Re: A Cheating Fuck Buddy
And so i thought to myself, 'WOW! That was easy'.
I wasted no time and texted her immediately. Again, long story short, we texted each other and I tried to flirt with her here and there.
And I finally asked her if she wanted to go out with me after a week of texting. It went something like this..
Me: Hey Chantel, I'm wondering if you would want to go out together this saturday?
C: This saturday? I'm meeting my boyfriend liao leh..
Me: Wah! Okay lor. Sunday leh? Free ma?
C: Hmm, should be ok ba. where do you want to go? I feel like watching movie leh. can? :P
Me: ok lor, let's go watch movie then. Wanna watch at Vivocity? I haven't been to the cinema there.
C: Ok lor. I don't mind. Movie you treat right? ^^
Me: Wahhh. Okay lor. I'm like your boyfriend like that. haha..
C: Bleahh :P You wish! So, we meet 2pm at vivo ok?
Me: Steady. Don't fly my kite hor!