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sexkingdom 07-04-2005 01:51 PM

Helps Bro, so scare
Hi All Bro here,

I am not sure whether this is common or not, so need expert bro here for advice. Sometime before I pee or when I cant shit i need to force out the shit, I can see there are some little sperm getting out from my dick head. It happened for about 6 to 8 months already as it does not always happen?

Is this normal or I been infected by STD? So scare. Any advice.

asdfghjkl 07-04-2005 01:57 PM

Re: Helps Bro, so scare
bro.. are u peeing in a laboratory cuz i dun think sperm can be seen with the naked eye?? :rolleyes:

arizona 07-04-2005 02:03 PM

Re: Helps Bro, so scare
I guess what he meant is solid white discharge that look like sperm leh...

Microsoft 07-04-2005 02:09 PM

Re: Helps Bro, so scare

Originally Posted by sexkingdom
Is this normal or I been infected by STD? So scare. Any advice.

For goodness sake go DSC n seek advice frm the pro. Not mean white liquid ni surely will b sperm. Shit oso got sperm come out i think u got serious problem leow. :D

sexkingdom 07-04-2005 02:56 PM

Re: Helps Bro, so scare

Originally Posted by arizona
I guess what he meant is solid white discharge that look like sperm leh...

Bro arizona,

Sorry for confusion, is like a solid white discharge which look like sperm? Something have something dont have. Pls advice. Any bro encounter the same things before?????

Ethanas 07-04-2005 03:23 PM

Re: Helps Bro, so scare

Firstly I must say we are not doctors, and to confirm your condition you better consult your nearest GP. As such discharges can be due to several different causes. BTW, I think the correct word you would want to use is semen not sperm. Sperm is the little tadpole thing which you cannot see. Semen is the liquid discharge when you cum.

Now having said that, I do not think you have much cause to worry about. Having discharge when exerting (like when you are shitting) is quite common. Thats is to assume you do not feel pain, and there is no blood in the discharge. As your description about your condition is not really clear, I believe its better for you to go down to your nearest clinic to check it out. You will probably have a better ease of mind.

oxilary 07-04-2005 03:53 PM

Re: Helps Bro, so scare
yup! go to a local GP and seek medical advice :)

sexkingdom 07-04-2005 04:12 PM

Re: Helps Bro, so scare
Thanks Bro Ethanans,

Thanks so much for your feedback as I am travelling this whole month, so next month will go for the checkup. I am so scare adn so sorry that my post was no clear as the words I used are not correct. During the checking if I am tested

You mentioned in your last mail that having discharge some semen when exerting (like when you are shitting) is quite common. I ask my friend no one encounter this, do you or your friends encounter the same problem as me?? Thanks for your advice.

sexkingdom 07-04-2005 04:14 PM

Re: Helps Bro, so scare
Thanks Bro Ethanans,

Thanks so much for your feedback as I am travelling this whole month, so next month will go for the checkup. I am so scare adn so sorry that my post was no clear as the words I used are not correct. During the checking if I am tested HIV or STD, will my family be informed?

You mentioned in your last mail that having discharge some semen when exerting (like when you are shitting) is quite common. I ask my friend no one encounter this, do you or your friends encounter the same problem as me?? Thanks for your advice.

asdfghjkl 07-04-2005 04:18 PM

Re: Helps Bro, so scare
i used to discharge sperm at night when i am sleeping.. dunno why? :rolleyes:

free 07-04-2005 04:48 PM

Re: Helps Bro, so scare

Originally Posted by sexkingdom
Hi All Bro here,

I am not sure whether this is common or not, so need expert bro here for advice. Sometime before I pee or when I cant shit i need to force out the shit, I can see there are some little sperm getting out from my dick head. It happened for about 6 to 8 months already as it does not always happen?

Is this normal or I been infected by STD? So scare. Any advice.

You are not alone. I have it too, esp if I have be abstaining for a while until I go see my tirak again. If anything, I look out for it, cos if it is present, simply means I have recharged and "stock" up enough :D

spinning 07-04-2005 05:50 PM

Re: Helps Bro, so scare
Do you have any burning sensation when pee?

Kena STD is no joke and if not treated quickly will end up impotent!
Best see a doc ASAP

Good luck!

sexkingdom 07-04-2005 05:53 PM

Re: Helps Bro, so scare

No burning sensation at all when pee.


Originally Posted by spinning
Do you have any burning sensation when pee?

Kena STD is no joke and if not treated quickly will end up impotent!
Best see a doc ASAP

Good luck!

collin_23 07-04-2005 05:57 PM

Re: Helps Bro, so scare
Go see a doctor if in doubt or feel uncomfortable.

Early diagnose means early treatment. :cool:

thaivisitor 07-04-2005 07:08 PM

Re: Helps Bro, so scare

Originally Posted by sexkingdom
Hi All Bro here,

i need to force out the shit, I can see there are some little sperm getting out from my dick head.

Could it be gay? Forced shit coming out you shiok like kenna fuck in the ass so you cum? kekekekekekeke

OK lah jokes aside. It's definitely not sperm as sperm need a process (arousal, etc, etc so bro Free, you better watch out too).

Go to a doctor and explain your condition. Also PM me for some other things that can help. :D

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