My dear
Alejandro88 (Hiding) aka The GreenLantern (Moderation) aka Royal_Chimp (Banned) aka King_Cobra (Moderation) aka ???, the obsessively deranged frustrated hypocrite/ liar (#1 in SBF) & the ultimate reputation points desperado n #1 idiot in SBF,
Let me make it v simple n easy for you...
Get ALL those samsters whom you claim I hv allegedly "offended" n who are allegedly my "enemies" to post in the main threads "daring" me to post replies and I will oblige...
As it now stands you on your own dont have a leg to stand on...

Originally Posted by King.Cobra
Hey, why u dun dare to post in other thread arh nowadays? Izzit bcos u scare kenna zap to moderation arh? I noticed U offended a number of ppl wor. I can tell what you preached is not what want to do in your heart! U onli talk nia. C'mon, walk the talk and show us u are not a coward! I dare you to post in other threads like you used to do if you are not a coward! Wakakaka..