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Old 11-03-2014, 12:35 AM
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Re: raw with house girls

From yr statement below I believe you are one of them doing raw. My advice to u pls get yourself test after 3 maths. If u have hiv then u tell us which wl pass it to u since you claim OKt deserves the same punishment cos his wl pass HIV to u.

Bro pls do yr research, bbbj carry higher risk as compare to BJ with cap. I don't understand why ppl think u crazy wear condom while blowjob? If u want to kena std then u try loh go CDC and doctors will use a long needle to pork your dick then u see painful or not. End of day let see who crazy?

Originally Posted by nakamitchi View Post
Damage Okt reputation ??? Wat talk u,if the okt allow a H.I.V girl to work......then wat reputatuon r u talking,anyway is the H.I.V girl's reputation......not the okt.....doing raw is a known fact in geylang but i wont claim i knew a H.I.V case like u......

Anyway no name to me equal no u can say this thing,tomorrow u can say another thing........i think we have seen enough empty blanks shooting around this point pinpoint ??......i think in the first place no point mention wat wear condom stuff in the thread thinking all bros here r children like dat no common sense like dat to support yr hidden H.I.V agenda.........I can also recommand wear condom before blow job in bath room but many bros here will think i crazy or too free nothing to do to even mention this type of thing......then i say for the whole world gd in tiolet must wear condom first before Wls bend down blow u........n the save the whole world saga becos one H.I.V spread to 10 then 10 spread to 100 n in the end multiply non stop spread the whole world n everybody die......come on la......if i knew who is the girl,i will say so n so from 1??? has H.I.V.....this is SURE confirm......pls avoid at all cost my fellow bros be it u like me or not......not some incomplete salavation theory..........back up with FACTS.....n in this way yr warning others make more concrete sense........If i out of nowhere tell u smoking poisoned yr body......u want listern or not,u will think i crazy........