Originally Posted by newyorker88
Bro, if you love your wife, n you are prepared to take the kid as your own. I salute you.
If go to court, chances are that the court may side your wife, if the bio father DID NOT pay for the expenses( not sure on that, only you know). During the hospitalisation, is a police report filed? Hopsital records? These will prove useful in challenging the ex boyfriend. Court see evidence, not arguments in courts, or black face. Stay calm during the process.
Changing the surname? That comes after this court case. Possible to change too... Since you are married to the mother legally, when give birth, the kid name should be under her name, according to law.
Hope more brothers can contribute more to advise.
Yes police case was filed, bf was arrested and detain for 24hrs, my wife let him go bcoz he pleaded on his knees. But it happen nearly 2 years back, not sure if still can use against him.