We went to walk around the pasar malam in a big group, but it was pretty late, so most of the stalls were starting to pack up for the night. So end up we all head back to the conference venue, which is a very nice resort by the sea, to chill and drink somemore.. we exchanged numbers and soon were chatting away after we retreated back to our respective rooms.
Nothing much happened during the conference though, but a new relationship was in the making. Or so it seems to be that way..
Did I mentioned that me and JY were messaging each other on a daily basis, either thru office messenger or whatsapp when we are away from office? From rantings about bosses and customers, to daily happenings in KL and Singapore. Sometime, even chats till late nights..
Fast forward a couple of months, training packages were ready to be rolled out across the region. So had to travel up to KL office again to conduct training for the sales team, certain training just can’t be conducted thru video conferencing…
Training was normal without much hiccups, and JY was very interested to use what she learnt from the training and sales package to improve her sales numbers, hence approached me to see how to tackle the roadblocks with some of her clientele. She had shortlisted some for me to vet thru, and I actually saw some potential to explore in her clientele selection, so I told her to make some arrangement to see if we could drop by at the client’s office for a discussion and presentation.
And what luck we have! Customer was ok to meet us, but 2 days later rather than tomorrow. Which means I will be in the KL office doing my work instead, good news for me to see more of JY. And rumours were floating quite fast in office that we had crushes on each other, especially at the speed we are progressing in work.
End of the day, we went for a nice dinner hosted by the KL team. JY was seated by my side all the time, bringing me around making sure I’m ok even though I can see she’s busy at times. So the next morning, I bought starbucks coffee and some breakfast for her while making my way to office.
She was pleasantly surprised at the gestures and thank me for it. The day went on normally, and we went to nearby eatery for lunch before heading back to office.
Her manager knew about our field trip the next day, and made sure that I took care of her while we are out and about. Gave the assurance to her manager, and I bade my farewells to the sale team and wished them the best to push for more sale with my sales package. JY and me went for a nice dinner by ourselves and went for a drink after that too.. can’t do without a drink with a beauty by my side right?