next update..
And so the busy hustling begins the moment I get back onto mainland.. the liasing and the logistical arrangement to get the barang barang overseas before the event is hard work, especially when there are a lot of last minutes changes.
Nothing much happened during this period of time of preparation. So I shall skip that instead of typing and typing to bore you guys…
So came the time for the conference… being part of the organizing comm, I had the opportunity to travel ahead to the venue before the main bulk of the attendees arrived. Everything had to set up and prep prior to their arrival as it’s a regional conference. Regional big shots are scheduled to attend, and you all know la, big shots schedule changes like flipping a prata.
And with every conference, there will definitely be a gala dinner to end the conference on a high, the network among all the participants, drinking session, and of course phototaking session.
And so popped out this fine young lady who asked to take photograph with me, for keepsake. Sure, why not. I mean who could resist saying NO to a sweet young lady, looking very voluptuous in the sexy, deep cleavage evening gown. I have to admit, she didn’t caught my attention during my trip to my KL office, nor during the whole conference. Probably due to the fact that she was dressed in group attire with the team, or in the event attire(polo t).. and I was busy running around the whole venue making sure that things were running on-time, and everything were made available for the presenters. Oh, let’s call this fine young lady JY.
So after the gala dinner, almost half of the entire entourage decide to head out to see some pasar malam and perhaps have some food as well. Gala dinners ain’t really that filling to be honest…
Went up to the hotel room, changed and met up with the rest at the lobby. JY was already there, and looking very bubbly. My impression of her have changed.. and together with her, were her 2 buddies in the company.. both married, so nothing much to talk about.
Some insights about JY.. she’s about 1.6m tall, average height for Asian girls.. but she does have big boobs for someone her size.. first estimate was a 34C, but gosh was I wrong..
do up my points if you like the story so far.. thanks thanks for support!