Thread: WeChat Scam
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Old 24-09-2014, 11:10 PM
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Re: WeChat Scam

Originally Posted by pexter View Post
Scammer Alert
Name : Abby
Wechat ID : abby930323

I'm sharing this, so that bros here will be aware of this scam mode and not fall victims...

2 days ago, i was doing a "look around" near AMK and chanced upon a SYT (and i do mean sipeh chio! Bros can take a look at the above ID, there are some pictures in her profile) and i tried adding her... wah, tio buay peo! She actually added me back!

She cut to the chaste right after I said 你好... exchange briefly as follow:

SYT : hi,my name is abby 21years ,在新加坡留学,个人原因最近有兼职从事陪客服务(援交)200/2h,全套,有情趣可以约我 !
(i'm a student studying in Singapore, due to personal reasons i'm doing compensated dating... $200/2, full package, interested please date me!)

Me : 服务包括什么呢?
(what service is included?)

SYT : 包口交,足交,性交,波推,洗澡,kiss,按摩,丝袜诱惑...
(BJ, foot job, BM, bath, kiss, massage and stockings temptation)

To be honest, i didn't see this thread prior (and wasn't really updated about recent scam tactics)...
The story goes - I made an appointment today with her, and she told me today, meet at 6pm, Chinatown MRT Exit A.
When i showed up, i didn't see anyone remotely resembling her, and asked her where she was... and she replied "请拍一张你现在站着的地点, 让我确认一下是不是正确地方!" (please take a photo of your surroundings and show me!)

I actually took a photo of the surroundings and she replied that i was in the correct place... BUT, pattern lai leow...

SYT : 对了我们今天第一次约,为了安全考虑我不方便收你现金哦!交易金额就麻烦你到附近AXS机,换一张1000 点支付宝,等下服务把电子单给我就可以。
(oh btw, as today is our first meeting, due to safety concerns i can't accept cash... have to trouble you to go to the nearest AXS machine and buy RMB1000 Alipay Credits, later during the session you can pass the receipt to me..)

To summarize the subsequent exchange, i insisted on paying cash, but she kept saying that it's too dangerous for her to accept cash la, i must show my sincerity la, out of 100 about 99 girls similar as her will ask for this forms of payment la. And the condition is, i must bring along the AXS receipt to pay her in her room later...

I shoot point blank leow - got hard cash you don't want, you rather have some Alipay credits?! Dangerous? Ranjiao understand... both ways i still show up at your room, what's the difference then, between cash and Alipay credits?

She started taunting me - 你在耍我吗? 你没诚意!臭男人!人渣!小气鬼!etc etc...
I held my ground - cash only, no accept cash, i walk ok!

(in fact at this point in time, i still don't really know how the AXS Alipay credits work, or what information will be shown on the AXS receipt... but i'm quite certain by now that this is a true blue scam leow.... i wanted to see where this was going and pressed on a bit...)

Me : 好了, 我在AXS买好了。。。 (ok i buy the credits already...)
SYT : 你真棒哦! 快拍收据的照片证明你已经买了!(you're great! now take a photo of the receipt and show me!)
Me : Don't try to scam me! I take photo show you, that's the end! You'll see the card number and PIN number immediately go top up, and i'll never hear from you again!

That's where she finished me with a "fuck you go away!" and i tio block leow.
For this, i wasted half an hour of my life today... but i kept my $200

** to bros interested to burn some spare time playing with her... please try adding her... :P
Looks like they are a syndicate...rec'd quite a number of offerings when u msg these fl same trick uses which are quite straight forward in their offer as the above but haven't go thus far....only trying to fish out more info while I have time....should test it out when I'm bored