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acka 16-01-2005 12:18 PM

Nylon Pantyhose & Silk Stockings Fetish
The silky material never fail to send a sensual shiver down my spine whenever they come into contact with my skin (when beautiful women are wearing them of coz ;) )..This thread is for guys and gals to share their personal experiences, as i could only find guys sharing their experiences of WLs in PH.

Those with WL experiences to share on footjobs, pantyhose & stockings may share them in the links below ;)



uglyger 16-01-2005 03:13 PM

Re: Nylon Pantyhose & Silk Stockings Fetish
dun wear nething better....the feelin of stockin iz an irritant to me skin....i prefer it raw ha ha.....not w/o condom hor...

acka 17-01-2005 12:02 AM

Re: Nylon Pantyhose & Silk Stockings Fetish
Hmmm...probably cos u haven't had the feeling of wearing real silk stockings ...only those cheap ph...women would whore themselves to get a pair of those in the victorian days cos it was so expensive...


Originally Posted by uglyger
dun wear nething better....the feelin of stockin iz an irritant to me skin....i prefer it raw ha ha.....not w/o condom hor...

bigggbird69 17-01-2005 12:44 PM

Re: Nylon Pantyhose & Silk Stockings Fetish
I totally agree, and i'm glad there r people of the same mind here. I have had this desire since young and the sight of a lady in pantyhose will drive me crazy. That is also why now whenever i am making love with my wife i will insist that she wear p.h without underwear. The full sight of her xx behind a layer of neylon is really sensation. there after i will tear a hole and ram her with the ph on. :D

acka 17-01-2005 01:59 PM

Re: Nylon Pantyhose & Silk Stockings Fetish
Thanks for sharing guess you have to buy your wife lotsa pantyhose ? Try need to keep tearin em .. ;)'s my two cents worth first since this thread is about sharing experiences..may this encourage others to come forward to share their experiences also..

It was the new year, and i had just hooked up with my gf (let's call her Gigi) .a beautiful short haired petite and skinny lady(Really had a CFM look..). We had spent the night partying and she decided to spend the day at my place ( It was already daylight ) We were already pretty randy in the cab on the way to my place...feeling each other when we got to my place..there was no holding back.

We started kissing passionately ..all the way to my bedroom..and proceeded to tear each other's clothes off..As i was necking her and teasing her nipples, i could feel her hands playing with my nipples (I love it when she does dat,drives me really wild..esp when she does it with nylons..but dat's another story).I proceeded to eat her out and make her high, when i suddenly stopped and popped the question..yup.. "Would you wear pantyhose for me?"

She looked at me in amazement and agreed, probably due to the fact that i was getting her really high and she didn't want to stop the moment of pleasure.. I then helped her put on a pair of pantyhose which i had prepared , one leg at a time..(God it felt really good..) . I sucked on her nyloned toes while fingering her at the same time(thru her nylons), sending her into throes of esctacy and begging me not to stop..

Having done this for a while i then made her lie on her front, and tore open the crotch portion of the pantyhose...whereby i duly eased myself into her...and started pumping away rythmically..alternating between slow and fast strokes...

After a while of pumping her breathing became irregular..and she cried out "I'm cumming !!" and her body started to writhe like a contortionist.. I did all i could to stop myself from joining her as i had other plans...

Once i saw she was done i pulled out, and grabbing her feet, instructed her to rub my dick with them.The sensation and sound of nylons rubbing together together on my dickhead, with the occasional pinching with her big and second toe, her hands playing with my nipples and her teasing tone asking me "Are you gonna cum for me?" sent me over the edge as i came in spurts all over her beautiful dark nyloned feet..

