Re: Sex life is failing...
Bro k9er and crood, I've always hated to hijack others' threads but in this case, you guys are pushing me over the wall. I will just post this one post with regards to your misinterpretation and move on. I believe Sis cherielady deserves better treatment. Sis cherielady, please pardon me for this post - I just want to set the record straight.
First of all, I don't see what the fuss is about. We are all in Sammyboy forum because we feel a need to satisfy our queries, share our findings or otherwise boast about our conquests in the areas of sex and lust, as it is impossible to do that in the mainstream media. I know that there are some young boys in this forum who are single and some attached ones who have yet to lose their virginity, but I dare say at least 70% - 80% of the guys here (like me) are already attached or married and still "tou chi", whether in the company of FBs, WLs, ONS, or what not. I have not done my checks on both of you, and I do not intend to, but I believe I can safely assume more than half the guys in this thread are not decent (myself included, I can admit).
However, just because I started another thread looking for a married FB means I cannot genuinely share in this decent thread, offering a helping hand to a lady who seriously needs help? Is that how things work here? If Mrs Infidelity appears here and offers sound advice, are you guys going to blast her too? And I dare say I am more qualified than all the brothers here, including both of you, because I have one qualification that none of you guys have - I have a sexless marriage. Yes, it's nothing to be proud of, and I am ashamed about it, and I very much envy you guys for having wonderful sex lives. But I am one who always turns adversity into opportunity. If I can help someone lead a better life through my own lousy experience, I would gladly do so, without expecting anything in return.
I have been a motivational trainer for more than ten years, and experience has taught me (and I have been teaching my students too) that we cannot change what others think, but we can definitely change the way we react to others thoughts and actions. Therefore, I have been very tolerant of the negative remarks that have been hurled towards me, trying to ignore them rather than to hurl back abuses (which many other brothers do) and let the thread degenerate into a flame war. However, in spite of all these developments, I do not blame you. I believe you have been misinformed, if only because of the way I typed my posts and the fact that I offered to help in this thread, so soon after I asked for a married FB in another. And of course, offering to help Sis cherielady privately via PM definitely doesn't help matters. And as if this isn't enough, I offered to be her "friend" in my last post. (By the way, by a "friend" here, I meant a fellow Samster out to help, with no other meaning implied.)
If I wanted to, I could have created another account in this forum and posted here using that new account. Then there would be totally no negative association at all with Bro (or DEVIL) Subconscious, and nobody would associate a seemingly-innocent (Wolf in sheep's clothing) fellow Samster here in this thread with a lustful sex maniac looking to devour someone's unsuspecting wife. But is that really necessary? Do I really have to go to that extent to maintain two accounts? Why can't I just be myself? Don't tell me both of you, and ALL the other guys in this thread, do not discuss the merits of this FB or the service of that WL or recount the latest juicy stories in other threads? We are all active in multiple folders and multiple threads. Why should I be judged solely based on what I posted in another thread, which was unhelpfully (and intentionally) referred to here by Bro crood? Like you guys, I chiong outside but I have a sense of decency too. I have a kind heart that I want to share with others. Like many of you, I donated to the typhoon victims in Philippines and I help people around us to the best of our ability, in cash or in kind. I am not trying to test any line. If I have inadvertently given the impression that I am trying to do that, I apologise. Please, leave my other thread alone and let me contribute here.
To show my sincerity and to prove you guys wrong, I will offer my help here publicly for all to see. If Sis cherielady wishes to engage me further for any clarification or further advice (because I am in the same shoes as she is, which all of you guys are not), then she is doing so of her own accord. Sis cherielady, I am putting this statement in public so there is a common understanding between us. You can choose not to PM me if you decide I am a criminal who should be avoided at all costs.
I wish the mini-war to stop here. It is really tiring and very unproductive. Let us get on with helping our dear Sis cherielady. However, if any of you still insists on directing your tirades at me, then so be it. If you think I'm typing a whole load of bullshit here and trying to play reverse psychology, then so be it. I will probably just register a new account and start posting here - And do not worry, I will not mention anything about looking for a FB. I would rather create a new account and start afresh than to carry on with this meaningless war. It has taken up a lot of my time and energy that could have been spent on better causes. If this is the system that operates in this forum, the style that things here are run by, then so be it. After all, I have just returned from a long hiatus, and lots of things have changed (I am probably more senior here than most of you guys and gals are). Give me some time to adjust to this new forum. Have a great evening.