Originally Posted by Konnichiwawa
I really don't understand why everytime I promote safe sex you the inly one against it. I have a feeling that u a raw player and already join CDC membership club for HIV/AIDs. Bro don't be selfish pls respect ppl rice bowel and don't sabo ppl.
Hahaha.....this is wat happen when using clones too much until blur liao.....come on la.....i only mention one fucking senior try pattern to RAW wls.....u 鸡同鸭讲 talk wat shit now.....i "AGAINST " wat now may i ask ??? ...u newly register u senior forumer meh ???.....U use yr master nick to talk to me or clone identity talk to me ??......Damn moron the way u talk now.....cant hide yr tail right.....only can use clone to talk to me......u r just a laughing stock now among many bros here everytime i expose u again n again n there is nothing u can do except keep on using clone to reply to me ........but everytime u cant link the conversation becos u kanna screw by me until u lost yr mind liao......this is wat happen when using clones too much.......yr words reveal yr hopelessness n yr identity......pui pui pui......