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SECRETBOY 07-10-2012 03:58 AM

Hiv Issue- GL Lor20- Hope bro here can advise me in the next 24 hours, thanks
Hi Bro, need your urgent advise

2 days ago I went to legal house in GL. The OKT intro a gal to me.

Cut the story short, the condom broke, when pull out after releasing & doing for 15 mins, the top half of the condom is gone!

The gal was upset & she was able to go for regular monthly check up in TWO days time.

I was very scared & spoke to the lady OKT...the okt ask me not to worry about HIV...cos they are clean & the chances of gal pass to guy is very slim

i read the HIV PEP treatment...but the price is very expensive at S$3K & must treat before 72 hours.

Now I am worrying what should I do & let the matter rest if what the OKT say is correct.

'Thanks for reading & hope someone can advise me within 24 hours.

sammyboyfor 07-10-2012 08:21 AM

Re: Hiv Issue- GL Lor20- Hope bro here can advise me in the next 24 hours, thanks

Originally Posted by SECRETBOY (Post 7895051)
'Thanks for reading & hope someone can advise me within 24 hours.

This topic has already been discussed. There is little point starting another discussion. Read this thread.

If I was in your shoes, I wouldn't go down the PEP route as my assessment would be that the risks of PEP outweigh the risk of catching HIV which are very low based upon your description of what happened. However, each scenario is unique eg if the girl was having her period and there was blood present, the risk would increase.

Ultimately, if she tests negative, you shouldn't have much to worry about as far as HIV is concerned.

However, you'll still need to be tested for the usual run of STDs ie gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, warts, herpes etc.

See a doctor who specialises in treating STDs as soon as possible and he will be able to offer you personalised and professional advice as to what steps to take.

SECRETBOY 07-10-2012 12:25 PM

Re: Hiv Issue- GL Lor20- Hope bro here can advise me in the next 24 hours, thanks
Thanks Sammyboy for your reply.

I understand there is a similar thread....but in this case in in GL.

So in your personal view, if the cap is broken with about 10mins of raw, the girl has No period..very dry....the gal herslef worked for almost a year plus(with check up every month)

The gal herself was cursing this happen to her first time & asked me if I have illness..e.g & the OKT say the chances of having HIV is very remote, if the gal has HIV, she will be back to China already.

Actually I thought to take a week of PEP...then go back to see if she is still around..if yes, I will stop aftyer 1 week, if no...I will continue to go till the full month, what u think...cos Monday the 72 hours cut of time.

Thanks for your advise

sammyboyfor 07-10-2012 01:35 PM

Re: Hiv Issue- GL Lor20- Hope bro here can advise me in the next 24 hours, thanks

Originally Posted by SECRETBOY (Post 7896069)
Thanks Sammyboy for your reply.

I understand there is a similar thread....but in this case in in GL.

So in your personal view, if the cap is broken with about 10mins of raw, the girl has No period..very dry....the gal herslef worked for almost a year plus(with check up every month)

I say forget about the PEP. Chances of HIV are very low. However, my advice cannot replace the advice of a qualified doctor.

Ultimately, it boils down to the luck of the draw. I cannot guarantee that you're 100% safe from HIV just as I cannot guarantee that you won't be run over by a bus tomorrow. Both scenarios are extremely unlikely but still possible. Even if the whore is HIV positive, the chances of you catching HIV from her with unprotected sex are less than 0.1%!! If she is not HIV positive, then your chances are 0%.

PEP is not like popping a panadol. There can be unpleasant side effects. There are documented cases of liver failure as a result. Take a look at for an overview and talk to a doctor asap.

maxsee 08-10-2012 04:02 PM

Re: Hiv Issue- GL Lor20- Hope bro here can advise me in the next 24 hours, thanks
If that 3k will buys u a peace of mind....highly recommended tat u go for the treatment....after all the last thing u want is worry here n there like no tomorrow.....:D

sammyboyfor 08-10-2012 04:31 PM

Re: Hiv Issue- GL Lor20- Hope bro here can advise me in the next 24 hours, thanks

Originally Posted by maxsee (Post 7901608)
If that 3k will buys u a peace of mind....highly recommended tat u go for the treatment....after all the last thing u want is worry here n there like no tomorrow.....:D

There's no peace of mind if he trades one risk for another.