bigggbird69 18-01-2005 12:51 PM

Re: Nylon Pantyhose & Silk Stockings Fetish
WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW. What an experience. Thanks 4 sharing. Personally i prefer p.h then stocking and u r right we do stock up quite a bit and i am looking for those that is like a full suit that that wear all the way up to th breast. It seems like your gf comes quite easily, as 4 my wf, she need more time to build up that sensation, usually we'll watch B.Film first till she is high than we'll use a vibrator which she really enjoy and now a days we never make love without it and she will always ogas every session. I uasally ramp her slow then fast , and when she is really really high, i'll do short thrust about 10 times and follow by 10 deep one and u can c her going crazy especially when doing short thrust which she will move her own ass to get a deeper penatration. At this point, anything goes, any part of the body u touch will send her shivering. Sometime i'll use my cock shape vibrator and put it into her mouth with me pumping behind. And u can c her face sluting 4 more.
oooooo u can imagine that kind of feeling... :p

acka 22-01-2005 05:37 AM

Re: Nylon Pantyhose & Silk Stockings Fetish
bodystocking you mean? well i believe you can get them locally...check out the sticky sites put up in the forums...if you want to get good quality stockings for your wife (pure silk!) at a reasonable price with variety check out this website.

MamboKing 22-01-2005 09:51 AM

Re: Nylon Pantyhose & Silk Stockings Fetish

Originally Posted by acka
bodystocking you mean? well i believe you can get them locally...check out the sticky sites put up in the forums...if you want to get good quality stockings for your wife (pure silk!) at a reasonable price with variety check out this website.

Thank You bro acka, been following ur posts closely, got a few good first lessons in PH fetish, will try them out soon n give FR ...hehehe :p

bigggbird69 22-01-2005 02:52 PM

Re: Nylon Pantyhose & Silk Stockings Fetish

Originally Posted by acka
bodystocking you mean? well i believe you can get them locally...check out the sticky sites put up in the forums...if you want to get good quality stockings for your wife (pure silk!) at a reasonable price with variety check out this website.

Bodystocking are those that cover all the way to breast one, i dunno wheather is that how you call it, it's just my own way of descriping it. And thanks 4 your website, but it's all stocking, i'll check out those adult shop and see how.

bigggbird69 22-01-2005 02:54 PM

Re: Nylon Pantyhose & Silk Stockings Fetish

Originally Posted by MamboKing
Thank You bro acka, been following ur posts closely, got a few good first lessons in PH fetish, will try them out soon n give FR ...hehehe :p

Hi Mamboking,
do keep us updated after your experience ok? good to know people of the same mind here. :p

acka 23-01-2005 01:58 PM

Re: Nylon Pantyhose & Silk Stockings Fetish
Yup it's great to know people who like women who wears ph/stockings. Have covered a few forums and realised that sadly singapore women don't really like to wear's a culture thing i guess. Japanese women on the other hand however, wear them almost everyday!!! :eek: Wow i'd love to have a japanese gf.. Some people had relationships with japanese gals , and all they had to do was tell the gals he loved them in stockings and they turned up in them without fail everytime they went i'd love to see singapore women do that...


acka 23-01-2005 02:47 PM

Re: Nylon Pantyhose & Silk Stockings Fetish
Hi bro, believe this'd be a more appropriate thread to address your concerns..

Just relax and enjoy...i personally enjoy it when the gal takes the sticking her nyloned feet into your boxers while pretending that nothing is going on...heavenly!! But if you really want to get are A few common preferences I noticed people like while getting a footjob(nyloned)..

1)Your partner squeezes the head rythmitically with the big and second toe of both feet.
2)one foot is doing 1) while the other is wanking the full length your shaft
3)partner puts both her feet covering your shaft and start to work it.
4)gripping the head with all her toes and milking it for all its worth..
5)partner giving a blowjob while gripping your shaft between both her feet( only for gals who are really flexible!!! WArning: Gf may be offended if you attempt this least it happened to me :D )

other things like teasing of your nipples ,teasing your scrotum (some dudes like insertion..) just serves to heighten the sensation of a footjob..(try getting her to give a nyloned heeljob ie with heels! The visual sight juz blows your mind away..) You might also want to get an oiled footjob (w or w/o nylons) in case you feel it might chaff your your partner!! 24-01-2005 02:07 AM

