hi all,
personally have also encounter one of this scams.
was adding from people nearby when a supposively 21yr old private school taiwan student that I added replied me. after a few hrs chatting suddenly tell me she selling herself as FL. (she even offered 100/2/2, which is too good to be true.) seeing im free and wanna try my luck digging some shit out, I proceed to book a timing immediately and see how it will turn out.
ask me down to one of the net cafes in west to meet before going to her unit. but also the same excuse of not able to get cash payment and buy some taobao credits for her and show her the receipt, when I enquired, the receipt number is what you redeemed the credits online, so if I bought and showed her the receipt number im done for

luckily I was alert and didn't do it.
proceed to probe her out and scolded her for not mentioning it before I went to meet her. I insist on meeting her before buying whatsoever credits for her and she still did not appear even after accepting my requests. then she asked some Chinese dude (presuming to be her OKT) to call me to explain, whereas the rest is just random ranting about me having to follow their rules. c'mon, we samsters know how the SOP should works right? I decided to fight back and give him a scolding (im a paying customer right?), that's when he pisses off and try to threaten me that this is a gang related syndicate and im messing up with their business. if not for his private number I would have reported to the police anonymously. left the place thereafter learning a new scam scheme to share with fellow brothers.
So, careful brothers, its ok to dig out some random good kang taos. but please avoid any details that might have lost you some money.
Happy chionging to all.