22-10-2015, 01:20 PM
Samster (A)
Re: Men's Plus-Pills For Men. Faster Recovery, Harder Erections, ED Solution.
More Reviews.
Originally Posted by WKHeisenberg
A short FR. Wanted to write 1 earlier but cldnt find the thread. Anyway, glad its back so we can share our experiences with this product.
Took half as per directions. After half n hour, felt warm but could feel my little bro was like eager to get some action. As started foreplay, little bro erected till like hes going to explode. Never felt my bro so FULL and hard before. I don't recall him ever being this potent. N the feeling is like u've been aroused for hours but still havnt ejaculate feeling. Even it was very obvious to my partner that my cock is different from what it normally is. She commented that why is it so hard. Naturally I gave some stupid excuse that I didn't know n that im feeling very horny. Of cos, shes not going to complain.
Then we fucked, n I notice that it really took a longer time for me to cum. And after I ejaculated, I could continue with the 2nd round as my bro was still hard. My girl came n came n it was an unforgettable day of sex we had.
Finally had a rest after 2nd round ejaculation while my partner went to was up. Man, the bed was in a mess but a nice mess indeed. Could see her cum n my cum marks all over the sheets.
While we laze together, she was squeezing on my little bro, like how I usually like it n the monster came back to life. Goodness, my bro had a mind of his own. So we ended u fucking again.
I now understand why those other FRs always mention the term RockHard and IronMan cos u really become that ironman during the session.
A truly wonderful product n I highly recommend it to any bro who wants that little edge with their girls. If my partner ever leaves me, im assured that she will never forget that awesome day of fucking we had!
Originally Posted by WKHeisenberg
Seriously u should try. U just take half n u can see ur cock power. I myself also amazed. Beyond my wildest imagination nor expectations. Try n u will know, else talk is just talk.
Even if she ever leaves me, 100% chop n confirm she will never forget how I fucked her. Made my stamp on her. Lol.
Originally Posted by tequila33
Got it from seller on Thurs, very friendly guy, gave me the necessary instructions for using the pills.
Was feeling damn horny last night, so took half a pill 1 hour before the action starts. Dick was rock hard in around 40 mins, gf commented that my brother seems harder!!! Hehehe.
After first round, normally can't erect so fast for second round but brother is super hard after gf itchy hand go touch him again. Very easily aroused plus can maintain erection throughout the action!!!
No side effects for me so far, really good stuffs here!!! Thumbs up!!! 