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Old 04-02-2015, 10:27 AM
DemonicSS DemonicSS is offline
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by MoJoe313 View Post
Kids should abstain from sex. Sex is to enjoyed in a marriage. Most bros here don't because they open their presents too early. Choosing a partner should be based on character compatibility, not sex. When characters are compatible, the sex drives will be equally yoked. Its obvious you don't have a daughter. When you eventually have one, you won't be encouraging her to try out with every prospect.

Not that we don't speak up. We just don't agree with the way you think.
First off, I do apologise as I was not aware (well.. I didn't really read all the pages) that this tread was specifically for wives AFTER kids. I got lazy, sorry about that.

Now, actually, I do not agree with you at all with what you say. lol. Let's just put it as "we agree to disagree and that you disagree with what I say" before I continue further.

By kids, I meant around 18 and above - you could call them young adults. I often see parents trying to control their kids beyond that. They should be allowed to date and try around. It is their prime time where they are free to do those. I'd admit I do not have a daughter, but seeing how I met my wife, I'd be more insistent on her having such a life because through experience, she will know what she wants in her future husband in that aspect - not only just n character. I'd want her to enjoy her life with her partner in person and IN BED, like i do now. -You may read this with dismay and say "this is a load of bull". But I'd leave this to you That the outsiders are often the ones who see the bigger picture in your life as many do get entangled in their small little web. I do not say because it is in the end none of my business as the family is yours and not mine. The only reason why I say now is because of the veil of the internet.

You mentioned that sex should be enjoyed in marriage. So how can you enjoy something that you do not know? Yeah I know, you treat sex sacred. but that really defeats the purpose. It shouldn't be the case.

"Choosing a partner should be based on character compatibility, not sex". Ahhh, the biggest elephant in the room is mentioned. As I said, when you choose someone, you choose based on character compatibility AND sexual performance. The world didn't tell you that you could only choose one out of the two choices. So why do that? Wouldn't it have been alot better if you took the time to try out the sex as well yeah? We all like to be prepared cause the future is always uncertain, marriage is important, so closing one more door of uncertainty is definately better right?

Lastly about opening presents too early.. I didn't quite get that. I'm assuming something, but I figured I'd wait till someone explains later on.