Let's add on to the list:
1) Toy R Us is at the path way junction after Marine Parade, and further in is a hawker centre. Before it was WyWy wonderspace arcade.
2) My time, SJI, Catholic High, St. Anthony Boys School (where I'm from) and Convent are all locate along Waterloo Street.
3) Sticker albums: Started off with an animal one? Then waste money buying those stickers, and extra ones we used it to gamble by splitting it into 2 stacks and people would bet which one's bottom card number is bigger.
4) Yeah, fishball noodle is only the most $1 or $1.20 in canteen.
5) Pager!!! I had one in secondary school. Like damn pai kia. Hahaha
6) Anyone remember, got one period, they will sell those soft porn magazines even in newstands? Used to buy a lot. Chinese word porn with bikini babes.
7) Roller skating at Goldhill? Square? Or Amara hotel also got one. THat's where I met my first GF when i was 10 and she was 13. ( i bluff her i am 13).
8) Yeah, what happened to all the sand playground?
9) Started smoking around 9-10 yrs old (part time for fun only) Think one small pack is only $1.20?
10) Got one more cartoon! Masks! (Venom are the bad guys)...
11) Leisure World(?) opposite National Stadium: Got arcade. Think there is also a HEALTH CENTRE on the top floor, but didn't know WHAT IT IS at the time, hahahaha (I was only 13-14!) Any Seniors cheong there before???
12) Sega Genisis. Nitendo. Play Street FIghter ONE.