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WorryWartHypoch 02-08-2019 03:56 PM

Assesment of HIV/STD risk from this encounter.
A month ago, to much of my regret, I’ve approached a street prostitute, Jalan Suka to be exact, (Doctor says they are not regulated for STD screening) for service. A quick breakdown of what had happen and what didn’t happen.

No intercourse had happened (i.e. oral, vaginal, anal), I went in with the intention of just masturbating. The only contact are as followed:

1)she sucked my nipple

2)My urethra may have came into contact with her outer vagina (possibly vaginal fluid) when my penis (uncircumcised) went limp after ejaculating. Would vaginal fluid mix with my semen at the tip of my penis and would that be a way of transmission for HIV? Or would the short 2-3s exposure of vaginal fluid to my urethra be a risk?

3)She touched my face after washing her vagina off.

4)it was a leather mattress, I’m afraid unknown fluid might be on it and came into contact with my back or butt cheeks.

I had a 4th Generation HIV Rapid test done on 35 days after the exposure. It came back negative. I hope you understand, due to my relentless anxiety, I’m having to fear over this encounter. I have no prior experience in any sexual encounter as well.

Big Sexy 02-08-2019 04:28 PM

Re: Assesment of HIV/STD risk from this encounter.
dont be paraniod.....4Gen test after 28 days by a qualified healthcare professional is pretty much accurate and conclusive.


Originally Posted by WorryWartHypoch (Post 19027780)

I had a 4th Generation HIV Rapid test done on 35 days after the exposure. It came back negative. I hope you understand, due to my relentless anxiety, I’m having to fear over this encounter. I have no prior experience in any sexual encounter as well.

TheSGBoy 02-08-2019 05:54 PM

Re: Assesment of HIV/STD risk from this encounter.
That is so bad bro, now you have HIV for life, why did you do that. Im sorry bro its the end of your sex life

sammyboyfor 03-08-2019 03:02 AM

Re: Assesment of HIV/STD risk from this encounter.
The possibility of catching HIV from the encounter that you have described is extremely unlikely so if the test says you're clear it means that you are clear.

WorryWartHypoch 03-08-2019 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by Big Sexy (Post 19027849)
dont be paraniod.....4Gen test after 28 days by a qualified healthcare professional is pretty much accurate and conclusive.

Are there any difference between a 4th Generation Rapid Test and a 4th Generation Lab test in terms of accuracy? I’ve read that Rapid test are least reliable.

WorryWartHypoch 03-08-2019 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by TheSGBoy (Post 19028057)
That is so bad bro, now you have HIV for life, why did you do that. Im sorry bro its the end of your sex life

I’m uncertain whether you’re joking or using sarcasm. Nevertheless, I was uninformed about certain situations and would like to learn more now and prevent further exposure (though I am certain I will not ever be approaching services like this). I don’t see how your comment would educate the uninformed, and expanding STD prevention methods and knowledge.

WorryWartHypoch 03-08-2019 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by sammyboyfor (Post 19029434)
The possibility of catching HIV from the encounter that you have described is extremely unlikely so if the test says you're clear it means that you are clear.

Thank you for the reply, due to my inexperience and first time encountering this situation, I was highly traumatised, I tried to gain more knowledge from the internet though it’s very general in terms of the situation. Any specific STD I should be concerned about as well? I’m going for a full checkup and was wondering what particular should I ask for from the doctor.

Big Sexy 03-08-2019 02:16 PM

Re: Assesment of HIV/STD risk from this encounter.
from what i know.... they are equally good..

btw..where did u do the test?


Originally Posted by WorryWartHypoch (Post 19030945)
Are there any difference between a 4th Generation Rapid Test and a 4th Generation Lab test in terms of accuracy? I’ve read that Rapid test are least reliable.

sammyboyfor 03-08-2019 02:22 PM

Re: Assesment of HIV/STD risk from this encounter.

