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bullterrier 20-01-2017 12:01 PM

HPV on the rise, with warts

Pls note that HPV is on the rise. you may check out this term, not HIV but HPV.

It also comes with the irritating warts which have to be removed by laser. there are a few clinics in SG which does it. You may go to Kelantan lane but then better dont run into someone you know.

My friend got it after frequenting those internet dragon gals as he wants to cut cost. The internet dragon gals cost 80-100 per hour. I mean, they may suck up to 15 dicks a day compared to GL which sucks up to 8 per day.

(1) BJ with condom. I know it sounds irritating, but use a 002 or 001 (buy from internet), and trust me, it feels like raw but protected

(2) do not rub the pussy with your naked dick.. HPV is transmitted via skin contact, not just fluid from vagina

(3) fuck with condom, use the 002 or 001 if you like a better feel. for me i prefer the thicker ones with lots of lubricant. personal preference.

My army buddy who got the hpv finds it a lifestyle obstacle, as he has to find excuse to abstain from sex with his wife, let alone the internet dragon gals as the warts are pretty obvious and ugly, like mini cauliflower lumps. He shows me and I almost puke. He told me to keep a distance from him. He has to be careful of his hygiene, after touching his dick he must use alcohol swabs to clean his hands.

do not be scared, go seek treatment.

Acycrovir may not work well. In fact there is a natural remedy, the use of Tea Tree Oil. It is proven effective but it will take up to 4 weeks to clear the warts. yeah, 4 weeks.

so, play with care. It takes one jackpot and your lifestyle goes upside down.

bullterrier 20-01-2017 12:02 PM

Re: HPV on the rise, with warts
and the good thing is ever since he abstain from sex (frankly I do not know how long he can tahan as he used too cheong once every 2 days), he manaeg to save up to 2000 plus plus per month.

I joke with him he can go buy a BMW liao.

SunZhi 20-01-2017 12:27 PM

Re: HPV on the rise, with warts

Originally Posted by bullterrier (Post 15552796)

Pls note that HPV is on the rise. you may check out this term, not HIV but HPV.

It also comes with the irritating warts which have to be removed by laser. there are a few clinics in SG which does it. You may go to Kelantan lane but then better dont run into someone you know.

My friend got it after frequenting those internet dragon gals as he wants to cut cost. The internet dragon gals cost 80-100 per hour. I mean, they may suck up to 15 dicks a day compared to GL which sucks up to 8 per day.

(1) BJ with condom. I know it sounds irritating, but use a 002 or 001 (buy from internet), and trust me, it feels like raw but protected

(2) do not rub the pussy with your naked dick.. HPV is transmitted via skin contact, not just fluid from vagina

(3) fuck with condom, use the 002 or 001 if you like a better feel. for me i prefer the thicker ones with lots of lubricant. personal preference.

My army buddy who got the hpv finds it a lifestyle obstacle, as he has to find excuse to abstain from sex with his wife, let alone the internet dragon gals as the warts are pretty obvious and ugly, like mini cauliflower lumps. He shows me and I almost puke. He told me to keep a distance from him. He has to be careful of his hygiene, after touching his dick he must use alcohol swabs to clean his hands.

do not be scared, go seek treatment.

Acycrovir may not work well. In fact there is a natural remedy, the use of Tea Tree Oil. It is proven effective but it will take up to 4 weeks to clear the warts. yeah, 4 weeks.

so, play with care. It takes one jackpot and your lifestyle goes upside down.

Very difficult to prevent. No matter how you want to avoid direct skin contact, during the thrusting, the scrotum will touch the skin of the CB.

Most bro will like to touch and feel the CB, especially the beautiful cute one, your fingers can get infected by the virus, and unknowingly infect your dick, face,,,etc

In case Bro here doesn't know, HPV/wart seems very common in China. You can easily get the so call "removal cream" from any pharmacy.

There is no cure for HPV. But there is a good news, there is a potential cure, see

sammyboyfor 20-01-2017 12:35 PM

Re: HPV on the rise, with warts
HPV is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections and as long as you live a sexually active life it is probably impossible to avoid as the infection rate is very high.