Putin 09-10-2012 03:36 AM

Re: Hiv Issue- GL Lor20- Hope bro here can advise me in the next 24 hours, thanks

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor (Post 7901735)
There's no peace of mind if he trades one risk for another.

Briliantly said ;)

SECRETBOY 09-10-2012 07:24 PM

Re: Hiv Issue- GL Lor20- Hope bro here can advise me in the next 24 hours, thanks
Thnaks to Sammyboy & the rest to reply to my thread, I really appreciyte it very much!

I went to DSC to see Dr martin yday....he told me for the past 10 years, he YET to see a single case where a LEGAL whore from GL pass HIV to a customer(not applicable to the whore who stand on the roadside cos that happens)....he say my risk is very very low.

Heaving hear that, I have a safe peace of mind & he advise me to go for a chck up i month later for HIV test to confirm, which I will.

Thanks again to everyone who advise me :)

sammyboyfor 10-10-2012 02:28 AM

Re: Hiv Issue- GL Lor20- Hope bro here can advise me in the next 24 hours, thanks

Originally Posted by SECRETBOY (Post 7907331)

Thanks again to everyone who advise me :)

I should be become a full time counselor. :p

abc4ever 10-10-2012 09:06 AM

Re: Hiv Issue- GL Lor20- Hope bro here can advise me in the next 24 hours, thanks
I went to DSC to look for Dr Martin also the other time,
But my case isn't similar to yours,

And he said something to me that I'll never forget.
"People like to 'kay kiang' and go online and search for answers, and they will usually scare themselves shitless over something that is incorrect or irrelevant, just come to us, get a check, you will have a better peace of mind!"

goodfun88 12-10-2012 08:31 PM

Re: Hiv Issue- GL Lor20- Hope bro here can advise me in the next 24 hours, thanks

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor (Post 7896391)
PEP is not like popping a panadol. There can be unpleasant side effects. There are documented cases of liver failure as a result. Take a look at for an overview and talk to a doctor asap.

Actually, there are different types of PEP treatment. Depending on the supposed anctipated severity, you may be given a combination of drugs.

The one that causes failure, as you mentioned, are drugs containing NVP.

These will generally not be used in a minor situation like the TS' e.g. condom break, not blood transfusion, etc.

toottootz 18-10-2012 07:42 PM

Re: Hiv Issue- GL Lor20- Hope bro here can advise me in the next 24 hours, thanks
I am more concern on what brand of condom you use :D

maxsee 19-10-2012 09:25 AM

Re: Hiv Issue- GL Lor20- Hope bro here can advise me in the next 24 hours, thanks
If u did not get the PEP treatment done...dun forget to go for HIV blood test after the 3 months window period...coz HIV carriers can be symptoms-free....GL....:D:D:D

rugalsc 21-10-2012 11:30 AM

Re: Hiv Issue- GL Lor20- Hope bro here can advise me in the next 24 hours, thanks

Originally Posted by SECRETBOY (Post 7895051)

i read the HIV PEP treatment...but the price is very expensive at S$3K & must treat before 72 hours.

Now I am worrying what should I do & let the matter rest if what the OKT say is correct.

'Thanks for reading & hope someone can advise me within 24 hours.

Since 24-72 hours have passed and you have sought Dr Martin's advice @ the DSC, I give you a rational piece of advice. Visit the legal house in a month's time and in 3 month's time. If that girl is still around, it means she has passed the government's mandatory health checks pertaining to HIV/STIs.

PiChiChi 28-10-2012 07:10 PM

Re: Hiv Issue- GL Lor20- Hope bro here can advise me in the next 24 hours, thanks

Originally Posted by SECRETBOY (Post 7895051)
Hi Bro, need your urgent advise

2 days ago I went to legal house in GL. The OKT intro a gal to me.

Can tell us which house and gal? We can check out for you any update on the gal. :)

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