Originally Posted by WorryWartHypoch (Post 19030971)
Thank you for the reply, due to my inexperience and first time encountering this situation, I was highly traumatised, I tried to gain more knowledge from the internet though it’s very general in terms of the situation. Any specific STD I should be concerned about as well? I’m going for a full checkup and was wondering what particular should I ask for from the doctor.

I would just carry on life as if nothing had happened. You're suffering from unwarranted anxiety given the situation you described.

It's like imagining that you have a brain tumor every time you get a headache. Of course it is possible but it is highly unlikely.

Big Sexy 03-08-2019 02:26 PM

Re: Assesment of HIV/STD risk from this encounter.
found this reply from our in house doctor :)


Originally Posted by Big Sexy (Post 19030997)
from what i know.... they are equally good..

btw..where did u do the test?

WorryWartHypoch 03-08-2019 06:20 PM

Re: Assesment of HIV/STD risk from this encounter.

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor (Post 19031001)
I would just carry on life as if nothing had happened. You're suffering from unwarranted anxiety given the situation you described.

It's like imagining that you have a brain tumor every time you get a headache. Of course it is possible but it is highly unlikely.

Thank you for the advice, I'm asking for other STDs in regards to learning that some can spread through skin to skin contact without intercourse happening. I would like to know the possibilities so I can go for checkup and ask for specific checkup to avoid passing it on to someone I care about!

WorryWartHypoch 03-08-2019 06:22 PM

Re: Assesment of HIV/STD risk from this encounter.

Originally Posted by Big Sexy (Post 19031010)
found this reply from our in house doctor :)

That's glad to hear, as whenever I search up Rapid Test, they don't have specific answers for 4th Generation Rapid Test. I've got my bloodtest done at Anteh Dispensary, since their open time slots are more flexible.

Magnataur 04-08-2019 03:03 AM

Re: Assesment of HIV/STD risk from this encounter.

Originally Posted by WorryWartHypoch (Post 19031641)
Thank you for the advice, I'm asking for other STDs in regards to learning that some can spread through skin to skin contact without intercourse happening. I would like to know the possibilities so I can go for checkup and ask for specific checkup to avoid passing it on to someone I care about!

What is the point of knowing all this stats?
Chances for you to get any HIV is extremely remote and i dont know why you go for HIV testing.
And most of us here already have herpes(STD) even before turning to adulthood :D:D:D

sammyboyfor 04-08-2019 04:49 AM

Re: Assesment of HIV/STD risk from this encounter.

Originally Posted by WorryWartHypoch (Post 19031641)
Thank you for the advice, I'm asking for other STDs in regards to learning that some can spread through skin to skin contact without intercourse happening. I would like to know the possibilities so I can go for checkup and ask for specific checkup to avoid passing it on to someone I care about!

The two common STDs that are spread via skin to skin contact are Herpes and genital warts.

These STDs are so common that almost everybody who is sexually active will catch either one or both of these infections no matter how hard you try to be absolutely safe.

Even virgins can be infected with Herpes as it can be transmitted via kissing and oral sex.

Approx 85% of the adult population are infected with either Herpes 1 or Herpes 2 or both.

So the bottom line is to live your life as you wish and if deal with any infection should it occur.

The only way to avoid STDs is to go up a mountain somewhere and become a hermit. This lifestyle does not suit most people. :)

WorryWartHypoch 04-08-2019 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by Magnataur (Post 19032921)
What is the point of knowing all this stats?
Chances for you to get any HIV is extremely remote and i dont know why you go for HIV testing.
And most of us here already have herpes(STD) even before turning to adulthood :D:D:D

STD includes a wide range of infections, even if it’s remote for HIV, there are chances of contracting other STDs as well. I don’t see the harm in learning more and taking the necessary precaution as well as to prevent the spread of STDs. I believe the cause of anxiety and risk to exposure of STDs is due to lack of experience/knowledge, and in hopes, a more explained answer would educated and prevent future exposure.

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