Originally Posted by siamcutey
Wah, Monday Morning liao, hahaha, u getting pissed?
So how, u want me to do a banner, promotion flyers for you to distribute around for advocating tirakship with a prostitute?
So what are the dangers u know of?
Knowing there's fire, u go in nevermind, and yet u can don't care about others. Maybe u treat your life as cheap, but then others don't. U don't need direction, but then others do.
Waaaa bro, take it easy lah....
You think they are really "in" into having thai WLs as genuine "tiraks" that they are going to marry in the future? You think they are so noble meh????
Already the title of the thread tells you their intention mah... It didn't say "how to woo a Thai WL to be your tirak?" or to that effect.
They are actually asking for tactics and schemes to romance a Thai WL. You really think anyone who scheme to romance a thai WL is going to be truthful? "Romance" is a nicer word to put it lah... Actually the real implication would be to "cheat" the Thai WL, heart and if possible, everything lah..
So when they see this thread not giving out enough tips on how to scheme the WLs, of course they start complaining lah...
Tee Vee