My dear
Alejandro88 (Hiding) aka The GreenLantern (Moderation) aka Royal_Chimp (Banned) aka King_Cobra (Moderation) aka ???, the obsessively deranged frustrated hypocrite/ liar (#1 in SBF) & the ultimate reputation points desperado n #1 idiot in SBF,
You just keep on killing yrself wif yr hypocrisy eh?!....

First u luv rep points...
Originally Posted by King.Cobra
I dun agree with your mantra.. Yes, we are all immoral to fuck whores behind our love ones and we critisize them like no body business and we pay whores to spread their legs for us to sextis5 our lust, but why do we have to mass or gang zap other samsters to de-motivate fellow samsters to share info and intel?? It is easy for u to say u can open a new account when u gotten moderated. U forgot one pt, it is ppl hard work to earn pt though it may not be impt to me. Unlike some samsters who earn pt easily w/o contributing.. So did u earn your pt easily thats why u said that?? Earning pt in sbf has become something like earning recognition in working world.. This kind of mentality has become embledded in each & every samsters unless he is a newbies and do not know the meaning behind of earning pts.
And then later on you scorn rep points...?!
Originally Posted by King.Cobra
Of course! But how you answer the question and how u conduct yourself here tell us what kind of samster u belong to! U are fucking naive to thought that rep pt equate respect.. There r so many fellows in the Flaming thread exchange pts like no body business. Do u think they care a fuck on respect and contribution? They treating the rep pts something like some sort of precious ranking or rare gems or stones.. Wakakaka! What a fucking joke this is! Childish!
Let me repeat what I told BG last time, it is not how much rep pt u have that command respect, it is how you conduct yourself & more importantly what u said here that matters!
So which is which?!...Guess u r the flip flopper hypocrite#1 in SBF now eh?!
Btw King_Cobra...yr talk is the cheapest of the cheap...get yr master Alejandro88 to post in the main threads eg. Gl threads and I will naturally reply