Originally Posted by StoolPigeon
Please pardon me as i know this is not exactly a commercial sex related issue, but i really need a place where i can get some solid advices, and probably some bros here might have experienced some of the issues i faced.
All my life i have been battling with issues that is affecting my physical appearance badly. I am short (1.68m), have a very sensitive skin condition which gives me bad rashes, awful physical built (my head is big, body is small) and now to make things painfully hard to accept, i have a badly receding hairline & basically going bald.
If not for all these physical defects, I am very certain I will be like most of my peers settled down with a wife and probably have a young child at my age now (30 this year). But instead, I’m draining up both financially and emotionally having to deal with these physical issues one after another – coming to terms with being short and dealing with my skin condition. After spending a lot of money on treatment (consulting skin specialist, laser treatment) and effort for close to 2 years, my skin condition is now finally under control. And just when i thought i could finally accept myself and move on with life, my hair loss deteriorate very badly in the recent one year and now i have an awfully receded hairline (and some balding on the top).
And the emotional cost to my life is immeasurable too – my relative asked my mom if I was a homosexual because of “the way I looked and I cannot seemed to find a gf for quite long”. At work, some of my colleagues passed pretty nasty comments like it’s obvious I find it a challenge to date gals cos I am not tall and now going bald.
And I can’t blame people because it’s a truth that I am indeed short, lacking in physique and to matter matters worse, my hairline is receding awfully bad now.
bro, I understand your frustration as you are single and dealing with your bald hair. I am in my mid thirties, single and some parts of my front hair are getting thinner and after getting exposed to sunlight can see some bald part.
Many say getting bald is sign of bad luck and turn off for girls. I agree with that. However, although I am much older than you and I do not pressure myself to get married.
I see no point, as divorce is also on the rise these days too.
As for my bald head thing, luckily it's not that serious yet. When I comb my hair properly the bald part can still be concealed.
Believe or not last time I rejected a relatives idea trying to introduce a single lady for me to get married. My excuse is that for marriage thing I can handle by myself. In this era I do not believe in match-maker thing anymore.
I do have one married male ex-classmate who is already bald by the age of 30 years and start a family oredi (one child).
However, after getting married he rejected the idea of turning up for the ex-classmate reunion. He used to do that during his single days.
Could it be of his bald head that he refused to turn up? The bald head topic always rises when we mention his name. Is he feeling inferior due of his bald
head? I think very much so.
If that the case I think you should not look down on yourself due to your physical outlook. Do not give pressure on yourself. Just live as normal as possible and ignore what other people say behind your back.
I would stay away and avoid the relatives that are saying all sorts of nasty things behind me. Why do you need them to kepo about your private life?
They simply do not understand what you are going but keep pressuring you to get married. Do you want to be emotionally ruined until you lose your job someday?
Simply lead a happy single life and ignore what other people say. Of course I am not suggesting you to be single forever. For sure you can start and try dating again. I am sure there would be someone who can accept you of your current condition.