Read below Condoms not 100% safe:
Warning: Condoms May Not Be 100% Safe
Posted: 11:19 am, January 12, 2013 by Alpha Wann
Many know about condoms. Adults use it as well as teenagers. The massive campaigns advocating the use of condoms have multiplied over the years since the 80s when the AID virus was first ‘discovered’.
Using condoms as a method of contraceptive is now widespread but most of all has become a big business judging by the great number of companies that are now manufacturing it.
So we asked the question: Are condoms really safe?
According to many sources, including scientific cercles, condoms do reduce the risk of sexually Transmitted diseases (STM) or AIDS (Aquired Immuno Deficient Syndrom) or HIV (Human ). However other sources think differently.
“Condoms manufactured from latex are the most popular, and studies conducted on the ability of condoms to prevent the transmission of STDs and HIV most often involve latex condoms. Condoms manufactured from lambskin, also known as “natural skin,” or “natural membrane,” are made from the intestinal lining of lambs. While these condoms can prevent pregnancy, they contain small pores that may permit passage of some STDs, including HIV, the hepatitis B virus, and the herpes simplex virus.” According to Straight Dop “Fighting Ignorance Since 1973”.
Sex tourism, homosexuality, promoscuty, casual sex, all contribute to increasing the risk of sexually transmitted disease..
There was a document published by the Vatican in Rome in 1984 already warning that latex condoms(the condom considered the best) have holes that allow HIV virus to go through.
According to the BBC, The document, called Family Values versus Safe Sex, is a detailed and passionately argued defence of the Church’s position on condoms.
Its author, Cardinal Alfonso Lopez Trujillo, serves as the President of the Pontifical Council for the Family and is known for his hard line stance against contraception.
It goes so far as to suggest that condoms may even be one of the main reasons for the spread of HIV/AIDS.
“the rubber comprising latex condoms has intrinsic voids [pores] about 5 microns (0.00002 inches) in size. Since this is roughly 10 times smaller than sperm, the latter are effectively blocked…. Contrarily, the AIDS virus is only 0.1 micron (4 millionths of an inch) in size. Since this is a factor of 50 smaller than the voids inherent in rubber, the virus can readily pass through.” – Editor of Rubber Chemistry and Technology, Dr. C. Michael Roland of the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory in Washington D.C
Many have died of AIDS since the AIDS virus was ‘discovered’ in 1984, 30 million according to statistics. However there is more and more suggestions that it was actually a man made desease to control the world population. An Indian newspaper, The New Delhi Patriot was the first in 1984 to run a story saying that Aids was created in a U.S biological warfare laboratory.
Now there are many of sources that point out that Dr Gallo, the scientist who was accredited with discovering the AIDS virus, was actually the one who created it. A documentation by Dr Leonard G. Horowitz shows evidence that Dr Gallo did work with the American administration to engineer a biological warfare weapon. The video was posted on the 2 December 2009 and says: “Robert Gallo, the US scientist who is accredited with discovering AIDS some 30 years ago was actually the man who created it.
After forging a close relationship with the US military he worked with them to develop a disease which could be used as a biological weapon – or as we’ve now discovered a means of controlling population expansion.”
If only people took time to understand the world we live in today, many would finally undersatand that condoms do not really prevent SMT but responsibility, abstinence or other natural methods are much safer.