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Justin4 07-04-2002 02:55 AM

MG KTV gals recommendations
MG KTV in Katong any recommendations:)

Blurrr 07-04-2002 09:12 AM

Re: MG KTV gals recommendations

Originally posted by Justin4
MG KTV in Katong any recommendations:)

Sad to say man....this place is not much of the acton one man....
What kind of reconmendation will u need?? IF u want Qing Ting then take the chio bus and if u would want Tom Yum....Go other places man....

Justin4 07-04-2002 10:11 AM

MG KTV in Katong any recommendations
Hi! Blurrr

Heard from friends that there are a few who can book out to hotel. Do you know any????? 5 days ago my friend said that there was a gal name ShiShi who was quite horny. Is it true????

towkayLee 07-04-2002 12:31 PM

Re: MG KTV in Katong any recommendations

Originally posted by Justin4
Hi! Blurrr

Heard from friends that there are a few who can book out to hotel. Do you know any????? 5 days ago my friend said that there was a gal name ShiShi who was quite horny. Is it true????

Hi Blurr,
what kind of excitment u expecting from MG? Bascially the girls there are majority from factory workers and u'll find most are about 25above.They do have girls to be called out but I supposed that only apply after happy hour.U need to test them out before giving any offer,coz pretty one normally don't go hotel unless they like u or so.Free fuck maybe... By the way,the charges there are not expensive during happy hour and basic tip is about $20 or more.Not a bad place to have china girls accompany and a room to play for the price.

Justin4 07-04-2002 12:44 PM

MG Gals recommendations
Hi! towkay Lee.

Do u know of any beautiful, sweet & sexy gals there? Any recommendations? Heard of ShiShi/Lisa or Xiao Qing? Any FR?

towkayLee 07-04-2002 02:40 PM

Re: MG Gals recommendations

Originally posted by Justin4
Hi! towkay Lee.

Do u know of any beautiful, sweet & sexy gals there? Any recommendations? Heard of ShiShi/Lisa or Xiao Qing? Any FR?

Xiao Qing is from Guizhuo,she always appeared to be very approachable and quite popular(Laojiao) in MG at least 2yrs I supposed.She always raba man's dick outside the jeans and sweet talk to u 'But' don't get deceived by her big boobs! in actual fact its only 'A' Cap,the bra are fucking thick and so much of lobang inside if u have the honour to feel it yourself...hee
Overall she not bad but don't tip her too much coz she always bufferfly and only be punctual when u settle the bil

Justin4 07-04-2002 02:57 PM

MG Gals
Hello Towkay Lee

Thks 4 the info. What abt ShiShi is it true that she do BJ? and can book outside?

towkayLee 07-04-2002 03:06 PM

Re: MG Gals

Originally posted by Justin4
Hello Towkay Lee

Thks 4 the info. What abt ShiShi is it true that she do BJ? and can book outside?

Hi Justin,
I dun know who is shishi,not able to give any info on that.But its very rare u get a BJ performed in room unless u are alone and the room was dark enough,meaning no vision from outside.Dun think those china girls wanted to be known as a BJ player in their career in MG... well,u can try and let me know then.Goodluck

Blurrr 07-04-2002 04:03 PM

Re: Re: MG Gals

Originally posted by towkayLee

But its very rare u get a BJ performed in room unless u are alone and the room was dark enough,meaning no vision from outside.

I agree on that....So far have not ever encountered anyone who will automatically bj for u.... By the way, i'm sorry cos i dun remember the girls name as there are too many...hehehhe

smiler 10-04-2002 03:00 PM

Been there a few times back in last year.......My feeling for that place is so so only lor.....

If just wan to relax and sing songs, it's a gd place to go.....

As for others special activities, must really ask lor.....dun expect to have a gd reply as basically most gers there dun do it.....

Sometimes a bit sianz as trying to find something special but getting negetative feedback.......So if anyone feel horny or would like to have more fun, go to Balestier's more fun there...

Anyway, this is just my feedback.....

sgmjplayer 10-04-2002 04:50 PM

I have been to both MG and Katong KTV (Just opposite MG)

Personally I prefer Katong KTV. :)
Place is newer. girls are younger. But all PRCs.

heard got Malaysians, but never had any.

That was 2-3mths back.

Price is same for both.

I never pay, dont know the price..haha

But I know Happy hours is very cheap.
The bill is about $100 for 3 person. 3-4jugs of beer.

teh_o2002 10-04-2002 08:41 PM

MG and Katong both are light version of ktv actions. Ruba ruba is the best one can get usually. Heard of one ex-model getting extra in toilet but then again, one got to look like him. :-)

Bringing out possible after the gals call it a day. But may be the majority do not do this. I neber tried. Heard $300 or so man! can get much better ones in GL.

If you just want to sing song relax and hug hug, this place is not bad. Me and kaki always eat dinner and tok cock inside. Even watch news, drama and the occasional football!

It's a funny feeling to treat the place like your own dinning/living room with lots of gals around eating dinner. haha.... I quite enjoyed.


Hmm... long time didn't go oredi. Miss the place. kekeke....

Justin4 10-04-2002 09:25 PM

Any recommendations of beautiful, sexy gals there
Dear teh_o2002 & sgmjplayer

Can both of u recommend any sexy and beauty gals in MG.

teh_o2002 10-04-2002 10:27 PM

Re: Any recommendations of beautiful, sexy gals there

Originally posted by Justin4
Dear teh_o2002 & sgmjplayer

Can both of u recommend any sexy and beauty gals in MG.

I don't think I can help much. The ladies there are free to come and go as they please. They ocme in as frens, not employees of the establishment. I have not been there for over 6 mths oredi so my memory fails me.

The last time I was there, I talked to Xiao yu. Very pretty for my standard. There was one Crystal who french kissed my kaki. very hot gal.

That's all I can say for now until my next visit!

Justin4 10-04-2002 10:38 PM

MG Gals recommendations
Dear teh_o2002

Sorry, but would like 2 check do u come across Shishi or XiaoQing. Any FR abt them?

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