My dear
Alejandro88 (Hiding) aka The GreenLantern (Moderation) aka Royal_Chimp (Banned) aka King_Cobra (Moderation) aka ???, the obsessively deranged frustrated hypocrite/ liar (#1 in SBF) & the ultimate reputation points desperado n #1 idiot in SBF,
Still no shame, i see...even after Sammyboyfor said the following. ..
Originally Posted by sammyboyfor
Life is never fair and the dynamics of sammyboyforum mimic real life in more ways than one.
The reputation system brings out the worst in people. That's why I implemented it... to make the forum more realistic. 
Originally Posted by sammyboyfor
Those who want to take on the Keewee gang need to start the groundwork now.
It doesn't happen overnight. You need to cultivate strategic alliances and build up the troop numbers.
The best nicks to court are the seniors with high rep power as they can benefit you the most. Premium members can be extremely valuable gang members too as they have double power.
I will watch the warfare from the comfort of my office and stir things up a bit once in a while if the battle seems to be dying down. 