Originally Posted by singrakthai
Wow, interesting Monday morning with so many funny reads! hehehe
Oh ya!!! I forgot!!! Ur ABAC graduated agogo girlfriend is not in any shithole!!! She choose to work in a Agogo Bar JUST FOR FUN!!!! COS her friends jio her right???? Oh, ya, and cos she simply loves the company of men hence bed performance not like STARFISH right???? Oh ya, I forgot!!!
U and ur lame excuses and reasonings! Dunno she lame or u more lame... anyway, u 2 lamers perfect for each other!
Instead of posting senseless posts,can u answer a few questions then? [quoted from friend,”trying very hard to find fault with u”]
1.If she was in any shithole,why did she forgo her “lucrative” job which she set her path back then when she went to work for a guy like me?U mean for the sake of me,she gave up all her responsibilities of taking care of her “supposedly sick parents,in debts or siblings needing education”?U mean I have the ability to do that?Wow…
2.Talk sense lah,how many Wls do enjoy the trade they are in?
Lame or not,u answer my above questions with the right attitude and mentality then we will proceed from there loh.No point seeing u talking stupid leh.
Tell me what kind of shithole she is in that she can give up her responsibilities and take care a guy from spore?