Originally Posted by chiongsterjb
Bro nono, when will be your december chiong timing?
If i tell you now,my inbox will soon be burst,hehehe...sorry bro. And i dont plan my Dec trip when it still Nov. My planning starts on Dec itself,on the same month I am going Batam. And coming trip will likely be a private one,usually prioritized for those who has joined me in my last trip. And if no one joined,i simply go solo which i enjoy more (seasoned batam players will understand why solo is sometime more enjoyable than in group).

Side note :
Having said all the above,i think many has misunderstood that i am looking for kakis to join me to go to Batam in group.The fact is ,it is not. (it is always new bros 95% of the time whom i didnt even know who joined me in my nearly every newbie learning group) One reason why i choose to organize newbie group once every 2 to 3 months is becos i received many PMs previously by bros who has never visit Batam before and they sincerely wish to try it out. These newbie bros lacks some level of confidence,so the thought occurs to me that i should at least have a small group trip JUST FOR 1st timers or newbies.
I will NEVER forget I was once a newbie , lacking confident to go Batam on my own too. I got chopped carrot big time and wasnt very happy with my 1st 2 trips either.How i wish there was a
newbie guide written by a Nono1973 or a Nono1973 character somewhere would bring me to Batam when i 1st started out. The current
newbie guide on my signature today is enough to get anyone to start out on their own trip to Batam if they were to follow Word to Word on it becos it was written base on my newbie mindset in my 1st 2 to 3 trips when i visited Batam.
Those who joined me in my Batam trips will know there was no monetary gain on my part (or anyone's). In fact its more or less a burden for me and i tends to have to spend a little more. But i need to be honest to everyone here that i do have something to gain from it. I get all the 1st hand information ,like FRs from these newbies who usually dont have the courage to share them in the public forum openly and some of these little tiny crucial information sometimes help me to make my next and future trips better.
I wish to take this opportunity to thank those bros who joined me in the past to Batam in their Newbie Learning trip and those who still continue to PM me their Batam trip FR today.
Sincerely thank you for sharing.
Your shared information has always been proven useful to me and this thread.
Then again,i cannot always have Newbie Learning trip ALL THE TIME or i will be running in circle always doing the same old thing all the time in Batam. It may become a bore and eventually redundant . So i finally decide that i would have 1 exploration private trip,1 newbie learning group trip and occasionally a solo/undeclared trip. 1 stone kill 3 birds in this case as I can get to help others,i get to explore new pasture (and re-explore old places) and i also get to enjoy myself fully w/o being burdened.
Please keep this in mind,i am NOT looking for kakis or friends to join me. The
terms and conditions does help me to find bros with similar frequency to join me in the Newbie Learning Trip. So do read them carefully and try to understand it before you PM me. All are welcome,but not all will be chosen (my apologise in advance here as there are only this much of slots i can handle).
Thats all i wish to say,i like to see everyone having a good time in Batam. And if you didnt,you may wish to read the last 30 pages of this thread and try Batam again the next time...hehehe...its ultra rare to find one who'd fail on their 2nd try. Only a failed 3 attempts means Batam may not be suitable for you (just my personal perspective).