Originally Posted by sarahxx
chill bro, there's no need to be so heated up. what i said is an observation and what i hear from my female friends ard me. i am not married so ive nv been in that position to comment my stand.
back to ur point abt men not being responsible for the wife's emotional stability, what i was tryin to point out is that women tend to bottle feelings up instead of talking abt it hence leading to resentment. that's why i said if pp were to be more open w their feelings, resentment will not snowball.
I am not heated up. I am merely pointing out that ultimately you are responsible for your own emotional state of mind.
Like i have said, if you are already predisposed to be unhappy, no one can cheer you up.
Originally Posted by sammyboyfor
I've already explained that.
1. It gets boring screwing the same person day in day out. This applies to both sexes not just men. Mankind was not designed to be monogamous. Many Non Christocentric societies do not impose monogamy on a marriage.
2. Once women have children, they are biologically programmed to switch from reproduction mode to nurturing mode. Sex takes a back seat and maternal instincts take over.
I disagree with this. Again it all links back to the state of mind and followed by choice of action. You can choose to be positive about it and take actions to make things better or choose to be negative about it and be destructive.
In the case of point 1, boredom is self created. It's nothing to do with the moral ethics of society. If the woman is just gonna strip, lie there and let the man hump away, obviously it's gonna get bored after awhile for both man and woman.
I've been married for 14 years, every year i make a conscious effort to celebrate Valentine's Day, her Birthday and our Wedding Anniversary differently. In all, i have came out with 42 different ideas to celebrate the occasions and instead of the typical boring dinner and movie celebration. Yes, i am running out of ideas but that's not gonna stop me from trying to come out with new ones ( i might have to resort to Febreeze one day) to keep things fresh. So similarly it is up to the individual (both man and woman) to keep things fresh in bed.
If you do not know what to do, refer to porn. While porn is mostly acting, it does trigger your imagination. I mean you are life partners, have already seen each to other naked and have already had sex, what's with the inhibitions?
In the case of point 2, everything in your life comes as a total package. Nothing take greater important that another. Life is about achieving equilibrium. Everything in your life deserves equal attention from you. If you choose to ignore something, eventually it will just come back and bite you.