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Old 22-11-2015, 03:55 PM
Pockypig Pockypig is offline
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by chanellno5 View Post
Cannot deny that motherhood or parenthood changes everything but I always tell myself not to use this as an excuse for whatever. I still put in effort to stay in shape and not morph into aunty etc but irony is that my other half doesn't appreciate.
The bright side of your situation is that both of u are still having the passion to get it on and I hv to say you have to continuously put in effort to sustain it, her side too. Communication is key. Good luck.
I'm the one who put in effort to stay in shape while she had unleash then beast~
Putting effort to put things right. But it's impossible to reason with ppl who think they are right about everything. Even if u able to really successfully pointed out it's her fault, she will just tell it cause she dunno mah. So communication don't really work for my case.