinda sad and pitiful for them. But I guess i'm not in any position to help ALL of them.

I guess most of us have sympathy for them in some sense that's why some bastards like Andy Ho or people who never pays after having their services are so hated by the bros in the forum.

Let's just treat them kinder alittle. Who would wants to do such kinda job if not of the mounting debt bad home, huge $$ to middleman's and the need to eat the next meal. Of coz not everyone of them is like that, I'm sure there are black sheep too. But I kinda sympathise them sometime. I'll try to help them one each every one fucking time.

Bro, if the above posting is from ur heart, u r one nice and kind-hearted guy. But being too soft-hearted is not too good as I told u before. ;)

Anyone in dire situation will change and usually most change from bad to worse. Their main reason to be here is money. Some find a Singapore husband is also to have a better living. After all, how much can they trust u, if u get to know them through seeking their services - to bonk them. It is just a transaction to them.

Many came here with the impression that it is easier to earn here. But like u said they have their reasons to get to this line, but to be in this line, many changed. Some or very few rare gem may stick to their principle in not cheating but how many really do that when they even have problems settling their meals.

The advice from many seniors here is true and to prevent u from getting hurt or cheated. This is not a place to do charity but to get a bonk. While my actions here may not be the same as my previous sentence, it can quite tiring and dangerous helping or playing with these FL. Sometimes, not monetary wise but also emotionally too.

Just my 2cents. Dun trust or put in any emotion to any FL. If they able convince you to sympathize or help them, they can do so to many other guys too.

If really want to help, make sure u dun put in any emotion or too much money. Acid test: If ur emotion get affected by any FL be it angered or jealous because of a FL's action, u are in danger. Pull out asap.

Takumi_racer 09-08-2009 10:54 AM

Re: The Plight PRC whore in Singapore...
TS, like most of the bros here say do not trust and believe so much of what they say though i also sympathize them of what they have gone through before decide to come into FL.

Did u know most of the FLs here are richer them most of the bros, give u an example, most of them charge $80 to $100 for 2 hrs just opening their legs, but most of us sillyporeans earned around less than $10 per hour, some of us earned $50 for 1 WHOLE DAY of work, these FLs can easily earned more than $500 per day depend on the no. of customers they wish to take.

I know their money is also hard earn and they also very sad they have to sell their body to earn this kind of money but think of it yourself, can u earn as much as them in order to help them and like what most ppl said (Earn more spend more, earn less spend less).. Their spending power has dramatically increased since they can earn money so much fast and easy, how are u going to cope with their spending habits? Try telling them that u are poor, trust me they won't call u again..

I myself also pity them alot, but again like what most of the bros here said, they come here just to earn money, and if they are gonna find a husband here, sure it will nvr be us unless u are rich or so damn handsome.. I always believe in this golden rule "FUCK AND GO", so just enjoy the GFE but remember don't get KC by them.

onion_rings 09-08-2009 11:10 AM

Re: The Plight PRC whore in Singapore...

Originally Posted by josephjo (Post 3993388)
There are some that comes here thinking of doing a decent job ended up in this line. There are some that works in KTV couldn't earn much ended up working as FL. Many I knew only do FL when they came to Singapore.

You really believe their crap stories? Most of them come over here is becos they heard from friends who work as FL here b4 make a small fortune or either their age is too old, as in China got no more mkt. That the main reason for coming here. No wonder all along we got so many milf in our FL dome2. :rolleyes:


Originally Posted by josephjo (Post 3993388)
Many of them seems keen in finding a Singaporean husband.

Sometime I do feel kinda sad and pitiful for them. But I guess i'm not in any position to help ALL of them.

Of crse la. After finding themselves a husband over here, they are entitled to half of our properties. Most imptly getting a passport where they can travel freely with visa waiver. :eek:
If you think you do not have the abilities why mention this issue at the 1st place?


Originally Posted by josephjo (Post 3993388)
I guess most of us have sympathy for them in some sense that's why some bastards like Andy Ho or people who never pays after having their services are so hated by the bros in the forum.

So is this the real reason for you to start this thread trying to waste bandwidth or trying to get some pathetic points? kekekeke!

Originally Posted by josephjo (Post 3993388)
Let's just treat them kinder alittle. Who would wants to do such kinda job if not of the mounting debt bad home, huge $$ to middleman's and the need to eat the next meal. Of coz not everyone of them is like that, I'm sure there are black sheep too. But I kinda sympathise them sometime. I'll try to help them one each every one fucking time.

Yeah from your signature can see you are very kind to those sex worker? I think you are even more kinder to yourself as to practically putting your freaking dick into their cunt la. Shiok sibo? :D If you really pity them why dun just give them the $$$ & walk away? Why dun you sympathize those children with no food or lack of medication from Africa too? Sympathize? My foot! Period!

My abv statement is just joking nia. Happy national day to all SBF bros! :p

joew2005 09-08-2009 11:21 AM

Re: The Plight PRC whore in Singapore...
The way of deception is 2 1st deceive 1self .....
u k continue 2 be blur ..
u k continue 2 act blur 2 the ppl here ..
u k continue 2 live in yr own world ..
u r jz like some of the pathetic sg ppl out there ... follow & believe blindly!

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