Re: Nylon Pantyhose & Silk Stockings Fetish

Originally Posted by acka
Yup it's great to know people who like women who wears ph/stockings. Have covered a few forums and realised that sadly singapore women don't really like to wear's a culture thing i guess. Japanese women on the other hand however, wear them almost everyday!!! :eek: Wow i'd love to have a japanese gf.. Some people had relationships with japanese gals , and all they had to do was tell the gals he loved them in stockings and they turned up in them without fail everytime they went i'd love to see singapore women do that...


Too bad nylons are not in Fashion now...Indeed jap gals always wear them when i was in Japan. Even the fish net type.

bigggbird69 24-01-2005 01:55 PM

Re: Nylon Pantyhose & Silk Stockings Fetish

Originally Posted by acka
Yup it's great to know people who like women who wears ph/stockings. Have covered a few forums and realised that sadly singapore women don't really like to wear's a culture thing i guess. Japanese women on the other hand however, wear them almost everyday!!! :eek: Wow i'd love to have a japanese gf.. Some people had relationships with japanese gals , and all they had to do was tell the gals he loved them in stockings and they turned up in them without fail everytime they went i'd love to see singapore women do that...


YA Ya Ya,
I would love to try a jap as well preferbaly in p.h of couse, got to know a few through some friends before, but it seems like they always go 4 Ang Mor, they really go crazy 4 them i don't know why and it's really very obvious. I have heard from friends who has up jap before and their feedback are usually similiar that is they r very loud and horny.

acka 26-01-2005 02:09 AM

Re: Nylon Pantyhose & Silk Stockings Fetish
Heh actually i believe japanese ladies prefer caucasians because they noe how to treat a gal right (not to mention shower them with praises) as compared to the stereotypical MCP japanese men who are very rigid and expect their women to be obedient at all times.So..if you noe how to treat a gal right and noe how to speak get the drift?

Anyway since we are on this topic about Japanese ladies... I once had this wonderful experience on the mrt..was on the way to boat quay after's how it goes:

While waiting for the train to arrive i casually let my eyes roam around for eye candy..and then i saw it. 3 beautiful women were standing close to me, one wearing pants, the other two wearing skirts (sadly no stockings or ph).
From their conversation i could tell they were japanese, and as i was intrigued by the japanese language, i stayed on trying to fathom what they were saying.

The train arrived and after settling down , i found that the 3 japanese ladies had managed to find a seat while i hadn't .It was then that i realised the one wearing pants was wearing black stockings/ph (gasp!)

As i focused ever so intently on her lovely nylon encased feet, i failed to see that she had actually noticed me looking (ogling) at her feet. I looked up to find the 3 ladies in deep conversation while looking in my direction from time to time. Feeling abashed i looked away , but from the corner of my eye i could see them giggling like schoolgirls , and they began to stretch their legs , one person at a time. When the lady in pants stretched hers (dangling her heels in the process .whoa..) i could not help but turn and look.. and it was then that she gave me the "caught ya" look . We smiled briefly and she returned to her fast conversation with her friends , who also tried to make me look at their legs(or so i thought).

The lady in pants stretched her legs for me again, and i was caught hook line and sinker. The ladies then giggled among themselves as if sayin they confirmed i had a fetish for ph (damn right if they were!). The train then pulled to a stop. It was my station hence i alighted. I saw that the japanese gals also alighted at the same stop but being shy i did not dare approach them for their numbers...regret!!!


Originally Posted by bigggbird69
YA Ya Ya,
I would love to try a jap as well preferbaly in p.h of couse, got to know a few through some friends before, but it seems like they always go 4 Ang Mor, they really go crazy 4 them i don't know why and it's really very obvious. I have heard from friends who has up jap before and their feedback are usually similiar that is they r very loud and horny.

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