You don't need to visit whores to catch HPV. You can catch it from any sexual encounter with someone who leads an active sexual life.

For more information go to


What is HPV?Should I get the HPV vaccine? Learn More

HPV is the most common sexually transmitted infection (STI). HPV is a different virus than HIV and HSV (herpes). HPV is so common that nearly all sexually active men and women get it at some point in their lives. There are many different types of HPV. Some types can cause health problems including genital warts and cancers. But there are vaccines that can stop these health problems from happening.
There is an HPV vaccine available that will protect against the strains that a implicated in cervical and penile cancer. However you can still end up with a cauliflower dick from catching other strains of the virus.

The good news is that HPV rarely causes long term health issues and usually goes away after a few years. Treatment deals with the visual symptoms but the underlying infection has to be cleared by the immune system.

bullterrier 20-01-2017 12:50 PM

Re: HPV on the rise, with warts
yes, these warts can go away after a few years, but those are the terrible years where you try to find excuse to abstain from sex with your loved ones ... aiya

bullterrier 20-01-2017 12:50 PM

Re: HPV on the rise, with warts
BTW there are articles that days eating mushrooms can elevate the wart condition, not sure how true

bullterrier 20-01-2017 12:56 PM

Re: HPV on the rise, with warts

Some info here

Good to go get the HPV vaccine for the sexually active ones

saabking 20-01-2017 01:36 PM

Re: HPV on the rise, with warts

Originally Posted by bullterrier (Post 15552961)

Some info here

Good to go get the HPV vaccine for the sexually active ones

Yup I know one WL got herself vacinnated

sammyboyfor 20-01-2017 04:35 PM

Re: HPV on the rise, with warts

Originally Posted by saabking (Post 15553092)
Yup I know one WL got herself vacinnated

Probably far too late. Vaccination should be done in the early teen years and before sexual activity starts.

sammyboyfor 20-01-2017 04:39 PM

Re: HPV on the rise, with warts

Originally Posted by bullterrier (Post 15552941)
yes, these warts can go away after a few years, but those are the terrible years where you try to find excuse to abstain from sex with your loved ones ... aiya

There is no need to abstain. As long as all visible warts are treated you can resume sexual activity. Many people require only one or two treatments to remove visible warts and no further treatment is required even though the underlying infection is still present.

Unless your loved one was a virgin before she met you she probably already caught the virus from prior sexual activities.

Not all HPV infections cause visible cauliflower type growths. It is quite common to have no symptoms whatsoever while still harboring the virus.

paulcum2sooon 20-01-2017 05:19 PM

Re: HPV on the rise, with warts
I appreciate the notice and resolutions provided.
That said, the subject for this thread 'on the rise' got my attention. And this is a GL category, is there supporting data or news articles that supports this? Would definitely be good to know.
Too many 'fake news' going around ;-)

Konnichiwawa 20-01-2017 09:03 PM

Re: HPV on the rise, with warts
I suggest wearing 10 comdoms give u protection against HPV virbo

sammyboyfor 21-01-2017 01:55 AM

Re: HPV on the rise, with warts

Originally Posted by paulcum2sooon (Post 15553745)
I appreciate the notice and resolutions provided.
That said, the subject for this thread 'on the rise' got my attention. And this is a GL category, is there supporting data or news articles that supports this? Would definitely be good to know.
Too many 'fake news' going around ;-)

I doubt if it is "on the rise". HPV has been around for a long, long time. The only difference now is that we have the internet to raise awareness.

korean 21-01-2017 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by saabking (Post 15553092)
Yup I know one WL got herself vacinnated

Actually it is quite common among wl to get vaccinated.

unfit 21-01-2017 04:19 PM

Re: HPV on the rise, with warts

Originally Posted by korean (Post 15556455)
Actually it is quite common among wl to get vaccinated.

They said can prevent cervical cancer up to 80%:)

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